Danmarks anden Lammegrib nogensinde, lod sig i dag se på to lokalliter i Nordjylland. Lammegribben lod sig i første omgang observere i tidsrummet 13.20-13.40 ved Vester Thorup Klitplantage NV for Thisted, hvor en enkelt heldig fuglekigger fik sig en god oplevelse.
Melding kom ud på dofcall klokken 13.58 og lød således – Man Lammegrib imm 13.20-13.40 Vester Thorup Klitplantage JOL 24 68 1594.
Dette var med til at skabe forhåbninger for de mange fuglekiggere stationeret i Skagen. Det kunne jo være at den ville fortsætte sin tur til Danmarks nordligste punkt. De mange ornitologer som for tiden gæster Skagen var så småt begyndt at håbe, at den måske ville dukke op i løbet af de næste par dage. Overraskelsen var derfor stor da Lammegribben allerede klokken ca. 16.20 sås lige syd for Skagen by.
Meldingerne på dofcall lød sådan: Klokken 16.26: Man Lammegrib 16.25 over Skagen by SDy + 18 +4540501910 og igen klokken 16.48:Man Lammegrib tilsyneladende ud kl. 16.40 Grenen ASF, TA, AJ, CHO, EKr +4526242893.
Det tog således Lammegribben fra 13.40-16.40 at nå de 120 km til Grenen lig med 43 km i timen.
Det blev kun til et hurtigt visit, da fuglen trodsede alle gældende regler og trak nordøst og forsvandt ud over havet i hård vestlig vind.
Kun omkring 30 fuglekiggere var heldige, at se gribben i de 20 minutter den befandt sig i Skagen. Der går rygter om at enkelte fuglekiggere forlod Skagen i håb om, at finde Lammegribben trækkende et godt stykke syd for Skagen, langs den nordvestjyske kyst. Skuffelsen må have været stor da de fik at vide, at den allerede var fløjet til Skagen på kun 2 en halv time fra Vester Thorup Klitplantage.
Lammegrib er kun en gang tidligere set i Danmark og Skandinavien, hvor en imm. fugl gæstede Skagen mellem den 12. og 16. juni 1999. Denne fugl stammede fra et udsætningsprojekt i Alperne. Fuglen fra 1999 kunne genkendes på afblegede svingfjer, hvorfor den er placeret i kategori E.
Dagens fugl havde ifølge observatørerne ingen afblegede fjer eller manglende fjer. Andre spændende fund fra Nordeuropa af Lammegrib er Holland 6 og Nordtyskland 1, hvor alle er af afstamning fra udsætningsprojekter i Sydeuropa.
Lammegrib yngler med ca. 500 par i VP (Inklusiv Tyrkiet).
I Sydvesteuropa yngler den i Alperne og i Pyrenæerne med blot ca. 100 par. Bestandene har været opadgående de sidste år. Arten er standfugl. Dog strejfer ungfuglene lidt omkring men forlader sjældent de høje bjergegne.
Følgende blev sendt ud på Eurotwich af Andreas Bruun Kristensen.
Hallo Eurotwitchers
An immature LAMMERGEIER is right now soaring over Skagen, Northern Jutland.
Does anyone know the current status of Lammergeier sightings in Germany, the Netherlands etc.
Especially whether sightings are regarded as Cat. A, C, D, or E.
Good birding.
Andreas Kristensen
Følgende svar herpå lyder:
Dear Andreas Kristensen
I am responsible for the monitoring of alpine Bearded vultures. Unfortunately I can not tell you the status of observed birds in the Netherlands, Germany or Denmark, however it might interesst you that I have already expected a Bearded vulture to occure at this time of the year in your area. Since approximately 5 years every year at least one bird has been seen between May and June in the Netherlands or in Northern Germany (in total min. 6 different Bearded vultures, observations: n>17). Those birds come partly from the Alps and partly from the Pyrenees. Alpine birds are marked with colour rings (both legs) and immature birds show bleached feather patterns. This is our identification system. Have you seen any details such as moulting holes, marked fethers or colour rings? Do you have any photo material to distinguish the age of the bird in detail?
