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Sibirisk Rørspurv, Korea (Syd) 24. januar 2013 Foto: Morten Jenrich Hansen

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VP observationer*

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Opdateres af: Rafael Armada (RA), Aurélien Audevard (AA), Joachim Bertrands (JoB), Magnus Christofer Bladh (MCB), Gábor Bodor (GB), Edward Bonavia (EB), Richard Bonser (RB), Brynjúlfur Brynjólfsson (BB), Bosse Carlsson (BS), Simon Sigaard Christiansen (SSC), Markus Craig (MC), Szilard J. Daroczi (SJD), Gerald Driessens (GD), Richard Ek (RE), Janus Ethelberg (JEt), Frode Falkenberg (FF), Tommy Frandsen (TF), Michael Fricke (MF), Didier Godreau (DG), Zbigniew Kajzer (ZK), Jens Søgaard Hansen (JSH), Morten Bentzon Hansen (MBH), Yann Kolbeinsson (YK), Alexandre Hespanhol Leitão (AL), Pawel Malczyk (PM), Rune Sø Neergaard (RSN), Kenneth Rude Nielsen (KRN), Benoit Paepegaey (BP), Yoav Perlman (YP), Cosme Damián Romai-Cousido (CDRC), Louis Sallé (LS), Markku Santamaa (MS), Ferran López Sanz (FLS), Rasmus Strack (RS), Anders Søgaard (ANS), Pieter van Veelen (PV), Steven Wytema (SW).

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[<<- forrige 50] | 1 | ... | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | ... | 36 | [næste 50 ->>]

