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Kohejre, Dinner is served, Marokko 1. maj 2011 Foto: Lars Andersen

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Opdateres af: Rafael Armada (RA), Aurélien Audevard (AA), Joachim Bertrands (JoB), Magnus Christofer Bladh (MCB), Gábor Bodor (GB), Edward Bonavia (EB), Richard Bonser (RB), Brynjúlfur Brynjólfsson (BB), Bosse Carlsson (BS), Simon Sigaard Christiansen (SSC), Markus Craig (MC), Szilard J. Daroczi (SJD), Gerald Driessens (GD), Richard Ek (RE), Janus Ethelberg (JEt), Frode Falkenberg (FF), Tommy Frandsen (TF), Michael Fricke (MF), Didier Godreau (DG), Zbigniew Kajzer (ZK), Jens Søgaard Hansen (JSH), Morten Bentzon Hansen (MBH), Yann Kolbeinsson (YK), Alexandre Hespanhol Leitão (AL), Pawel Malczyk (PM), Rune Sø Neergaard (RSN), Kenneth Rude Nielsen (KRN), Benoit Paepegaey (BP), Yoav Perlman (YP), Cosme Damián Romai-Cousido (CDRC), Louis Sallé (LS), Markku Santamaa (MS), Ferran López Sanz (FLS), Rasmus Strack (RS), Anders Søgaard (ANS), Pieter van Veelen (PV), Steven Wytema (SW).

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[<<- forrige 50] | 1 | ... | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | ... | 41 | [næste 50 ->>]

Seneste VP observationer
Torsdag 24. februar 2011
 Tyknæbbet Lappedykker (Podilymbus podiceps)
  1 Riocaldo-Pedroso gravel pits, Begonte, NE Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Present regularly in the area since July 2007 (!). 4 accepted records by the Spanish RC up to 2006.
(set/hørt af: Toño Salazar) (kilde: Reservoir Birds) (CDRC)
 Silkehale (Bombycilla garrulus)
  1 2cy, Los Canapés, Avilés, N Asturias, Spanien. (foto: )
6 accepted records by the Spanish RC up to 2006..
(set/hørt af: Several observers) (kilde: Reservoirbirds) (CDRC)
Lørdag 19. februar 2011
 Bairdsryle (Calidris bairdii)
  1 Ebro's Delta, Tarragona, Spanien.
still present.
(set/hørt af: Josep Tantull & Roser Soler) (kilde: Reservoir Birds) (FLS)
 Silkehale (Bombycilla garrulus)
  1 2cy, Los Canapés, Avilés, N Asturias, Spanien. (foto: )
6 accepted records by the Spanish RC up to 2006..
(set/hørt af: Ismael García-Rovés) (kilde: Reservoirbirds) (CDRC)
Mandag 14. februar 2011
 Tyknæbbet Lappedykker (Podilymbus podiceps)
  1 Riocaldo-Pedroso gravel pits, Begonte, NE Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Present regularly in the area since July 2007 (!). 4 accepted records by the Spanish RC up to 2006.
(set/hørt af: Toño Salazar) (kilde: Reservoir Birds) (CDRC)
Lørdag 12. februar 2011
 Tyknæbbet Lappedykker (Podilymbus podiceps)
  1 wint. plum., Sobrado dos Monxes lagoon, C Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
A different bird from that of Riocaldo. 4 accepted records by the Spanish RC up to 2006.
(set/hørt af: Toño Salazar) (kilde: Galiciaves forum) (CDRC)
 Halsbåndstroldand (Aythya collaris)
  2 (females), Doniños lagoon, Ferrol, N Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
A regular vagrant in Galicia.
(set/hørt af: Toño Salazar) (kilde: Galiciaves forum) (CDRC)
Tirsdag 8. februar 2011
 Blåvinget And (Spatula discors)
  1 male, Lago wetland, Xove, N Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Present December 2009-March 2010 and recorded this winter 2010/11 aswell. 35 accepted records by the Spanish RC, many of them in the Canaries.
(set/hørt af: Ricardo Hevia) (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (CDRC)
Lørdag 29. januar 2011
 Brun Sule (Sula leucogaster)
  1 ad., Tinajo, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spanien.
