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World Bird List
Species factsheetEurasian Eagle-Owl (Bubo bubo)Family: Owls (Strigidae) Danish name: Stor Hornugle Voices can be found here (External link) Subspecies and Distribution hispanus Iberian Pen. nikolskii e Iraq to w Pakistan ruthenus c, e and s European Russia sibiricus Ural Mts.of e European Russia and w Siberia to c and sw Siberia yenisseensis c Siberia to n Mongolia jakutensis nc and ne Siberia turcomanus Kazakhstan to w Mongolia and nw China omissus ne Iran and Turkmenistan to w China hemachalanus w Himalayas to w Tibet tibetanus Tibetan Plateau tarimensis e Tarim Basin (w China) to s Mongolia kiautschensis e China, Korea ussuriensis se Siberia and e Mongolia to ne China and e Siberia borissowi Sakhalin and Kuril Is. (off se Siberia) Photos click here to view all 37 photos in the gallery |
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