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Havørn, 3cy, Danmark 15. april 2007 Foto: Per Poulsen

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VP observationer*

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Opdateres af: Rafael Armada (RA), Aurélien Audevard (AA), Joachim Bertrands (JoB), Magnus Christofer Bladh (MCB), Gábor Bodor (GB), Edward Bonavia (EB), Richard Bonser (RB), Brynjúlfur Brynjólfsson (BB), Bosse Carlsson (BS), Simon Sigaard Christiansen (SSC), Markus Craig (MC), Szilard J. Daroczi (SJD), Gerald Driessens (GD), Richard Ek (RE), Janus Ethelberg (JEt), Frode Falkenberg (FF), Tommy Frandsen (TF), Michael Fricke (MF), Didier Godreau (DG), Zbigniew Kajzer (ZK), Jens Søgaard Hansen (JSH), Morten Bentzon Hansen (MBH), Yann Kolbeinsson (YK), Alexandre Hespanhol Leitão (AL), Pawel Malczyk (PM), Rune Sø Neergaard (RSN), Kenneth Rude Nielsen (KRN), Benoit Paepegaey (BP), Yoav Perlman (YP), Cosme Damián Romai-Cousido (CDRC), Louis Sallé (LS), Markku Santamaa (MS), Ferran López Sanz (FLS), Rasmus Strack (RS), Anders Søgaard (ANS), Pieter van Veelen (PV), Steven Wytema (SW).

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Seneste VP observationer
Torsdag 26. januar 2006
 Præriemåge (Leucophaeus pipixcan)
  1, Schaffhausen (in the north of the country),river Rhine in the city center, Schweiz. (foto: )
First record for Switzerland.
(set/hørt af: Pascal Parodi) (kilde: (TF)
Onsdag 25. januar 2006
 Præriemåge (Leucophaeus pipixcan)
  1, Schaffhausen (in the north of the country),river Rhine in the city center, Schweiz. (foto: )
First record for Switzerland.
(set/hørt af: Pascal Parodi) (kilde: (TF)
Tirsdag 24. januar 2006
 Præriemåge (Leucophaeus pipixcan)
  1, Schaffhausen (in the north of the country),river Rhine in the city center, Schweiz. (foto: )
First record for Switzerland.
(set/hørt af: Pascal Parodi) (kilde: (TF)
Mandag 23. januar 2006
 Præriemåge (Leucophaeus pipixcan)
  1, Schaffhausen (in the north of the country),river Rhine in the city center, Schweiz. (foto: )
First record for Switzerland.
(set/hørt af: Pascal Parodi) (kilde: (TF)
Søndag 22. januar 2006
 Præriemåge (Leucophaeus pipixcan)
  1, Schaffhausen (in the north of the country),river Rhine in the city center, Schweiz. (foto: )
First record for Switzerland.
(set/hørt af: Pascal Parodi) (kilde: (TF)
Lørdag 21. januar 2006
 Præriemåge (Leucophaeus pipixcan)
  1, Schaffhausen (in the north of the country),river Rhine in the city center, Schweiz. (foto: )
First record for Switzerland.
(set/hørt af: Pascal Parodi) (kilde: (TF)
Fredag 20. januar 2006
 Præriemåge (Leucophaeus pipixcan)
  1, Schaffhausen (in the north of the country),river Rhine in the city center, Schweiz. (foto: )
First record for Switzerland.
(set/hørt af: Pascal Parodi) (kilde: (TF)
Torsdag 19. januar 2006
 Præriemåge (Leucophaeus pipixcan)
  1, Schaffhausen (in the north of the country),river Rhine in the city center, Schweiz. (foto: )
First record for Switzerland.
(set/hørt af: Pascal Parodi) (kilde: (TF)
Onsdag 18. januar 2006
 Præriemåge (Leucophaeus pipixcan)
  1, Schaffhausen (in the north of the country),river Rhine in the city center, Schweiz. (foto: )
First record for Switzerland.
(set/hørt af: Pascal Parodi) (kilde: (TF) (opdateret: 18/1 19:55 TF)
Søndag 15. januar 2006
 Præriemåge (Leucophaeus pipixcan)
  1, Schaffhausen (in the north of the country),river Rhine in the city center, Schweiz.
First record for Switzerland.
(set/hørt af: Pascal Parodi) (kilde: Adrian Jordi) (TF)
Lørdag 14. januar 2006
 Præriemåge (Leucophaeus pipixcan)
  1, Schaffhausen (in the north of the country),river Rhine in the city center, Schweiz.
First record for Switzerland.
(set/hørt af: Pascal Parodi) (kilde: Adrian Jordi) (TF) (opdateret: 14/1 19:13 TF)
Lørdag 7. januar 2006
 Lattermåge (Leucophaeus atricilla)
  1 Lake Thun at Merligen, Bern., Schweiz. (foto: )
First Swiss Laughing Gull.
(kilde: chclub300) (MBH)
Torsdag 5. januar 2006
 Lattermåge (Leucophaeus atricilla)
  1 Lake Thun at Merligen, Bern., Schweiz. (foto: )
First Swiss Laughing Gull.
(kilde: chclub300) (TF)
Tirsdag 3. januar 2006
 Lattermåge (Leucophaeus atricilla)
  1 Lake Thun at Merligen, Bern., Schweiz. (foto: )
First Swiss Laughing Gull.
(kilde: chclub300) (TF)
Søndag 1. januar 2006
 Lattermåge (Leucophaeus atricilla)
  1 Lake Thun at Merligen, Bern., Schweiz. (foto: )
First Swiss Laughing Gull.
(kilde: chclub300) (TF)
Torsdag 29. december 2005
 Lattermåge (Leucophaeus atricilla)
  1 Lake Thun at Merligen, Bern., Schweiz. (foto: )
First Swiss Laughing Gull.
(kilde: chclub300) (TF)
Tirsdag 27. december 2005
 Lattermåge (Leucophaeus atricilla)
  1 Lake Thun at Merligen, Bern., Schweiz. (foto: )
First Swiss Laughing Gull.
(kilde: chclub300) (TF)
Mandag 26. december 2005
 Lattermåge (Leucophaeus atricilla)
  1 Lake Thun at Merligen, Bern., Schweiz. (foto: )
First Swiss Laughing Gull.
(kilde: chclub300) (TF)
Fredag 23. december 2005
 Lattermåge (Leucophaeus atricilla)
  1 Lake Thun at Merligen, Bern., Schweiz. (foto: )
First Swiss Laughing Gull.
(kilde: Adrian Jordi) (TF)
Torsdag 22. december 2005
 Lattermåge (Leucophaeus atricilla)
  1 Lake Thun at Merligen, Bern., Schweiz. (foto: )
First Swiss Laughing Gull.
(kilde: Adrian Jordi) (TF)
Onsdag 21. december 2005
 Lattermåge (Leucophaeus atricilla)
  1 Lake Thun at Merligen, Bern., Schweiz. (foto: )
First Swiss Laughing Gull.
(kilde: Adrian Jordi) (TF)
Tirsdag 20. december 2005
 Lattermåge (Leucophaeus atricilla)
  1 Lake Thun at Merligen, Bern., Schweiz. (foto: )
First Swiss Laughing Gull.
(kilde: Adrian Jordi) (TF) (opdateret: 20/12 22:45 TF)
Mandag 19. december 2005
 Lattermåge (Leucophaeus atricilla)
  1 Lake Thun at Merligen, Bern., Schweiz.
First Swiss Laughing Gull.
(kilde: Adrian Jordi) (TF)
Tirsdag 12. juli 2005
 Bengalterne (Thalasseus bengalensis)
  1 Sempacher See (Kanton Luzern), Schweiz. (foto: )
3rd record for Switzerland following records from Genf 03.09.1946 & 19-20.08.1977. Seen together with 5 Sandwich Terns.
(kilde: (MBH)
Mandag 11. juli 2005
 Bengalterne (Thalasseus bengalensis)
  1 Sempacher See (Kanton Luzern), Schweiz. (foto: )
3rd record for Switzerland following records from Genf 03.09.1946 & 19-20.08.1977. Seen together with 5 Sandwich Terns.
(kilde: (MBH) (opdateret: 12/7 08:25 MBH)
Mandag 4. juli 2005
 Ørkendompap (Bucanetes githagineus)
  1 oberhalb Grengiols VS, Schweiz.
3rd record for Switzerland.
(kilde: CH club300) (MBH) (opdateret: 7/7 08:19 MBH)
Søndag 19. juni 2005
 Hætteværling (Emberiza melanocephala)
  1 male, Saas Fee VS, Schweiz.
(kilde: CH club300) (MBH)
Fredag 29. april 2005
 Ørkendompap (Bucanetes githagineus)
  1 Boningen SO, central Switzerland, Schweiz. (foto: )
First record of Trumpeter Finch in Switzerland if accepted.
(kilde: chclub) (MBH)
Torsdag 28. april 2005
 Ørkendompap (Bucanetes githagineus)
  1 Boningen SO, central Switzerland, Schweiz. (foto: )
First record of Trumpeter Finch in Switzerland if accepted.
(kilde: chclub) (TF)
Onsdag 27. april 2005
 Ørkendompap (Bucanetes githagineus)
  1 Boningen SO, central Switzerland, Schweiz. (foto: )
First record of Trumpeter Finch in Switzerland if accepted.
(kilde: chclub) (TF)
Mandag 21. februar 2005
 Lille Bjergand (Aythya affinis)
  1 Dreiländereck BL, Schweiz.
(kilde: chclub300) (TF) (opdateret: 26/2 19:29 MBH)
Søndag 23. januar 2005
 Lille Bjergand (Aythya affinis)
  1 Male, Dreiländereck BL, Schweiz.
returning male again at tradtional wintering site, on the Rhine river on the border between .Switzerland and Germany?.
(kilde: CH club300) (TF)
Lørdag 15. januar 2005
 Lille Bjergand (Aythya affinis)
  1 Male, Dreiländereck, BL, Schweiz.
returning male at tradtional wintering site, on the Rhine river on the border between Switzerland and Germany.
(kilde: ch club300) (MBH)
Onsdag 5. januar 2005
 Lille Bjergand (Aythya affinis)
  1 Male, Dreiländereck, BL, Schweiz.
returning male at tradtional wintering site, on the Rhine river on the border between Switzerland and Germany.
(kilde: (MBH)
Tirsdag 28. december 2004
 Sibirisk Krikand (Sibirionetta formosa)
  1 Male, Güttingen, Bodensee, Schweiz.
probably 1cy. Unknown origin.
(kilde: (MBH)
Mandag 8. november 2004
 Lille Bjergand (Aythya affinis)
  1 Male, Dreiländereck BL, Schweiz.
returning male again at tradtional wintering site, on the Rhine river on the border between .Switzerland and Germany?.
(kilde: CH club300) (TF)
Lørdag 30. oktober 2004
 Lille Bjergand (Aythya affinis)
  1 Male, Dreiländereck BL, Schweiz.
returning male again at tradtional wintering site, on the Rhine river on the border between .Switzerland and Germany?.
(kilde: CH club300) (TF)
Mandag 25. oktober 2004
 Lille Bjergand (Aythya affinis)
  1 Male, Dreiländereck BL, Schweiz.
returning male again at tradtional wintering site, on the Rhine river on the border between .Switzerland and Germany?.
(kilde: CH club300) (TF) (opdateret: 26/10 20:35 TF)
Søndag 19. september 2004
 Prærieløber (Calidris subruficollis)
  1 CdC, VD, Schweiz.
(kilde: CH club300) (TF)
Lørdag 18. september 2004
 Prærieløber (Calidris subruficollis)
  1 CdC, VD, Schweiz.
(kilde: CH club300) (MBH)
Fredag 17. september 2004
 Prærieløber (Calidris subruficollis)
  1 CdC, VD, Schweiz.
(kilde: CH club300) (MBH)
Tirsdag 7. september 2004
 Sortvinget Braksvale (Glareola nordmanni)
  1 Klingnauer Stausee AG, Schweiz.
4th for Switzerland if accepted.
(kilde: CH club300) (MBH)
Onsdag 25. august 2004
 Nattergal (Luscinia luscinia)
  1 1cy, Col de Jaman VD, Schweiz. (foto: )
12th record for Switzerland, if accepted. First record since 1999.
(kilde: http://Birding Switzerland) (MBH)
Onsdag 3. marts 2004
 Dværgværling (Emberiza pusilla)
  1 Premploz VS, Schweiz.
First twitchable record since 1994. Together with Rock Bunting. Present since 02.02.2004?.
(kilde: ch club300) (MBH)
Onsdag 25. februar 2004
 Dværgværling (Emberiza pusilla)
  1 Premploz VS, Schweiz.
First twitchable record since 1994. Together with Rock Bunting. Present since 02.02.2004?.
(kilde: ch club300) (MBH)
Tirsdag 24. februar 2004
 Bogfinke (Fringilla coelebs)
  1 Höchster Ried/Rhd/Vlbg, Schweiz.
African Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs africana. First record if accepted.
(set/hørt af: G. Juen) (kilde: Club 300 Austria) (MBH)
 Dværgværling (Emberiza pusilla)
  1 Premploz VS, Schweiz.
First twitchable record since 1994. Together with Rock Bunting. Present since 02.02.2004?.
(kilde: ch club300) (MBH)
Søndag 22. februar 2004
 Dværgværling (Emberiza pusilla)
  1 Premploz VS, Schweiz.
First twitchable record since 1994. Together with Rock Bunting. Present since 02.02.2004?.
(kilde: ch club300) (MBH)
Søndag 15. februar 2004
 Lille Bjergand (Aythya affinis)
  1 Male, Gletterens VD, Schweiz.
(kilde: chclub300) (MBH)
Tirsdag 3. februar 2004
 Dværgværling (Emberiza pusilla)
  1 Conthey VS, Schweiz.
First twitchable record since 1994.
(kilde: ch club300) (MBH)

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Costa Rica 17. februar 2011 Foto: Søren Kristoffersen
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