(kilde: Canary Islands Birding News ) (FLS)
Onsdag 26. januar 2011
 Langnæbbet Sneppeklire (Limnodromus scolopaceus)
  1 Delta de l'Ebre, Tarragona, Spanien.
(set/hørt af: David Bigas / CAR-Montsià) (kilde: Reservoir Birds) (FLS)
Tirsdag 25. januar 2011
 Tyknæbbet Lappedykker (Podilymbus podiceps)
  1 wint. plum., Sobrado dos Monxes lagoon, C Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Confirmed: a different bird from that of Riocaldo (!). Some plumage differences observed. 4 accepted records by the Spanish RC up to 2006.
(set/hørt af: Luis J. Salaverri) (kilde: Galiciaves forum) (CDRC)
  1 wint. plum., Riocaldo-Pedroso gravel pits, Begonte, NE Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Present regularly in the area since July 2007 (!). 4 accepted records by the Spanish RC up to 2006.
(set/hørt af: Luis J. Salaverri) (kilde: Galiciaves forum) (CDRC)
Mandag 24. januar 2011
 Tyknæbbet Lappedykker (Podilymbus podiceps)
  1 wint. plum., Riocaldo-Pedroso gravel pits, Begonte, NE Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Present regularly in the area since July 2007 (!). 4 accepted records by the Spanish RC up to 2006.
(set/hørt af: Fernando Pereiras) (kilde: sms) (CDRC)
 Bairdsryle (Calidris bairdii)
  1 2cy, Delta de l'Ebre, Tarragona, Spanien.
still present.
(set/hørt af: Manolo García & Clemente Alvarez) (kilde: Reservoir Birds) (FLS)
Søndag 23. januar 2011
 Tyknæbbet Lappedykker (Podilymbus podiceps)
  1 wint. plum., Riocaldo-Pedroso gravel pits, Begonte, NE Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Present regularly in the area since July 2007 (!). 4 accepted records by the Spanish RC up to 2006.
(set/hørt af: Toño Salazar) (kilde: Galiciaves forum) (CDRC)
  1 wint. plum., Sobrado dos Monxes lagoon, C Galicia, Spanien.
Probably a different bird from that of Riocaldo (!). Some plumage differences observed. 4 accepted records by the Spanish RC up to 2006.
(set/hørt af: Agustín Alcalde Lorenzo, Roberto Figueiras Nodar, Francisco Carballo Benito ) (kilde: NOG/SGO database) (CDRC)
 Bairdsryle (Calidris bairdii)
  1 2cy, Delta de l'Ebre, Tarragona, Spanien.
Still present.
(kilde: Reservoir Birds) (FLS)
 Lille Gulben (Tringa flavipes)
  1 Delta de l'Ebre, Tarragona, Spanien.
Still present.
(kilde: Reservoir Birds) (FLS)
Lørdag 22. januar 2011
 Blåvinget And (Spatula discors)
  1 male, Lago wetland, Xove, N Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Present December 2009-March 2010 and recorded this winter 2010/11 aswell. 35 accepted records by the Spanish RC, many of them in the Canaries.
(set/hørt af: Daniel López Velasco, Fernando Arce, Ricardo Hevia) (kilde: Galiciaves forum) (CDRC)
Fredag 21. januar 2011
 Bairdsryle (Calidris bairdii)
  1 Arrossars de la Comandanta, Ebro's Delta, Spanien.
still present.
(set/hørt af: Manolo García) (kilde: Reservoir Birds) (FLS)
Onsdag 19. januar 2011
 Bairdsryle (Calidris bairdii)
  1 2cy, Arrossars de la Comandanta, Ebro's Delta, Spanien.
still present.
(set/hørt af: Albert Cama & Vittorio Pedrocchi, et al.) (kilde: Reservoir Birds) (FLS)
Tirsdag 18. januar 2011
 Bairdsryle (Calidris bairdii)
  1 2cy, Arrossars de la Comandanta, Ebro's Delta, Spanien.
(set/hørt af: David Bigas/CAR Montsià & Juan Manuel Martínez) (kilde: Reservoir Birds) (FLS)
 Blåstjert (Tarsiger cyanurus)
  1 St. Feliu de Buixalleu, Girona, Spanien.
still present.
