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World Bird List
Species factsheetBuff-banded Rail (Gallirallus philippensis)Family: Rails, Crakes & Coots (Rallidae) Danish name: Båndet Rikse Voices can be found here (External link) Subspecies and Distribution andrewsi Cocos Keeling Is. (Indian O.) xerophilus Gunungapi Wetar (Banda Sea) wilkinsoni Flores I. (Lesser Sundas) philippensis Philippines, Sulawesi, Sumba to Timor pelewensis Palau Is. (w Caroline Is.) anachoretae Kaniet Is. (Admiralty Is.) admiralitatis Admiralty Is. praedo Skokie I. (Admiralty Is.) lesouefi New Hanover, New Ireland, Tabar, Tanga (Bismarck Arch.) meyeri Witu, New Britain (Bismarck Arch.) christophori Solomon Is. sethsmithi Vanuatu, Fiji Is. swindellsi New Caledonia, Loyalty Is. goodsoni Samoa, Niue Is. ecaudatus Tonga assimilis New Zealand lacustris Macquarie Is. (sw corner of the Pacific) reductus ne and c New Guinea, Long I. randi w New Guinea wahgiensis e New Guinea tounelieri Coral Sea Is. (se New Guinea to n New Caledonia) mellori s and w New Guinea, Australia, Norfolk I. |
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