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Danmarks artslister

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Carsten Gadgaard

The list below contains all tickable species recorded in Denmark. If the birder has seen a species 2003, it is indicated in two ways. In the left side of the list there will be an 'X' and the name of the species will be written in black. Species not seen by the birder will be written in grey.

A chronological list of Carsten Gadgaard's ticks can be seen by clicking here: Chronological list of the ticks.

1X Red-throated Loon  
2X Black-throated Loon  
3 *Pacific Loon  
4X Great Northern Loon23-05-2006Skagen
5  Yellow-billed Loon  
6X Little Grebe  
7X Great Crested Grebe  
8X Red-necked Grebe  
9X Horned Grebe  
10X Black-necked Grebe  
11 *Black-browed Albatross  
12X Northern Fulmar  
13 *Cory's Shearwater  
14 *Great Shearwater  
15X Sooty Shearwater27-08-2008Blåvands huk
16  Manx Shearwater  
17X*Balearic Shearwater20-07-2009Blåvand
18 *Audubon's Shearwater  
19  European Storm Petrel  
20X Leach's Storm Petrel  
21 *Brown Booby  
22X Northern Gannet  
23X Great Cormorant  
24X*European Shag18-05-2007Skagen, grenen, 6 stk. i en flok
25 *Dalmatian Pelican  
26 *Magnificent Frigatebird  
27X Eurasian Bittern  
28 *American Bittern  
29 *Little Bittern  
30X*Black-crowned Night Heron04-12-2005Rudbøl
31 *Squacco Heron  
32 *Western Cattle Egret  
33X Little Egret  
34X Great Egret Lakolk Klitsø
35X Grey Heron  
36 *Purple Heron  
37X Black Stork27-05-2006Skagen
38X White Stork  
39X*Glossy Ibis29-10-2006Tobberup, Hobro, Danmark
40X Eurasian Spoonbill  
41X Mute Swan  
42  Black Swan  
43X Tundra Swan  
44X Whooper Swan  
45X Tundra Bean Goose  
46  Taiga Bean Goose  
47X Pink-footed Goose  
48X Greater White-fronted Goose  
49X Lesser White-fronted Goose17-06-2007Sneum Engsø
50X Greylag Goose  
51  Bar-headed Goose  
52X Canada Goose  
53X Barnacle Goose  
54X Brant Goose  
55X Red-breasted Goose  
56X Egyptian Goose  
57X Ruddy Shelduck13-08-2005Gl. Hviding Engsø
58X Common Shelduck  
59  Mandarin Duck  
60X Eurasian Wigeon  
61X*American Wigeon01-06-2007Skjern Enge
62X Gadwall  
63 *Baikal Teal  
64X Eurasian Teal  
65X Green-winged Teal Sneum Engsø
66X Mallard  
67X Northern Pintail  
68X Garganey  
69X*Blue-winged Teal02-05-2004Sneum Engsø
70X Northern Shoveler  
71X Red-crested Pochard  
72X Common Pochard  
73X*Ring-necked Duck05-03-2006Guldborgsund
74X*Ferruginous Duck01-04-2007Nielstrup sø
75X Tufted Duck  
76X Greater Scaup  
77X*Lesser Scaup10-02-2009Skjern Enge
78X Common Eider  
79X King Eider02-11-2005Ho bugt
80 *Steller's Eider  
81X Long-tailed Duck  
82X Common Scoter  
83X*Black Scoter19-03-2006Blåvand
84X*Surf Scoter04-01-2006Hvidbjerg Strand
85X Velvet Scoter  
86 *White-winged Scoter  
87 *Stejneger's Scoter  
88X Common Goldeneye  
89X Smew  
90X Red-breasted Merganser  
91X Common Merganser  
92 *Ruddy Duck  
93X European Honey-buzzard  
94X*Black-winged Kite16-04-2007Skagen, grenen
95X Black Kite23-04-2007Skagen
96X Red Kite  
97X White-tailed Eagle  
98 *Egyptian Vulture  
99 *Griffon Vulture  
100 *Short-toed Snake Eagle  
101X Western Marsh Harrier  
102X Hen Harrier  
103X Pallid Harrier16-10-2006Rømø
104X Montagu's Harrier  
105X Northern Goshawk  
106X Eurasian Sparrowhawk  
107X Common Buzzard  
108X*Long-legged Buzzard17-11-2003Engene ved Kongeåen
109X Rough-legged Buzzard  
110X*Greater Spotted Eagle12-02-2007Rømø
111  Lesser Spotted Eagle  
112 *Booted Eagle  
113X Golden Eagle  
114 *Bonelli's Eagle  