(set/hørt af: Juan Bernal) (kilde: Reservoir Birds) (FLS)
Lørdag 15. januar 2011
 Tyknæbbet Lappedykker (Podilymbus podiceps)
  1 wint. plum., Riocaldo-Pedroso gravel pits, Begonte, NE Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
With a female Aythya collaris. Present regularly in the area since July 2007 (!). 4 accepted records by the Spanish RC up to 2006.
(set/hørt af: S. Alarcón, F. Pereiras, J. L. Fernández Carnero, T. Salazar) (kilde: sms) (CDRC)
 Amerikansk Krikand (Anas carolinensis)
  2 (males), Rexidoiro reservoir, Arteixo, NW Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
One present since 27-11-2010 and two since 11-12-2010. 38 accepted records in Spain up to 2006.
(set/hørt af: Cosme D. Romai, Atocha Ramos) (CDRC) (opdateret: 15/1 23:03 CDRC)
 Blåstjert (Tarsiger cyanurus)
  1 St. Feliu de Buixalleu, Girona, Spanien.
still present.
(kilde: Reservoir Birds) (FLS)
Lørdag 8. januar 2011
 Lille Bjergand (Aythya affinis)
  1 Traba lagoon, Laxe, W Galicia, Spanien.
Overwintering. 16 accepted records (25 birds) by the Spanish RC up to 2006, most of them in the Canaries.
(set/hørt af: José Luis Rabuñal) (kilde: Antonio Sandoval, pers. comm.) (CDRC)
 Ørkenstenpikker (Oenanthe deserti)
  1 F. imm type, cape Touriñán, Muxía, W Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Overwintering! 19 accepted records by the Spanish RC up to 2006.
(set/hørt af: Antonio Gende, Anxo Gende) (kilde: RAM blog) (CDRC)
Onsdag 5. januar 2011
 Græsrikse (Crex egregia)
  1 Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spanien. (foto: )
(kilde: Rare Birds in Spain via facebook) (RB) (opdateret: 24/1 13:25 RSN)
Mandag 3. januar 2011
 Blåstjert (Tarsiger cyanurus)
  1 St. Feliu de Buixalleu, Girona, Spanien. (foto: )
still present.
(kilde: Reservoir Birds) (FLS)
Søndag 2. januar 2011
 Tyknæbbet Lappedykker (Podilymbus podiceps)
  1 wint. plum., Riocaldo-Pedroso gravel pits, Begonte, NE Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Present regularly in the area since July 2007 (!). 4 accepted records by the Spanish RC up to 2006.
(set/hørt af: Albert Cama, Matxalen Pauly) (kilde: sms) (CDRC)
 Halsbåndstroldand (Aythya collaris)
  1 Alcarràs, Lleida, Spanien.
still present.
(set/hørt af: Víctor Sanz) (kilde: Reservoir Birds) (FLS)
 Blåstjert (Tarsiger cyanurus)
  1 St. Feliu de Buixalleu, Girona, Spanien. (foto: )
still present.
(set/hørt af: Ferran López José Luis Copete, et al.) (kilde: GPS location at Reservoir Birds) (FLS)
 Ørkenstenpikker (Oenanthe deserti)
  1 F. imm type, cape Touriñán, Muxía, W Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Overwintering! 19 accepted records by the Spanish RC up to 2006.
(set/hørt af: Albert Cama, Matxalen Pauly) (kilde: sms) (CDRC)
Fredag 31. december 2010
 Blåstjert (Tarsiger cyanurus)
  1 St. Feliu de Buixalleu, Girona, Spanien.
still present.
(set/hørt af: Ramón Servitje) (kilde: GPS location at Reservoir Birds) (FLS)
Torsdag 30. december 2010
 Blåstjert (Tarsiger cyanurus)
  1 St. Feliu de Buixalleu, Girona, Spanien. (foto: )
still present.
(kilde: GPS location at Reservoir Birds) (FLS)
Onsdag 29. december 2010
 Bonapartemåge (Chroicocephalus philadelphia)
  1 ad., Tarragona harbour, Spanien.
still present.