Seneste VP observationer
Søndag 24. juli 2005
 Amerikansk Hjejle (Pluvialis dominica)
  1 Miðhús, Garður (SW), Island. (foto: )
(kilde: Birding Iceland) (MBH)
Lørdag 23. juli 2005
 Hvidrygget Ryle (Calidris fuscicollis)
  2 Höfn (SE)., Island. (foto: )
(kilde: Birding Iceland) (MBH)
Onsdag 20. juli 2005
 Rosenmåge (Rhodostethia rosea)
  1 Hólar í Nesjum, nr. Höfn (SE)., Island.
(kilde: Birding Iceland) (TF)
Tirsdag 19. juli 2005
 Amerikansk Hjejle (Pluvialis dominica)
  1 Miðhús, Garður (SW), Island. (foto: )
(kilde: Birding Iceland) (TF)
 Hvidrygget Ryle (Calidris fuscicollis)
  1 Höfn (SE)., Island. (foto: )
(kilde: Birding Iceland) (TF)
Onsdag 13. juli 2005
 Hvidrygget Ryle (Calidris fuscicollis)
  1 Höfn, Island.
(kilde: Islandic Bird News) (JEt)
Fredag 1. juli 2005
 Fløjlsand (Melanitta fusca)
  1 Foss/Fossfjörður (NW), Island.
ssp. Deglandi.present since at least 27 May.
(kilde: The latest Icelandic bird news) (TF) (opdateret: 1/7 21:29 TF)
Onsdag 29. juni 2005
 Tyknæbbet Dværgryle (Calidris pusilla)
  1 Öræfasveit (SE), Island.
4th for Iceland.
(kilde: Icelandic bird news) (TF)
Lørdag 14. maj 2005
 Lærkefalk (Falco subbuteo)
  1 Hafurbjarnarstaðir/Reykjanes (SW)., Island.
There were only ten accepted records of this species in Iceland up to and with the year 2000..
(kilde: (TF)
Søndag 24. april 2005
 Fløjlsand (Melanitta fusca)
  1 Hvalnesskriður (SE), Island. (foto: )
White-winged Scoter. Melanitta deglandi Five accepted records of this subspecies up to end of 2000..
(kilde: The latest Icelandic bird news) (TF) (opdateret: 26/4 12:21 TF)
Onsdag 13. april 2005
 Snegås (Anser caerulescens)
  1 Hvanneyri (W)., Island.
discovered in a flock of Greenland White-fronted Geese.
(kilde: The latest Icelandic bird news) (TF)
Mandag 11. april 2005
 Snegås (Anser caerulescens)
  1 Hvanneyri (W)., Island.
discovered in a flock of Greenland White-fronted Geese.
(kilde: The latest Icelandic bird news) (TF)
Søndag 10. april 2005
 Snegås (Anser caerulescens)
  1 Hvanneyri (W)., Island.
discovered in a flock of Greenland White-fronted Geese.
(kilde: The latest Icelandic bird news) (TF)
Torsdag 3. marts 2005
 Inuitmåge (Larus thayeri)
  1 2cy+, Höfn (SE)., Island.
There is no accepted records of Thayer's Gulls in Iceland, but two claims from last winter.
(kilde: (TF)
Onsdag 2. marts 2005
 Blisgås (Anser albifrons)
  1 Holtsós/Eyjafjöll, Island. (foto: )
considered to belong to a N-american subspecies, the first for Europe!.
(kilde: (TF)
 Sortbrun And (Anas rubripes)
  1 Syðri-Steinsmýri/Landbrot, Island.
meaning that there are least four Black Ducks in Iceland at present.
(kilde: Icelandic bird news) (TF)
 Ismåge (Pagophila eburnea)
  1 Adult, Neskaupstaður (E)., Island.
(kilde: Icelandic bird news) (TF)
Søndag 27. februar 2005
 Sortbrun And (Anas rubripes)
  1 Sléttalæti/Suðursveit (SE),, Island.
at least three birds in Iceland at present..
(kilde: Icelandic bird news) (TF)
Torsdag 24. februar 2005
 Sortbrun And (Anas rubripes)
  1 Sléttalæti/Suðursveit (SE),, Island.
at least three birds in Iceland at present..
(kilde: Icelandic bird news) (TF)
Mandag 21. februar 2005
 Sortbrun And (Anas rubripes)
  1 Sléttalæti/Suðursveit (SE),, Island.
at least three birds in Iceland at present..
(kilde: (TF)
Søndag 20. februar 2005
 Sortbrun And (Anas rubripes)
  1 Gerðar/Garður (SW)., Island.
(kilde: (TF)
  1 Sléttalæti/Suðursveit (SE),, Island.
at least three birds in Iceland at present..
(kilde: (TF)
Lørdag 19. februar 2005
 Sortbrun And (Anas rubripes)
  1 Gerðar/Garður (SW)., Island.
(kilde: (TF)
Fredag 18. februar 2005
 Ismåge (Pagophila eburnea)
  1 adult, Neskaupstaður (E)., Island.
(kilde: Icelandic bird news) (TF)
Søndag 13. februar 2005
 Sortbrun And (Anas rubripes)
  1 Gerðar/Garður (SW)., Island.
(kilde: (TF)
Fredag 11. februar 2005
 Lille Bjergand (Aythya affinis)
  1 1st-winter male, Lake Úlfljótsvatn (SW), Island.
4th for Iceland and first winter record if accepted, same place 2 Ring-necked Ducks.
(kilde: Icelandic bird news) (TF)
Lørdag 5. februar 2005
 Amerikansk Pibeand (Mareca americana)
  1 Hafnarfjörður (SW),, Island.
(kilde: Icelandic bird news) (TF)
Søndag 30. januar 2005
