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World Bird List
Species factsheetCommon Paradise Kingfisher (Tanysiptera galatea)Family: Kingfishers (Alcedinidae) Danish name: Paradisisfugl Voices can be found here (External link) Subspecies and Distribution emiliae Rau I. (n Moluccas) doris Morotai I. (n Moluccas) browningi Halmahera (n Moluccas) brunhildae Doi I. (n Moluccas) margarethae Bacan I. (n Moluccas) sabrina Kayoa I. (n Moluccas) obiensis Bisa, Obi Latu and Obi (c Moluccas) acis Buru I. (s Moluccas) boanensis Boano I. (s Moluccas) nais Manipa, Ambon, Seram, Manawoka and Gorong (s Moluccas) galatea nw New Guinea and the w Papuan islands meyeri n New Guinea minor s New Guinea vulcani Manam I. (off ne New Guinea) rosseliana Rossel I. (e Louisiade Arch.) |
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