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Bird list of Denmark

* Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) - (12/45)

Records statistics
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Year statistics
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Only one day5
More than one day7
Region statistics
The month and year statistics are based on the records first date only.

Records map
Kort over fund af Griffon Vulture

Overview of records
  • 2021-06-12 -(07-22) : 1 2cy Nordby Bakker, Samsø, ÅH (same bird!)g info
  • 2021-06-08 : 1 2cy att. to migr. Fakkebjerg, Langeland, F (same bird!)g info
  • 2021-06-05 -(06-06) : 1 2cy att. to migr. Skagen & Hulsig Hede, NJginfo
  • 2020-06-26 -(06-30) : 1 3cy Bjerg/Hygum, RK (same bird!)ginfo
  • 2020-06-25 : 1 3cy Stråsø Plantage, RKg info
  • 2019-06-06 : 1 2cy Dybvad, NJ (same bird!)g info
  • 2019-05-23 -(05-25) : 1 2cy att. to migr. Skagen, NJg info
  • 2017-07-05 -(07-09) : 1 3cy Bøtø Nor, LF (same bird!)g info
  • 2017-07-04 : 1 3cy+ Fakkebjerg, Fg info
  • 2017-06-25 -(06-27) : 1 3cy Saksfjed Inddæmning og Hyllekrog, LFg info
  • 2016-07-13 : 1 2cy migr. Stovby, LF (same bird!)g info
  • 2016-07-13 -(07-21) : 1 2cy Maribo Søndersø, LF (same bird!)g info
  • 2016-07-03 : 1 2cy Maribo Søndersø, LF (same bird!)g info
  • 2016-07-02 : 1 2 cy migr. Slivsø, Hoptrup, SJ (same bird!)g info
  • 2016-06-28 : 18 imm. rst. Kællingtand, Ålestrup, NJ (same bird!)g info
  • 2016-06-25 -(06-27) : 28 imm. rst. Vesterris Plantage, Kællingtand og Lerkenfeld Ådal, Ålestrup, NJ (same bird!)g info
  • 2016-06-24 : 34 Lindenborg Gods og Skov, NJg info
  • 2016-06-24 : 23 imm Enslev, Randers, ÅH (same bird!)g info
  • 2016-06-24 : 33 imm. trk. Aalborg, NJ (same bird!)g info
  • 2016-06-24 -(06-25) : 28 imm. rst. Dall Hede, Aalborg, NJ (same bird!)g info
  • 2016-06-21 -(06-22) : 1 2cy Bøtø Nor, LFg info
  • 2013-08-27 : 1 3cy migr. Rødovre, Sg info
  • 2013-06-14 -(06-15) : 1 2cy Kåstrup nord for Skive, NJg info
  • 1986-10-10 -(10-11) : 1 Sønderskoven, Als, SJ (same bird!)g info
  • 1986-10-01 -(10-02) : 1 Hennetved and Dovns Klint, Langeland, Fg info
  • 1985-05-25 : 1 Dronninglund Storskov, NJ (same bird!)g info
  • 1985-05-24 -(05-25) : 1 Skagen, NJ (same bird!)g info
  • 1985-05-22 -(05-23) : 1 Gjerrild, Djursland, ÅHg info
  • 1858-??-?? : 1 Katholm, Djursland, ÅHg info
    The text colour indicate whatever the record is from this year (red), the previous year (blue) or another year (black). Records in (grey) are records involving birds already mentioned in another record.

    The letter at the right, indicate the Danish Rarity Committee (Sjældenhedsudvalget, SU) position to the record: g=accepted : u=under evaluation : e=not yet submitted to SU.

    By clicking the "info" link at the right a more detailed information about the record and pictures will be available, if any?