115 *Steppe Eagle  
116 *Eastern Imperial Eagle  
117X Western Osprey  
118 *Lesser Kestrel  
119X Common Kestrel  
120 *American Kestrel  
121X Red-footed Falcon04-05-2007Margrethe Kog
122X Merlin  
123X Eurasian Hobby  
124 *Eleonora's Falcon  
125 *Saker Falcon  
126X*Gyrfalcon12-11-2005Bøvling Klit
127X Peregrine Falcon  
128 *Black Grouse  
129X Grey Partridge  
130X Common Quail31-05-2007Vilslev enge
131X Common Pheasant  
132X Water Rail  
133X Spotted Crake26-04-2007Skagen, Nordstrand
134 *Little Crake  
135X*Baillon's Crake21-07-2007Ulvshale
136X Corn Crake19-06-2006Gelså
137X Common Moorhen  
138 *Allen's Gallinule  
139X Eurasian Coot  
140X Common Crane  
141 *Sandhill Crane  
142 *Demoiselle Crane  
143 *Little Bustard  
144 *Macqueen's Bustard  
145 *Great Bustard  
146X Eurasian Oystercatcher  
147X*Black-winged Stilt04-05-2005Sneum Engsø
148X Pied Avocet  
149X*Eurasian Stone-curlew26-07-2006Skivholme
150 *Cream-coloured Courser  
151 *Collared Pratincole  
152 *Oriental Pratincole  
153X*Black-winged Pratincole30-07-2006Sneum Engsø
154X Little Ringed Plover  
155X Common Ringed Plover  
156X Kentish Plover  
157X*Lesser Sand Plover14-08-2004Rømø, Lakolk klitsø
158 *Greater Sand Plover  
159X Eurasian Dotterel  
160X*Pacific Golden Plover15-10-2006Mandø
161X*American Golden Plover14-06-2004Fanø nordspids
162X European Golden Plover  
163X Grey Plover  
164 *Sociable Lapwing  
165 *White-tailed Lapwing  
166X Northern Lapwing  
167X Red Knot  
168X Sanderling  
169X*Semipalmated Sandpiper30-05-2005Sneum
170 *Red-necked Stint  
171X Little Stint  
172X Temminck's Stint  
173X*White-rumped Sandpiper28-05-2005Skallingen
174X*Baird's Sandpiper07-09-2007Skagen, grenen
175X Pectoral Sandpiper16-09-2006Lejø
176X*Sharp-tailed Sandpiper27-07-2008Agger Tange
177X Curlew Sandpiper  
178X Purple Sandpiper  
179X Dunlin  
180X Broad-billed Sandpiper  
181 *Stilt Sandpiper  
182X*Buff-breasted Sandpiper31-08-2005Ribe kammersluse
183X Ruff  
184X Jack Snipe  
185X Common Snipe  
186  Great Snipe  
187X*Long-billed Dowitcher10-05-2005Rømø, Lakolk klitsø
188X Eurasian Woodcock  
189X Black-tailed Godwit  
190 *Hudsonian Godwit  
191X Bar-tailed Godwit  
192X Whimbrel  
193X Eurasian Curlew  
194 *Upland Sandpiper  
195X*Terek Sandpiper28-05-2006Ribe Kammersluse
196X Common Sandpiper  
197X*Spotted Sandpiper18-05-2007Egå engsø
198X Green Sandpiper  
199X Spotted Redshank  
200 *Greater Yellowlegs  
201X Common Greenshank  
202 *Lesser Yellowlegs  
203X Marsh Sandpiper14-08-2004Rømø, Lakolk klitsø
204X Wood Sandpiper  
205X Common Redshank  
206X Ruddy Turnstone  
207 *Wilson's Phalarope  
208X Red-necked Phalarope  
209X Red Phalarope12-10-2008Blåvand
210X Pomarine Jaeger05-11-2005Sabinebunkeren, Blåvand
211X Parasitic Jaeger  
212  Long-tailed Jaeger  
213X Great Skua Skagen
214X*Ivory Gull29-12-2006Langø
215X Sabine's Gull  
216X Black-legged Kittiwake  
217 *Slender-billed Gull  
218 *Bonaparte's Gull  
219X Black-headed Gull  
220X Little Gull  
221X*Ross's Gull28-12-2007Esbjerg Havn
222X*Laughing Gull26-08-2008Blåvand
223 *Franklin's Gull  
224X Mediterranean Gull  
225 *Audouin's Gull  
226 *Pallas's Gull  
227X Common Gull  
228 *Ring-billed Gull  
229X Lesser Black-backed Gull  
230X European Herring Gull  
231X Yellow-legged Gull14-07-2006Esbjerg Havn
232X Caspian Gull  
233 *Armenian Gull  
234X Iceland Gull  
235X Glaucous Gull  
236X Great Black-backed Gull  
237 *Glaucous-winged Gull  
238X*Bridled Tern22-07-2007Blåvand
239X Little Tern  
