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Nordjyllands Fugle 2011

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Ascension Frigatebird godkendt i England

Artiklen er tilføjet af MBH fredag 31. januar 2003 kl. 09.55. Læst 1185 gange
BOURC og BBRC har netop udsendt følgende pressemeddelelse vedrørende tilføjelsen af Ascension Frigatebird til den engelske liste. Da det drejer sig om en ombestemmelsen af et ældre fund betyder det, at Amerikansk Fregatfugl fjernes fra den engelske liste.


Ascension Frigatebird

Tiree, Inner Hebrides, Scotland

9 July 1953

Added to Category A of the British List

The British Ornithologists' Union Records Committee (BOURC) has added Ascension Frigatebird (Fregata aquila) to Category A of the British List following the reidentificaton of a bird found moribund on the island of Tiree, Inner Hebrides, Argyllshire, Scotland on 9 July 1953 (sight record, specimen) and originally identified as Magnificent Frigatebird (Fregata magnificens). With no other records, Magnificent Frigatebird is therefore removed from the British List.

The bird, an immature female, was found exhausted on 9 July 1953 and died later the same day. The body was taken to the National Museum of Scotland where it remained for nearly fifty years, its identity as Magnificent Frigatebird unquestioned.

The record was recently reviewed by the British Birds Rarities Committee (BBRC) following a decision by the Association of European Rarities Committees (AERC) to bring European rarities committees into line with a standard date of 1950 for Category A records. Prior to this, the accepted date for Category A in Britain was 1958, the date when BBRC was formed.

During the circulation, BBRC members Brian Small and Grahame Walbridge suspected a misidentification and undertook detailed research to confirm the identity as Ascension Frigatebird. Identification of immature frigatebirds is not straightforward and this research broke new ground.

At the same time that Magnificent Frigatebird is removed from the British List, it is added to the Isle of Man List following the discovery of an exhausted bird at Scarlett Point, Castletown, on 22 December 1998. The bird, an adult female was taken into care, where it died 10 months later (October 1999). The detailed description plus photographs left no doubt that the bird was correctly identified, though unfortunately the corpse was not retained. Thankfully the original observers of the Tiree frigatebird sent the body to a museum otherwise Ascension Frigatebird would have been denied its rightful place on the British List.

There will be a full paper appearing in British Birds outlining this remarkable event.

These changes mean that the British List remains on 565 species

(Category A = 542; Category B = 14; Category C = 9).

Om Ascension Frigatebird kan det oplyses, at arten er endemisk for Ascension Island. Den yngler kun et sted og det er Boatswainbird Island. Bestanden er på ca. 10,000 fugle.

Fotos og mere om artens status kan findes her.

Artiklen er senest opdateret: fredag 31. januar 2003 kl. 09.58


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