    Picture: Information: Com.: Date: Hits:
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Plet enge, Denmark
    Photographer:Lars Grøn, Denmark
    - 28-06-2020 655
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Plet enge, Denmark
    Photographer:Lars Grøn, Denmark
    - 28-06-2020 660
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Plet enge, Denmark
    Photographer:Lars Grøn, Denmark
    - 28-06-2020 679
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Hygum, Vestjylland, Denmark
    Photographer:Klaus Dichmann, Denmark
    - 28-06-2020 715
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:Lidt fjerpleje inden sengetid
    Location:Hygum, Vestjylland, Denmark
    Photographer:Klaus Dichmann, Denmark
    - 27-06-2020 831
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Dall Hede, Nordjylland, Denmark
    Photographer:Hans Henrik Larsen, Denmark
    - 25-06-2016 962
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:Direkte øjenkontakt
    Location:Dall Hede, Nordjylland, Denmark
    Photographer:Hans Henrik Larsen, Denmark
    - 25-06-2016 966
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Bøtø Nor, Denmark
    Photographer:Carsten Holm Petersen, Denmark
    - 08-07-2017 975
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Dall Hede, Aalborg, Denmark
    Photographer:Henrik Pedersen, Denmark
    - 25-06-2016 1016
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Hygum, Vestjylland, Denmark
    Photographer:Klaus Dichmann, Denmark
    - 27-06-2020 1075
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Dall Hede, Aalborg, Denmark
    Photographer:Henrik Pedersen, Denmark
    - 25-06-2016 1096
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Dall Hede, Nordjylland, Denmark
    Photographer:Hans Henrik Larsen, Denmark
    - 25-06-2016 1097
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Bøtø Nor, Denmark
    Photographer:Carsten Holm Petersen, Denmark
    - 08-07-2017 1104
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Vesterris Plantage - Nord Jylland, Denmark
    Photographer:Carl Bohn, Denmark
    - 25-06-2016 1109
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Dall Hede, Aalborg, Denmark
    Photographer:Henrik Pedersen, Denmark
    - 25-06-2016 1116
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Dall Hede, Nordjylland, Denmark
    Photographer:Hans Henrik Larsen, Denmark
    - 25-06-2016 1120
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Dall Hede, Aalborg, Denmark
    Photographer:Henrik Pedersen, Denmark
    - 25-06-2016 1128
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Saftevandsbakken, Skagen, Denmark
    Photographer:Anders Jensen, Denmark
    - 24-05-2019 1166
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:Direkte øjenkontakt
    Location:Dall Hede, Nordjylland, Denmark
    Photographer:Hans Henrik Larsen, Denmark
    - 25-06-2016 1168
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:Humpback
    Location:Plet Enge, Denmark
    Photographer:Allan Kjær Villesen, Denmark
    - 28-06-2020 1201
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:Gardinerne rullet op - sover
    Location:Plet Enge, Denmark
    Photographer:Allan Kjær Villesen, Denmark
    - 28-06-2020 1209
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Saftevandsbakken, Skagen, Denmark
    Photographer:Anders Jensen, Denmark
    - 24-05-2019 1217
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) ssp. fulvus
    Title / info:På vej til rast i et fyrretræ
    Location:Vesterris Plantage, Denmark
    Photographer:Kis Boel, Denmark
    - 26-06-2016 1226
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    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Aalestrup, Kællingetandsvej, NJ, Denmark
    Photographer:Sune Riis Sørensen, Denmark
    - 27-06-2016 1234
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Plet Enge, Denmark
    Photographer:Allan Kjær Villesen, Denmark
    - 28-06-2020 1254
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Monfragüe, Denmark
    Photographer:Bjørn Frikke, Denmark
    - 03-04-2015 1270
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:Formodet 2K med Gråkrage
    Location:Bøtø Nor, Denmark
    Photographer:Thomas Varto Nielsen, Denmark
    - 21-06-2016 1294
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Kællingtand, Denmark
    Photographer:Jan Skrubbeltrang, Denmark
    - 28-06-2016 1297
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Kællingetand, Denmark
    Photographer:Henning Larsen, Denmark
    - 28-06-2016 1299
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Kællingtand, Denmark
    Photographer:Jan Skrubbeltrang, Denmark
    - 28-06-2016 1303
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:I overnatningstræ lige ved vejen
    Location:Plet Enge, Denmark
    Photographer:Allan Kjær Villesen, Denmark
    - 28-06-2020 1307
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Bøtø Nor, Denmark
    Photographer:Carsten Holm Petersen, Denmark
    - 08-07-2017 1312
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:Et dansk grantræ med otte Gåsegribbe
    Location:Dall Hede, Nordjylland, Denmark
    Photographer:Hans Henrik Larsen, Denmark
    - 25-06-2016 1325
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:Blå farvering 0A1
    Location:Plet Enge, Denmark
    Photographer:Allan Kjær Villesen, Denmark
    - 28-06-2020 1348
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:Et lille udsnit af flokken
    Location:Dall Hede, Aalborg, Denmark
    Photographer:Hans Henrik Larsen, Denmark
    - 25-06-2016 1348
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Kællingetand, Denmark
    Photographer:Henning Larsen, Denmark
    - 28-06-2016 1383
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:Gåsegribbe, smukt kommer de glidende...lige hen over!
    Location:Vesterris Plantage, Denmark
    Photographer:Kis Boel, Denmark
    - 26-06-2016 1386
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Kællingtand ved aars, Denmark