240X Gull-billed Tern02-08-2007Fuglekøjen ved Sønderho
241X Caspian Tern  
242 *Whiskered Tern  
243X Black Tern  
244X White-winged Tern20-05-2007Sneum Engsø
245X Sandwich Tern  
246 *Elegant Tern  
247X Common Tern  
248 *Roseate Tern  
249X Arctic Tern  
250X Common Murre  
251 *Thick-billed Murre  
252X Razorbill  
253X Black Guillemot  
254X Little Auk23-10-2005Blåvand
255X Atlantic Puffin13-08-2005Vejle havn
256 *Pallas's Sandgrouse  
257X Rock Dove  
258X Stock Dove  
259X Common Wood Pigeon  
260X Eurasian Collared Dove  
261X European Turtle Dove  
262X*Oriental Turtle Dove14-01-2007Bække
263 *Mourning Dove  
264X*Great Spotted Cuckoo02-08-2006Pøl, Sydals
265X Common Cuckoo  
266 *Black-billed Cuckoo  
267 *Yellow-billed Cuckoo  
268X Western Barn Owl  
269 *Eurasian Scops Owl  
270X Eurasian Eagle-Owl  
271X*Snowy Owl13-04-2009Agger tange
272X*Northern Hawk-owl25-12-2005Hjardemål
273X*Eurasian Pygmy Owl18-01-2012Solbjerg plantage
274X Little Owl  
275X Tawny Owl09-05-2007Lunden, Varde
276X Long-eared Owl  
277X Short-eared Owl  
278X Boreal Owl19-10-2007Skagen
279X European Nightjar  
280 *Egyptian Nightjar  
281 *White-throated Needletail  
282X Common Swift  
283 *Pallid Swift  
284 *Pacific Swift  
285 *Alpine Swift  
286 *White-rumped Swift  
287 *Little Swift  
288X Common Kingfisher  
289 *Blue-cheeked Bee-eater  
290X European Bee-eater  
291 *European Roller  
292X Eurasian Hoopoe  
293X Eurasian Wryneck  
294 *Northern Flicker  
295X European Green Woodpecker  
296X Black Woodpecker  
297X Great Spotted Woodpecker  
298 *Middle Spotted Woodpecker  
299X Lesser Spotted Woodpecker  
300 *Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker  
301 *Bimaculated Lark  
302X*Greater Short-toed Lark17-05-2006Tarp Enge
303X Crested Lark  
304X Woodlark19-10-2005Mandø
305X Eurasian Skylark  
306X Horned Lark  
307X Sand Martin  
308 *Eurasian Crag Martin  
309X Barn Swallow  
310X Common House Martin  
311X Red-rumped Swallow10-05-2007Årslev Engsø
312X Richard's Pipit15-10-2007Mosen, Blåvand
313 *Blyth's Pipit  
314X Tawny Pipit19-08-2007Staunings Ø
315 *Olive-backed Pipit  
316X Tree Pipit  
317X Meadow Pipit  
318  Red-throated Pipit  
319X Eurasian Rock Pipit  
320X Water Pipit15-12-2007Ribe Østerå
321X Western Yellow Wagtail  
322 *Citrine Wagtail  
323X Grey Wagtail  
324X White Wagtail  
325X Bohemian Waxwing  
326X White-throated Dipper  
327X Eurasian Wren  
328X Dunnock  
329 *Siberian Accentor  
330 *Alpine Accentor  
331X European Robin  
332 *Rufous-tailed Robin  
333X Thrush Nightingale  
334X Common Nightingale29-04-2007Blåvandshuk
335 *Siberian Rubythroat  
336X Bluethroat  
337X*Red-flanked Bluetail30-10-2008Blåvand fuglestation
338X Black Redstart  
339X Common Redstart  
340X Whinchat  
341X European Stonechat  
342 *Siberian Stonechat  
343 *Stejneger’s Stonechat  
344X*Isabelline Wheatear13-10-2005Nyeng, Ho
345X Northern Wheatear  
346X*Pied Wheatear11-10-2005Vilslev Enge
347 *Western Black-eared Wheatear  
348 *Eastern Black-eared Wheatear  
349X*Desert Wheatear30-10-2005Vest Stadil Fjord
350 *White-crowned Wheatear  
351 *Common Rock Thrush  
352 *White's Thrush  
353 *Swainson's Thrush  
354X Ring Ouzel  
355X Common Blackbird  
356 *Eyebrowed Thrush  
357 *Dusky Thrush  
358X*Black-throated Thrush03-02-2007København, Zoologisk museum
359X Fieldfare  
360X Song Thrush  
361X Redwing  
362X Mistle Thrush  
363 *American Robin  
364 *Zitting Cisticola  
365X*Lanceolated Warbler17-10-2008Grønningen, Blåvand
366X Common Grasshopper Warbler  
