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Lars Grøn - updated: 04-11-2020

Generel user information
Address: Lars Grøn
9000 Aalborg
Mobil SMS e-mail: larsnaturfoto@gmail.com
E-mail address: larsnaturfoto at gmail dot com
Nickname: Grøn
Initials: GRØN
Family: Kæreste med Mette. Har en søn fra December 2010 og en datter fra Januar 2019
Work: Hotel og Restaurations branchen
Model of binoculars: Zeiss
Model of telescope: Kowa
Model of camera: Canon
Model of mobile phone: iPhone
Model of car: Peugeot 308 SW og Renault Clio SW
Dream bird(s): Rubinnattergal

DK List Ranking
DK species (see ranking, see map): 405(back-up) Self-found (see ranking): -
Latest DK tick (see chronological list): Oriental Pratincole, Margrethekog 05-07-2021
DK blockers (see the 42 blockers): Little Swift (25), Western Subalpine Warbler (43), Green Warbler (59), Baikal Teal (67), Roseate Tern (75), White-rumped Swift (82), Western Bonelli's Warbler (82). The number in bracket are the number birders which have ticked the species.
10 biggest DK misses (the most ticked species you have not seen): Ross's Gull (422), Ring-billed Gull (323), Audouin's Gull (282), Glaucous-winged Gull (279), Black Grouse (271), Sociable Lapwing (264), Oriental Turtle Dove (254), Great Spotted Cuckoo (249), Bimaculated Lark (244), Rustic Bunting (230). The number in bracket are the number birders which have ticked the species.
Illegal DK ticks: (The given date for the observation is not approved by SU): Cistussanger(2020-07-09), Stellersand(2021-03-18), Rosenterne(2021-06-26), Orientbraksvale(2021-07-05),
I alt opfylder 4 kryds ikke reglerne for afkrydsning af DK arter.
WP/False WP/Lifer Ranking
WP species (see ranking, see map): 9 (back-up) False WP species (see ranking): -
10 biggest WP misses (the most ticked species you have not seen): Mallard (1247), Great Cormorant (1245), Grey Heron (1244), Common Kestrel (1239), Greylag Goose (1234), House Sparrow (1231), Mute Swan (1231), Tufted Duck (1230), Common Buzzard (1230), Eurasian Coot (1230)

Pictures in the gallery?
Number of pictures: 308 Latest uploaded: 08-07-2021
Total hits: 322597 Max hits: 2940

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