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World Bird List
Species factsheetBlood Pheasant (Ithaginis cruentus)Family: Pheasants, Fowl & Allies (Phasianidae) Danish name: Blodfasan Voices can be found here (External link) Subspecies and Distribution cruentus n Nepal, nw Bhutan, s Tibet tibetanus e Bhutan, se Tibet marionae w Yunnan (sw China), ne Burma rocki w Yunnan (sw China) clarkei Lichiang Moutains in nw Yunnan (sw China) geoffroyi e Tibet and sw Sichuan (w China), se Tibet berezowskii w and n Sichuan to s Gansu (c China) beicki ne Qinghai (nc China) michaelis n Qinghai, Gansu (nc China) sinensis Shensi (c China) Photos click here to view all 5 photos in the gallery |
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