(set/hørt af: Oriol Clarabuch & Ponç Feliu) (kilde: Reservoir Birds) (FLS)
 Silkehale (Bombycilla garrulus)
  2 with Turdus pilaris, Monte Valgrande, L.lena, Asturias , Spanien.
6 accepted records by the Spanish RC up to 2006.
(set/hørt af: Xuan Cortés) (kilde: Coaciosforu / Reservoirbirds) (CDRC)
 Blåstjert (Tarsiger cyanurus)
  1 El Montseny area, Sant Feliu de Buixalleu, Girona. near les Llobateres pond, Spanien.
5th for Spain, relocated after obs 26/12.
(set/hørt af: G.Dalmau, T.Alonso, Jesús, F.Dalmau) (kilde: Rare birds Spain via facebook) (SW) (opdateret: 29/12 18:25 SW)
Søndag 26. december 2010
 Blåstjert (Tarsiger cyanurus)
  1 El Montseny area, Sant Feliu de Buixalleu, Girona, Spanien.
5th for Spain.
(set/hørt af: David Caballé) (kilde: Rare birds Spain via facebook) (SW)
Lørdag 25. december 2010
 Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus)
  1 Teguise, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spanien.
Still present.
(set/hørt af: Juan Sagardía) (kilde: Reservoir Birds) (FLS)
Torsdag 23. december 2010
 Rødfodet Sule (Sula sula)
  1 Main central recovery center of Torreferrussa , Spanien. (foto: )
2nd for Europe. Died in the recovery centre after severe surgery and a couple of days recovery.
(kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (SW)
 Bonapartemåge (Chroicocephalus philadelphia)
  1 ad., Tarragona harbour, Spanien.
Still present.
(set/hørt af: Ferran López, Maria Cabau, et al.) (kilde: Reservoir Birds webpage & GPS location) (FLS)
Tirsdag 21. december 2010
 Bonapartemåge (Chroicocephalus philadelphia)
  1 ad., Tarragona harbour, Spanien.
Still present.
(set/hørt af: Albert Cama) (kilde: Reservoir Birds) (FLS)
Mandag 20. december 2010
 Rødnæbbet Tropikfugl (Phaethon aethereus)
  1 Playa del Pozo Negro, Fuerteventura, Spanien.
(kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (MBH)
 Rødfodet Sule (Sula sula)
  1 Main central recovery center of Torreferrussa , Spanien. (foto: )
2nd for Europe. Reappeared in the afternoon on the 15th. It was seriously injured by fishing gear and was brought to a recovery centre. It had 3 hooks in its stomach, one old two new, and has got surgery this afternoon. Its now in the recovery centre.
(kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (MBH)
 Stribet Rørvagtel (Aenigmatolimnas marginalis)
  1 Las Navas de la Concepción, Sierra Norte, Sevilla, Spanien. (foto: )
First for Spain. Landed in the town 12.12 and was released in a nearby creek the following day.
(kilde: Rare birds Spain) (SW) (opdateret: 20/12 19:54 FLS)
Søndag 19. december 2010
 Tyknæbbet Lappedykker (Podilymbus podiceps)
  1 wint. plum., Riocaldo-Pedroso gravel pits, Begonte, NE Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Present regularly in the area since July 2007 (!). A female Aythya collaris also present there. 4 accepted records by the Spanish RC up to 2006.
(set/hørt af: David Calleja) (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain phorum) (CDRC)
Lørdag 18. december 2010
 Mørkrygget Stormsvale (Oceanodroma monorhis)
  3 Arrecife, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spanien.
(set/hørt af: Francisco Javier García Vargas) (kilde: Reservoir Birds) (FLS)
 Rødfodet Sule (Sula sula)
  1 Main central recovery center of Torreferrussa , Spanien. (foto: )
2nd for Europe. Reappeared in the afternoon on the 15th. It was seriously injured by fishing gear and was brought to a recovery centre. It had 3 hooks in its stomach, one old two new, and has got surgery this afternoon. Its now in the recovery centre.
(kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (MBH)

[<<- forrige 50] | 1 | ... | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | ... | 41 | [næste 50 ->>]

Sanglærke, Danmark 13. marts 2011 Foto: Claus Halkjær
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