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Netfugl v. 2.0

Nordjyllands Fugle 2011

Rørvig Fuglestation - hent rapporten for 2011 her


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Artiklen er tilføjet af MBH fredag 2. november 2001 kl. 09.00. Læst 924 gange
Belgiske Dominique Verbelen fortsætter med at sende fantastiske Sneugleberetninger ud på Euro Twitch. Her følger den seneste:

I just got news of two more captured Snowy owls near Lauwersmeer, in the north of the Netherlands. These birds flew aboard of the AID, a Russian cargo, while passing Greenland. These birds, for a change, were not oil-stained. The crew captured both and kept them alive (in an cage) during the crossing with seefood and carbonades. The captain planned to sell both birds (a male and a female) to a zoo but inspectors confiscated both and brougt them to the revalidation centre of Fugelhelling in Ureterp where they are now taken care of. Where will the ext individuals turn up?

Der var ifølge Dominique Verbelen enkelte fejl i ovenstående, hvorfor følgende meddelses blev sendt ud.

I got some new (correct) details concerning 'the Eemshaven Snowy owls'. Three birds came aboard approximately 250 miles south of Greenland and 1000 miles east of Labrador (56?30'N 41?00W) during a strong gale (11 Beaufort). One bird was blown away, the two others stayed aboard the AID, a Lithuanian trawler (it was NOT a Russian ship, as mentionned incorrectly in the pervious mail).The crew captured both birds (a male and a female) and kept them alive during the crossing with snow and small pieces of meat. The statement as if the captain of this ship had the intention to sell both bird to a zoo was based on an incorrect rumour. The crew deliberatly parted with the owls so they were NOT confiscated, as mentionned before. I regret the incorrect information in the previous mail and hope this rectification will be spread as new and correct info


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