I would be verty glad to get more information about the sight and if possible pictures.
good birding
International Bearded vulture Monitoring
Nationalpark Hohe Tauern
Mag. Richard Zink / EGS
c/o Ulmenstrasse 23, A-1140 Wien
phone: ++43 1 4191455 or mobile ++43 664 1306117
fax: ++43 1 9118473
email: monitoring@aon.at
For your information
Best regards
Alvaro Camiña.
Og fra Holland:
Hi Andreas,
All the birds before last year are so called escapes as we have no c list here in Holland. However the bird of last year wild be accepted as a wild bird, because it was unringed and not bleached!
Cheers, Justin Jansen, the Netherlands
Der synes dog at være stor sandsynlighed for, at den unge Lammegrib kommer fra et udsætningsprojekt i Sydeuropa som ligeledes gældende for fuglen fra juni 1999. De manglende afblegede svingfjer kunne tyde på, at det eventuelt kan være en fugl udruget af forældrefugle fra udsætningsprojektet.
At der er en tendens til at fuglene fra udsætningsprojektet strejfer mere omkring end de naturligt vilde fugle bevises af de tidligere fund fra Danmark, Tyskland og Holland som allerede nævnt kunne spores tilbage til projektet.
De første fugle blev udsat i Alperne i medio 1970’erne og var af afghansk afstamning. Projektet syntes ikke at fungere så derfor udsatte men i medio 1980’erne 35 fangeskabsfugle, som nu har vist sig at yngle i det fri. Om bestanden er bæredygtig vides ikke.
De heldige fuglekiggere som i dag så gribben må krydse fingere for at bestanden er bæredygtig således at dagens Lammegrib kan krydses i kategori C på lige fod med Fasan og Canadagås.
Artiklen er senest opdateret: mandag 26. maj 2003 kl. 22.13
Thomas Elbek skriver mandag 26. maj 2003 kl. 23.31
Ja, jeg sad på mit job i Rødovre, og havde min ven i mobilen, mens han stod på Flagbakken med lammedyret i skopet :-D
Følgende "nyhed" fra juli 2002 er hentet fra hjemmesiden omhandlende reintroduktion af Lammegrib i Alperne:
Successful year for Bearded Vultures
The Bearded Vulture population, which has been released in the past 20 years, was especially successful this year. Six young birds have been reared by six different pairs. The aim of the reintroduction project, to build up a self-preserving population of Bearded Vultures, is coming in sight. However, it will be necessary to release young vultures from the breeding program in the next few years. The reintroduction will be finished when Bearded Vultures reproduce regularly in the Alps, and there is no significant mortality or illness.
After last century's successful reintroduction of the ibex in the Alps, the Bearded Vulture reintroduction project continues the success story of a new understanding of nature. Our children will take an observation of Bearded Vultures in the Alps for granted, yet look at it as a special event.
In 1986, the first Bearded Vultures have been released in Rauris, Austria. Since then, more than hundred young Bearded Vultures have been released. These four areas - distributed over the Alps - are situated in Austria (Rauris / Hohe Tauern), in Switzerland and Italy (Engadine / Stelvio), in France (Haute Savoy) and at the border area France / Italy (Mercantour / Alpi Maritime). Also this year, a total of eight young vultures have been released to artificial eyries. They all origin from the international breeding program. At the time, the number of Bearded Vultures is estimated to be around 70.
All the young birds to be released get a mark for identification. Some feathers in various spots of a wing or the tail are bleached. With these marks, every young bird can be recognised individually. Unfortunately, these marks don't last for the lifetime. With the first moult, after two or three years, the old feathers are replaced by new ones. The individual recognition of the immature and adult Bearded Vultures is hardly possible even for professional observers. However, with a new genetical method, a feather or faeces can be attributed to a certain bird. Before the release, a blood sample is taken from all birds to determine the sex and an identification of genes. Should a Bearded Vulture lose a feather - and it is found, with this genetical test, it can be attributed to the origin bird.
Five years ago, the first Bearded Vulture was born in freedom since over hundred years in the Alps. The rearing pair in Haute Savoy was very successful since then. Almost every year they reared a chick. Five additional pairs were successful in hatching to bring a total of 14 young Bearded Vultures born in the wild.
