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Mexico 4. januar 2010 Foto: Massimiliano Dettori

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VP observationer*

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Opdateres af: Rafael Armada (RA), Aurélien Audevard (AA), Joachim Bertrands (JoB), Magnus Christofer Bladh (MCB), Gábor Bodor (GB), Edward Bonavia (EB), Richard Bonser (RB), Brynjúlfur Brynjólfsson (BB), Bosse Carlsson (BS), Simon Sigaard Christiansen (SSC), Markus Craig (MC), Szilard J. Daroczi (SJD), Gerald Driessens (GD), Richard Ek (RE), Janus Ethelberg (JEt), Frode Falkenberg (FF), Tommy Frandsen (TF), Michael Fricke (MF), Didier Godreau (DG), Zbigniew Kajzer (ZK), Jens Søgaard Hansen (JSH), Morten Bentzon Hansen (MBH), Yann Kolbeinsson (YK), Alexandre Hespanhol Leitão (AL), Pawel Malczyk (PM), Rune Sø Neergaard (RSN), Kenneth Rude Nielsen (KRN), Benoit Paepegaey (BP), Yoav Perlman (YP), Cosme Damián Romai-Cousido (CDRC), Louis Sallé (LS), Markku Santamaa (MS), Ferran López Sanz (FLS), Rasmus Strack (RS), Anders Søgaard (ANS), Pieter van Veelen (PV), Steven Wytema (SW).

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[<<- forrige 50] | 1 | ... | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | ... | 41 | [næste 50 ->>]

Seneste VP observationer
Lørdag 5. september 2009
 Kap Verde-petrel (Pterodroma feae)
  2 (P. feae-type), Cariño, N Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
One seen 12:15 GTM and another 13:25 GTM, near the boat. 9th and 10th record for Galicia (3 of them in Aug-Set 2008 and 4 -so far- in Aug-Set 2009). No accepted records by the Spanish RC yet.
(set/hørt af: 'Aula do Mar' pelagic trip: José M. Alonso + 20 observers. Photos by Gorka Ocio) (kilde: Iberian Seagroup (foroGIAM) + Galiciaves phorum + Rare Birds in Spain web) (CDRC) (opdateret: 7/9 06:56 CDRC)
 Wilsons Stormsvale (Oceanites oceanicus)
  4 Cariño, N Galicia, Spanien.
Great pelagic just 10 miles offshore. Also 2 Pterodroma 'feae-type' and 8 Sabine's Gulls seen.
(set/hørt af: 'Aula do Mar' pelagic trip: José M. Alonso + 20 observers) (kilde: Iberian Seagroup phorum (foroGIAM) + Galiciaves phorum) (CDRC)
 Tejst (Cepphus grylle)
  1 2cy, