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Peter Bach - updated: 12-02-2007

Generel user information
Address: Peter Bach
Glerupvej 115
9575 Terndrup
Mobile phone nr.: +4540194808
E-mail address: info at skovhuset dot eu
Year of birth: 1967
Initials: NPB
Model of binoculars: Zeiss 10x50
Model of telescope: Zeiss Diascope 85 T* FL m. 20-60 x zoom
Model of camera: Canon 30D + canon 100-400 + Sigma 50-500
Model of mobile phone: Nokia Garmin Qtec200
Model of car: Mitsubishi Grand Pajero
Dream bird(s): Dem jeg ikke endnu har fået øje på !!
Who I am? Jeg blev vist desværre lidt bidt af at kigge fugle, efter at være taget med rundt at Benny Haahr også herfra siden.. Så derefter er mange af sparepengene gået til kikkerter og kamera scop stativer mm...

Men vi ses nok ude i felten.. Hygge

DK List Ranking
DK species (see ranking, see map): 83(back-up) Self-found (see ranking): -
Latest DK tick (see chronological list): Pied Avocet, Bygholm vejlerne 19-09-2006
10 biggest DK misses (the most ticked species you have not seen): Eurasian Tree Sparrow (1242), Yellowhammer (1209), Great Spotted Woodpecker (1205), Eurasian Wren (1200), Eurasian Skylark (1192), Eurasian Nuthatch (1158), Common Merganser (1157), Goldcrest (1157), Common Cuckoo (1152), Common Chiffchaff (1152). The number in bracket are the number birders which have ticked the species.
WP/False WP/Lifer Ranking
WP species (see ranking, see map): 142 (back-up) False WP species (see ranking): -
10 biggest WP misses (the most ticked species you have not seen): Eurasian Coot (1230), Common Starling (1217), Common Chaffinch (1214), Common House Martin (1212), Eurasian Wren (1195), Yellowhammer (1193), Little Grebe (1193), Eurasian Skylark (1192), Eurasian Blackcap (1185), Common Ringed Plover (1184)
Non compliant wp x (No date or location) Ross's Goose
In all 1 non-compliant ticks

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