The successful pairs settled down in two areas near release sites: in Italy's Ortler region south-east of the Grisons, Switzerland, and in France's Haute Savoy and Savoy. On one hand, this tells us that the Bearded Vultures were satisfied with the choice of the release sites. On the other hand, the following thesis is supported: In their first years, the young Bearded Vultures fly about wide areas. However, growing to adults, most of them return to where they were born or released, respectively. Here, they search for a mate and look for a suitable territory.
Netfugl har fået følgende tilsendt fra Andreas Bruun Kristensen.
Hello Andreas,
There was an immature Lammergeier on the island of Rügen on the German Baltic
coast from 17.5.2001-22.5.2001. It was seen on the 22.5.2001 flying to
southwards over the island of Hiddensee. The bird was unringed.
According to Hans Frey, who is the european project coordinator on
Lammergeiers, the bird might have been from the Pyrenees. Their seem to be
some plumage characters which indicate an european origin, rather than an
asian (the reintroduced birds in the alps are apparently of asian origin).
I guess you should contact Hans Frey and send him picutres if possible. He
was very helpfull and enthusiastic. His e-mail is hans.frey@vu-wien.ac.at.
All the best
K. Felix Jachmann
Vogelwarte Hiddensee
18565 Kloster
dienstl. 038300-50212
fax: 038300-50441
privat: 038300-50443
mobil: 0174-5421767
An immature Lammergeier was also seen in Germany close to Münster on 18th of
may. This might have been the same bird. In Germany the species is still
regarded as an escape because it is thought that all birds come from the
re-introduction programm in the alps.
Best regards
Micha A. Neumann.
Der skulle være gode muligheder for, at Lammegribben oversomrer i Nordskandinavien og trækker retur via Falsterbo i august/september. Jeg anbefaler, at der i efteråret bliver udlagt et ådsel på Falster.
Det er lige før, man frivilligt melder sig til at "spille død" på Falster et sted fra engang i august til slutningen af september!
Man skal vel blot la' vær' med at bade fra omkring midten af juli. Så vil man automatisk lugte lidt af ådsel...
Den er fotograferet og videofilmet, men hvornår resultatet kan vises er endnu uvist.
Endvidere har Netfugl allerede modtaget billeder af Stylteløberen fra Sneum. Det er ikke mere end 3-4 timer siden at den blev meldt ud. Ganske flot af Per Poulsen.
Hans Frey of the Bearded Vulture reintroduction project in the Alps,
comments as follows on the observation of the crossing of a Lammergeier over
the Skagerrak, 26-5:
"It seems that this bird had no bleached feathers. All our released birds
have coloured rings, but they are difficult to see in a bigger distance.
The reintroduced BV population is selfsustaining, reproduction is good and
we don`t use artificial feeding like in Spain for example. The first
reproduction in the Alps took place in 1997, in 2002 we had already 6 pairs
with a clutch and 6 young hatched (5 fledged). This year 7 pairs bred, but
only one had 1 surviving offspring.
In all about 80 birds are existing again in the Alps. Already next year the
first offspring born in the wild could reproduce in France.
So it can be, that one of our BV born in the wild (14 so far) went to
Another possibiltity is that the bird originates from the Pyrenees. The
population there is increasing fast because of vulture restaurants.
At least in one case one bird returned to the Alps within 4 days (photos
taken in The Netherlands as well as in France). This bird could be
identified with the help of bleached feathers.
So let`s hope that this bird survived crossing the sea, I think it is a risk
for BV`s.
I can only confirm that it is no escaped BV, because all these birds are
within the EEP (the Breeding Network of European Zoos). I get all the
information in such a case very quickly.
Kind regards
dr Hans Frey
Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded Vulture FCBV
Jeg har sendt en mail til Lammegrib-projektet for at høre ad, om de fortsat sætter fugle ud som nævnt i deres nyhed fra 2002. Her er svaret:
Since 1986 121 Bearded Vultures have been released in the Alps. Since 1997, 14 birds have been born in the wild. The population trend is very positive.
At the moment about 85-90 birds inhabit the Alps. Every year 8 birds are released. As soon as the wild population will produce 8 chicks a year, the release is thought to be stopped. Today nobody knows when this will be. For the next 3 years the release will be continued in any case.