    Photographer:Torben Lyng, Denmark
    - ??-??-2016 1405
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:To ud af en flok på 17
    Location:Dall Hede, Denmark
    Photographer:Thomas Garm Pedersen, Denmark
    - 25-06-2016 1428
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Skagen, Denmark
    Photographer:Lars Grøn, Denmark
    - 05-06-2021 1433
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:Højt kredsende Gåsegribbe over Kællingtand.
    Location:Kællingtand - Nord Jylland, Denmark
    Photographer:Carl Bohn, Denmark
    - 26-06-2016 1448
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:Gåsegrib på en smuk blå himmel, i Danmark ;-)!
    Location:Vesterris Plantage, Denmark
    Photographer:Kis Boel, Denmark
    - 26-06-2016 1461
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Kællingtand, Denmark
    Photographer:Jan Skrubbeltrang, Denmark
    - 28-06-2016 1463
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Kællingetand, Denmark
    Photographer:Henning Larsen, Denmark
    - 28-06-2016 1466
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Kællingtand, Denmark
    Photographer:Lars Grøn, Denmark
    - 27-06-2016 1478
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    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Kællingtand, NJ, Denmark
    Photographer:Søren Kristoffersen, Denmark
    - 26-06-2016 1519
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    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Vesteris Plantage, Denmark
    Photographer:Morten Bentzon Hansen, Denmark
    - 25-06-2016 1534
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Bøtø Nor, Denmark
    Photographer:Per Schiermacker-Hansen, Denmark
    - 21-06-2016 1544
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Bøtø Nor, Denmark
    Photographer:Carsten Holm Petersen, Denmark
    - 08-07-2017 1602
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:Formodet 2K
    Location:Bøtø Nor, Falster, Denmark
    Photographer:Thomas Varto Nielsen, Denmark
    - 21-06-2016 1655
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    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Kåstrup, nord for Skive, Denmark
    Photographer:Gerner Majlandt, Denmark
    - 14-06-2013 1659
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:Formodet 2K med Gråkrage
    Location:Bøtø Nor, Falster, Denmark
    Photographer:Thomas Varto Nielsen, Denmark
    - 21-06-2016 1743
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:Andendagsgilde
    Location:Kåstrupvej, Oddense, Salling, Denmark
    Photographer:Jan Lindgaard Rasmussen, Denmark
    - 15-06-2013 1771
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    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:3K+
    Location:Bøtø Nor, Falster, Denmark
    Photographer:Klaus Malling Olsen, Denmark
    - 06-07-2017 1933
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    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Kåstrup, nord for Skive, Denmark
    Photographer:Gerner Majlandt, Denmark
    - 14-06-2013 1962
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Rødovre, Denmark
    Photographer:Charlotte Thomsen, Denmark
    - 27-08-2013 2005
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:Rastede her til aften, den er der også i morgen!
    Location:Kåstrup, Denmark
    Photographer:Tonny Ravn Kristiansen, Denmark
    - 14-06-2013 2507
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    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Kåstrup, nord for Skive, Denmark
    Photographer:Gerner Majlandt, Denmark
    - 14-06-2013 2612
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:Mobbes af Gråkrage der er lige ved at slå kløerne i ryggen på den.
    Location:Øst for Oddense, Denmark
    Photographer:Allan Kjær Villesen, Denmark
    - 15-06-2013 2662
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    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:Kåstrup, N/Skive, Midtjylland
    Photographer:Peter Nielsen, Denmark
    - 15-06-2013 2733
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    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Kåstrup, nord for Skive, Denmark
    Photographer:Gerner Majlandt, Denmark
    - 14-06-2013 2858
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:Stort vingefang over Kåstrup
    Location:Øst for Oddense, Denmark
    Photographer:Hans Staunstrup, Denmark
    - 15-06-2013 2870
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:Gåsegrib med uønsket selskab
    Location:Hindingvej ved Oddense, Denmark
    Photographer:Jan Durinck, Denmark
    - 15-06-2013 3014
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    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Kåstrup, nord for Skive, Denmark
    Photographer:Gerner Majlandt, Denmark
    - 14-06-2013 3363
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Rødovre, Denmark
    Photographer:Charlotte Thomsen, Denmark
    - 27-08-2013 3610
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    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:Sommerdag på landet med kirketårn og vilde fugle
    Location:Kåstrup, N/Skive, Danmark, Denmark
    Photographer:Peter Nielsen, Denmark
    - 15-06-2013 4021
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:Gåsegrib nw for Skive
    Location:Kåstrup Genbrugsplads/losseplads, Denmark
    Photographer:Gorm Thyge Wæhrens, Denmark
    - 14-06-2013 4206
    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Location:Rødovre, Denmark
    Photographer:Charlotte Thomsen, Denmark
    - 27-08-2013 4492
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    Bird species: iocGriffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus)
    Title / info:Gråkragen forsvinder mellem vingerne på det midterste billede.
    Location:Kåstrup, Salling, Denmark
    Photographer:Gerner Majlandt, Denmark
    - 15-06-2013 4563

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