Artiklen er tilføjet af KRN torsdag 25. oktober 2001 kl. 09.01. Læst 615 gange
Af Morten Bentzon Hansen
Sneugler ude af kurs
Følgende fantastiske historie er hentet fra belgiske Dominique Verbelen, der sendte historien ud på Euro Twitch. Den giver en meget god forklaring på, hvordan amerikanske gæster kan komme til Europa.
Last Sunday, an exhausted female Snowy Owl was found on a ship that docked in the harbour of Ghent, East-Flanders, Belgium. This bird was oil-stained and is now taken care of in a revalidation centre in Merelbeke. According to the captain of the ship, the bird came aboard near Deception Bay, North Quebec, Canada, approximately ten days before docking in Ghent. He stated that it was part of a group of fifty (!) Snowy Owls that boarded during a hurricane. Most of them left the ship pretty soon (still in Canadian territorial waters). Today, wednesday, another oil-stained and starved female was picked up on the field of Elcopac in Terneuzen, the Netherlands, less than 40 km. north of the Ghent site.
Hvem ved, måske sidder der en ship-assisted Sorthvid Sanger i et kystkrat i weekenden og venter på at blive fundet af en OK-deltager?
Artiklen er senest opdateret: torsdag 25. oktober 2001 kl. 09.01