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Jacob Rasmussen - updated: 25-01-2012

Generel user information
Address: Jacob Rasmussen
E-mail address: ***secret***
Homepage: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jr3390
Year of birth: 1991
Initials: JR
Family: Forældre
Work: Privat klaverlærer
Model of binoculars: Kite Pallas
Model of telescope: Kite Falco
Model of camera: Nikon D5000
Dream bird(s): Laplugle
Who I am? 20 år, bor i Hundested, Nordsjælland. Har set på fugle siden foråret 2004. Studerer til dagligt naturvidenskabelig linje på tredje gymnasieår.

Er fotograf, både naturfotograf, men også andet. Tjek min photostream på Flickr:


DK List Ranking
DK species (see ranking, see map): 242(back-up) Self-found (see ranking): -
Latest DK tick (see chronological list): Eurasian Pygmy Owl, Ullerup Skov 25-12-2011
10 biggest DK misses (the most ticked species you have not seen): Tundra Swan (936), Montagu's Harrier (862), Caspian Tern (833), Crested Lark (811), Black Kite (804), Red-crested Pochard (788), Jack Snipe (782), Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (779), Red-necked Phalarope (772), Common Quail (751). The number in bracket are the number birders which have ticked the species.
Illegal DK ticks: (The given date for the observation is not approved by SU): Amerikansk Skarveand(2008-04-12),
I alt opfylder 1 kryds ikke reglerne for afkrydsning af DK arter.
WP/False WP/Lifer Ranking
WP species (see ranking, see map): 308 (back-up) False WP species (see ranking): -
10 biggest WP misses (the most ticked species you have not seen): Caspian Tern (1054), Western Cattle Egret (1045), Common Firecrest (1027), Water Pipit (1003), Black-crowned Night Heron (1001), Lesser Redpoll (1001), Common Nightingale (999), Greater Flamingo (986), Woodchat Shrike (985), Eurasian Dotterel (979)
Non compliant wp x (No date or location) Snow Goose, Blackpoll Warbler
In all 2 non-compliant ticks

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