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World Bird List
Species factsheetLittle Kingfisher (Ceyx pusillus)Family: Kingfishers (Alcedinidae) Danish name: Lille Isfugl Voices can be found here (External link) Subspecies and Distribution halmaherae Halmahera and Bacan (n Moluccas) laetior n New Guinea pusillus w Papuan islands, w, s and e New Guinea, Aru Is., Kai Is. and D'Entrecasteaux Arch. ramsayi n Australia halli ne Australia masauji BismarckArch. bougainvillei Buka and Bougainville east to Choiseul, Santa Isabel and Florida Is. (n and nc Solomons Is.) richardsi Vellalavella to Vangunu (sc Solomon Is.) aolae Guadalcanal (se Solomon Is.) |
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