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Nordjyllands Fugle 2011

Rørvig Fuglestation - hent rapporten for 2011 her


Nyheds kategori: International

Rare Bird Alert weekly round-up: 19 Dec 2012 - 01 Jan 2013

Artiklen er tilføjet af MBH onsdag 2. januar 2013 kl. 19.08. Læst 1348 gange
Af Rare Bird Alert
The week's highlights:
Rose-breasted Grosbeak still on the Isles of Scilly
Buff-bellied Pipit in Berkshire joined by another
Hornemann’s Arctic Redpoll departs to pastures new
Black Duck reappears in Highland
Laughing Gull in Aberdeenshire
American Coot still in Galway

The pre-Christmas p... [læs mere]

Rare Bird Alert weekly round-up: 12 - 18 December 2012

Artiklen er tilføjet af MBH torsdag 20. december 2012 kl. 08.58. Læst 1171 gange
Af Rare Bird Alert
The week's highlights:
Rose-breasted Grosbeak on the Isles of Scilly
Buff-bellied Pipit found in Berkshire
Hornemann’s Redpoll performs for all in Suffolk and another appears on Unst
White Gyr Falcons on Orkney and the Western Isles and in Derry
Pacific Diver reappears twice in Cornwall
Amer... [læs mere]

Rare Bird Alert weekly round-up: 28 November - 04 December 2012

Artiklen er tilføjet af MBH torsdag 6. december 2012 kl. 10.24. Læst 1532 gange
Af Rare Bird Alert
The week's highlights:
Wood Duck in Wexford ~ could it be the real deal….?
Ireland also receives their third American Coot
The Pied-billed Grebe remains on the Outer Hebrides
Shetland steals in with a late, late Black-throated Thrush
Single Buff-bellied Pipit hangs on in Down

The veritable... [læs mere]

Rare Bird Alert weekly round-up: 21 - 27 November 2012

Artiklen er tilføjet af MBH torsdag 29. november 2012 kl. 11.33. Læst 1050 gange
Af Rare Bird Alert
The week's highlights:
South Uist scores an American Coot ….
….and a Pied-billed Grebe on the same day!
Showy female Desert Wheatear arrived in north Wales
Cambridgeshire hosts a one-day county-first Blyth’s Reed Warbler
Down’s double Buff-bellied Pipits make it to the weekend…
…wh... [læs mere]

Rare Bird Alert weekly round-up: 14 - 20 November 2012

Artiklen er tilføjet af MBH torsdag 22. november 2012 kl. 08.41. Læst 1260 gange
Af Rare Bird Alert
The week's highlights:
Asian Desert Warbler briefly in Kent
Desert Wheatear in Kent
White Gyrfalcon on South Uist
Buff-bellied Pipit in Down joined by another
Eastern Olivaceous Warbler continues its stay in Fife
Seven Hornemann’s Arctic Redpolls still on Unst
Six Hornemann’s Arctic Redpo... [læs mere]
(0 kommentarer)
Artiklen er senest opdateret: torsdag 29. november 2012 kl. 11.34

Rare Bird Alert weekly round-up: 31 October - 06 November 2012

Artiklen er tilføjet af MBH torsdag 8. november 2012 kl. 08.57. Læst 1112 gange
Af Rare Bird Alert
b>The week's highlights:
Galway’s Belted Kingfisher reappears at the start of the week
Fair Isle’s lingering Siberian Rubythroat breaks a record or two… does the Kilminning Eastern Olivaceous Warbler
Spanish Sparrow has a ticket to Ryde…(almost) on the Isle of Wight
County Clare ... [læs mere]

Rare Bird Alert weekly round-up: 24 - 30 October 2012

Artiklen er tilføjet af MBH fredag 2. november 2012 kl. 09.25. Læst 1858 gange
Af Rare Bird Alert
The week's highlights:
Sensational belated news from Dorset ~ Pale-legged or Sakhalin Leaf Warbler on Portland
Chestnut-eared Bunting shows well on Shetland
…while the Siberian Rubythroat doesn’t!
Bobolink and American Buff-bellied Pipit make for a Super Sunday on Shetland too….
Pied-bill... [læs mere]
Seneste kommentar: lørdag 3. november 2012 kl. 08.34 (1 kommentar)

Rare Bird Alert weekly round-up: 17 - 23 October 2012

Artiklen er tilføjet af MBH torsdag 25. oktober 2012 kl. 11.14. Læst 1309 gange
Af Rare Bird Alert
The week's highlights:
Britain’s second-ever Chestnut-eared Bunting appears at southern end of Mainland Shetland
…and a Siberian Rubythroat sneaks in for good measure….
Fife’s Eastern Olivaceous Warbler the main draw of the weekend
Tacumshin lands yet another Northern Harrier
Two East c... [læs mere]

Rare Bird Alert weekly round-up: 10 - 16 October 2012

Artiklen er tilføjet af MBH torsdag 18. oktober 2012 kl. 11.06. Læst 1461 gange
Af Rare Bird Alert
The week's highlights:
Ireland’s first South Polar Skua flies by the Cork coast
Shetland’s autumn list now includes Foula’s Eyebrowed Thrush
Eastern Olivaceous Warbler arrives in Fife along with a Pechora Pipit
Barra boys land a White’s Thrush
Scilly birders finally get Nearctic vagrant... [læs mere]
(0 kommentarer)
Artiklen er senest opdateret: torsdag 18. oktober 2012 kl. 11.08

Rare Bird Alert weekly round-up: 03 - 09 October 2012

Artiklen er tilføjet af MBH torsdag 11. oktober 2012 kl. 00.39. Læst 1624 gange
Af Rare Bird Alert
The week's highlights:
The first Eastern Kingbird for the Western Palearctic arrives off the coast of Galway
….and a Belted Kingfisher hits the same county too!
….as do one or even two Myrtle Warblers, with a third in County Cork….
….which also hosts a new juvenile male Northern Harrier
... [læs mere]

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