367X River Warbler10-07-2007Vesterskoven, Haderslev
368X Savi's Warbler10-05-2007Brabrand sø
369 *Gray's Grasshopper Warbler  
370 *Aquatic Warbler  
371X Sedge Warbler  
372 *Paddyfield Warbler  
373 *Blyth's Reed Warbler  
374X Marsh Warbler  
375X Eurasian Reed Warbler  
376X Great Reed Warbler11-08-2006Sneum Engsø
377 *Eastern Olivaceous Warbler  
378 *Booted Warbler  
379X Icterine Warbler  
380 *Melodious Warbler  
381 *Marmora's Warbler  
382X*Eastern Subalpine Warbler07-06-2007Blåvand
383 *Western Subalpine Warbler  
384X*Sardinian Warbler20-06-2007Blåvandshuk
385 *Rüppell's Warbler  
386 *Asian Desert Warbler  
387X Barred Warbler02-08-2008Blåvand
388X Lesser Whitethroat  
389X Common Whitethroat  
390X Garden Warbler  
391X Eurasian Blackcap  
392 *Green Warbler  
393  Greenish Warbler  
394 *Two-barred Warbler  
395X*Arctic Warbler11-08-2008Blåvand Fuglestation
396X Pallas's Leaf Warbler  
397X Yellow-browed Warbler02-10-2005Skallingen, laboratoriet
398 *Hume's Leaf Warbler  
399 *Radde's Warbler  
400X*Dusky Warbler30-10-2008Blåvand fuglestation
401 *Sulphur-bellied Warbler  
402 *Western Bonelli's Warbler  
403X Wood Warbler  
404X Common Chiffchaff  
405 *Iberian Chiffchaff  
406X Willow Warbler  
407X Goldcrest  
408X Common Firecrest22-03-2008Blåvand
409 *Asian Brown Flycatcher  
410X Spotted Flycatcher  
411X Red-breasted Flycatcher21-09-2005Mandø
412 *Taiga Flycatcher  
413  Collared Flycatcher  
414X European Pied Flycatcher  
415X Bearded Reedling  
416X Long-tailed Tit  
417X Eurasian Blue Tit  
418X Great Tit  
419X European Crested Tit  
420X Coal Tit  
421X Marsh Tit  
422X Willow Tit15-02-2007Høgsbro Plantage
423X Eurasian Nuthatch  
424X Eurasian Treecreeper  
425X Short-toed Treecreeper  
426X Eurasian Penduline Tit  
427X Eurasian Golden Oriole  
428 *Brown Shrike  
429 *Red-tailed Shrike  
430X Red-backed Shrike  
431X*Long-tailed Shrike15-10-2007Skallingen
432X*Lesser Grey Shrike17-07-2008Lebøl, Als
433X Great Grey Shrike  
434X*Woodchat Shrike23-05-2008Blåvand
435X Eurasian Jay  
436X Eurasian Magpie  
437X Spotted Nutcracker  
438X Western Jackdaw  
439 *Daurian Jackdaw  
440X Rook  
441X Carrion Crow  
442X Hooded Crow  
443X Northern Raven  
444 *Spotless Starling  
445X Common Starling  
446X Rosy Starling11-06-2006Tipperne
447X House Sparrow  
448 *Spanish Sparrow  
449X Eurasian Tree Sparrow  
450 *White-winged Snowfinch  
451 *Red-eyed Vireo  
452X Common Chaffinch  
453X Brambling  
454X European Serin  
455X European Greenfinch  
456X European Goldfinch  
457X Eurasian Siskin  
458X Common Linnet  
459X Twite  
460X Lesser Redpoll  
461X Common Redpoll  
462X Arctic Redpoll  
463X Two-barred Crossbill17-10-2005Sønderho
464X Red Crossbill  
465  Parrot Crossbill  
466X*Trumpeter Finch06-08-2007Thyborøn havn
467X Common Rosefinch  
468 *Pine Grosbeak  
469X Eurasian Bullfinch  
470X Hawfinch  
471X*Blackpoll Warbler15-10-2006Mandø
472 *White-throated Sparrow  
473 *Dark-eyed Junco  
474X Lapland Longspur  
475X Snow Bunting  
476 *Pine Bunting  
477X Yellowhammer  
478 *Cirl Bunting  
479 *Rock Bunting  
480 *Cinereous Bunting  
481X Ortolan Bunting  
482 *Yellow-browed Bunting  
483X*Rustic Bunting05-10-2007Ho skov
484X*Little Bunting10-10-2005Hvide Sande, bag Falck station
485 *Yellow-breasted Bunting  
486X Common Reed Bunting  
487 *Red-headed Bunting  
488 *Black-headed Bunting  
489X Corn Bunting  
490 *Rose-breasted Grosbeak  

Carsten Gadgaard have ticked 337 species at his Danmarks artslister.

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