 Amerikansk Pibeand (Mareca americana)
  1 Hafnarfjörður (SW),, Island.
(kilde: Icelandic bird news) (TF)
Lørdag 29. januar 2005
 Amerikansk Pibeand (Mareca americana)
  1 Hafnarfjörður (SW),, Island.
(kilde: Icelandic bird news) (TF)
Tirsdag 25. januar 2005
 Lille Bjergand (Aythya affinis)
  1 1st-winter male, Lake Úlfljótsvatn (SW), Island.
4th for Iceland and first winter record if accepted, same place 2 Ring-necked Ducks.
(kilde: Icelandic bird news) (TF)
Søndag 23. januar 2005
 Lille Bjergand (Aythya affinis)
  1 1st-winter male, Lake Úlfljótsvatn (SW), Island.
4th for Iceland and first winter record if accepted, same place 2 Ring-necked Ducks.
(kilde: Icelandic bird news) (TF)
Fredag 21. januar 2005
 Ismåge (Pagophila eburnea)
  1 2cy, Höfn (SE), Island.
(kilde: (TF)
Onsdag 19. januar 2005
 Ismåge (Pagophila eburnea)
  1 2cy, Höfn (SE), Island.
(kilde: (MBH) (opdateret: 20/1 12:45 TF)
Mandag 17. januar 2005
 Ismåge (Pagophila eburnea)
  1 2cy, Höfn (SE), Island.
(kilde: (TF)
Torsdag 13. januar 2005
 Ismåge (Pagophila eburnea)
  1 2cy, Höfn (SE), Island. (foto: )
4 Ivory Gulls have been seen there this winter.
(kilde: (JEt)
Onsdag 12. januar 2005
 Ismåge (Pagophila eburnea)
  1 2cy, Höfn (SE), Island. (foto: )
4 Ivory Gulls have been seen there this winter.
(kilde: (TF)
Lørdag 8. januar 2005
 Ismåge (Pagophila eburnea)
  2 Brunná/Núpasveit (NE), Island.
(kilde: Iceland Birding) (JEt)
Fredag 7. januar 2005
 Lille Bjergand (Aythya affinis)
  1 1st-winter male, Lake Úlfljótsvatn (SW), Island.
4th for Iceland and first winter record if accepted.
(kilde: Icelandic bird news) (TF)
 Ismåge (Pagophila eburnea)
  1 2cy, Höfn (SE), Island. (foto: )
One of them is considered to be new bird, accordingly 4 Ivory Gulls have been seen there this winter.
(kilde: (TF)
Torsdag 6. januar 2005
 Ismåge (Pagophila eburnea)
  2 (2cy), Höfn (SE), Island. (foto: )
One of them is considered to be new bird, accordingly 4 Ivory Gulls have been seen there this winter.
(kilde: (TF)
Tirsdag 4. januar 2005
 Ismåge (Pagophila eburnea)
  2 (2cy), Höfn (SE), Island. (foto: )
One of them is considered to be new bird, accordingly 4 Ivory Gulls have been seen there this winter.
(kilde: (TF) (opdateret: 4/1 20:08 TF)
Søndag 2. januar 2005
 Sortbrun And (Anas rubripes)
  1 Gerðar/Garður (SW)., Island.
(kilde: (TF)
Lørdag 1. januar 2005
 Lille Bjergand (Aythya affinis)
  1 1st-winter male, Lake Úlfljótsvatn (SW), Island.
4th for Iceland and first winter record if accepted.
(kilde: Icelandic bird news) (TF)
Fredag 31. december 2004
 Ismåge (Pagophila eburnea)
  1 1cy, Höfn (SE), Island. (foto: )
There have been up to three first-winter Ivory Gulls and a first-winter Ring-billed Gull at Höfn.
(kilde: (TF)
Torsdag 30. december 2004
 Ismåge (Pagophila eburnea)
  2 (1cy), Höfn (SE), Island. (foto: )
There have been up to three first-winter Ivory Gulls and a first-winter Ring-billed Gull at Höfn.
(kilde: (TF)
Onsdag 29. december 2004
 Ismåge (Pagophila eburnea)
  2 (1cy), Höfn (SE), Island. (foto: )
There have been up to three first-winter Ivory Gulls and a first-winter Ring-billed Gull at Höfn.
(kilde: (TF)
Tirsdag 28. december 2004
 Ismåge (Pagophila eburnea)
  2 (1cy), Höfn (SE), Island. (foto: )
There have been up to three first-winter Ivory Gulls and a first-winter Ring-billed Gull at Höfn.
(kilde: (TF)
Mandag 27. december 2004
 Ismåge (Pagophila eburnea)
  1 1cy, Höfn (SE), Island. (foto: )
There have been up to three first-winter Ivory Gulls and a first-winter Ring-billed Gull at Höfn.
(kilde: (TF) (opdateret: 27/12 19:23 MBH)
Søndag 26. december 2004
 Ismåge (Pagophila eburnea)
  2 (1cy), Höfn (SE), Island. (foto: )
There have been up till three first-winter Ivory Gulls and a first-winter Ring-billed Gull at Höfn.
(kilde: (JEt)
  2 (1cy), Höfn (SE), Island. (foto: )
There have been up till three first-winter Ivory Gulls and a first-winter Ring-billed Gull at Höfn.
(kilde: (TF)

[<<- forrige 50] | 1 | ... | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | ... | 36 | [næste 50 ->>]

Mongolsk Piber, Storbritannien 19. oktober 2007 Foto: Terry Townshend
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