Artiklen er tilføjet af KRN fredag 5. oktober 2001 kl. 17.00. Læst 682 gange
Af Morten Bentzon Hansen
Brun Tornskade i England!
Følgende er sakset fra UK Birdnet:
"On Monday 1st October, we launched the 2001 Isles of Scilly Bird Board on Surfbirds. The first photo posted was of a "Red-backed Shrike" on 24th Sept' on Bryher. Since posting that photo, the original photographers and some sharp Surfbirds readers have been questioning the identity. We have sought outside opinions and there seems to be a general consensus that the bird is in fact a first-winter Brown Shrike. We wanted to hang on to get as many opinions as possible but with the weight of opinion in its favour as Brown Shrike, we thought it was better to put the rest of the photos out there for all to see and get more feedback. Perhaps the bird is still there or on one of the other islands? The photos can be seen on the Isles of Scilly page.
Hvis I spørger ovenstående, så har englænderne gjort det igen.
Artiklen er senest opdateret: fredag 5. oktober 2001 kl. 17.00