Just for your information, actually Europe hosts about 500 individuals of this species, in Crete, on the Balkans and in Greece the population has declined strictly and will probably be completely extinct within the next few years. In Corse a small population has survived (about 30 individuals).
There the population is rather stable a the moment. In the Pyrenees about 100 pairs exist. In total the Pyrenees are inhabited by about 350-400 individuals. Except in the Alps Beaded Vultures are fed everywhere in order to avoid poisoning which is actually the main threat for the species. Only in the Alps no artificial feeding is carried out. This reintroduced population is completely independent (after release +6 weeks food supply) from human.
I hope this was in short the information you were looking for.
If you have any information where and how to get pictures, video, etc...
from the bird seen in Denmark I would be very glad.
best regards
Richard Zink
International Bearded vulture Monitoring
Nationalpark Hohe Tauern
c/o Ulmestraße 23, A-1140 Wien, AUSTRIA
phone: ++43 1 419 1455 or mobile ++43 664 1306117
fax: ++43 1 9118473
email: monitoring@aon.at
Her en e-mail fra Tyskland
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 22:11:04 +0200
From: Priv.-Doz. Dr. Martin Kraft
To: gbn
Subject: [GBN] HE:MR:Bartgeier
Nochmal Guten Abend!
Soeben erhielt ich die Meldung, dass gestern gegen 16.00 Uhr über dem Auersberg bei Nesselbrunn (ca. 12 km südwestlich von Marburg) ein adulter BARTGEIER kreiste, der von Martin Rexroth aus Elnhausen entdeckt wurde.
Wir werden morgen in dieser Gegend und an anderen Stellen suchen und hoffentlich auch fündig werden.
Nedenstående blev sendt ud på EBN den 05.juni.
Spændende med en gammel fugl, hvilket må være den første fugl, så langt mod nord, som ikke blot har været en immature.
Good Evening!
Yesterday, June 4th, around 4 p.m. an adult LAMMERGEIER (Gypaetus barbatus)
was seen near Nesselbrunn (12 kms southwest of Marburg/Hesse/Germany). The
bird, a fullwinged, unbleached adult, was discovered by Martin Rexroth from
Elnhausen near Marburg. The bird was soaring above the "Auersberg" in the
Allna-Valley of Nesselbrunn near Marburg.
There is one record from 2002 of three immature Lammergeier from a site,
which is only 20 kms west of Nesselbrunn.
Nedenstående blev sendt ud på eurotwich i går den 13. juni.
Hi all,
Today a 2nd year Lammergeier (Gypaetus barbatus) was seen at the island of
Utsira, Norway. This is the first Norwegian record of the species. Could
it be the Danish bird from Skagen in late May that has fooled the Swedes
and gone westwards?
Nedenstående link peger på et 15 sekunders langt videoklip optaget af Tim Andersen af dette års Lammegrib i Skagen. Videoklippet er af begrænset kvalitet, men stemningen blandt de tilstedeværende ornitologer er bestemt ikke til at tage fejl af.
Der er flere som har rettet henvendelse vedrørende Lammegribs kategoristatus i Danmark. Om hvorfor den ikke er krydsbar på DK-listen og hvorfor det ikke er lovligt at krydse Lammegrib set i Danmark på VP-listen.
Argumenterne er følgende:
Det er umiddelbart ikke holdbart at afkrydse Lammegrib på DK-listen
endnu, da fundene formentlig ikke placeres indenfor kategori A eller C.
Skagens-gribben (uden afblegninger) fra i år og nu Bøtø-fuglen, som med sikkerhed kan spores til Alperne vil givet, som det første fund fra 1999, blive placeret i kategori E. Dette grundet at de 10-11 individer af Lammegrib som i de seneste år er truffet i Nordvesteuropa stammer fra
udsætningsprojekter i Sydeuropa.
For at en udsat art kan højnes fra kategori E til C skal bestanden være
selvproduktiv og uden tilførelser af flere udsætningsfugle.
Der yngler 7 par Lammegribbe i Alperne (1997-2003), som har fået 14
unger. Ingen unger af udsatte fugle har ynglet endnu. Kun udsatte fugle
har fået unger. Derfor er Lammegrib i kategori C endnu ikke set i Danmark, kun som kategori E.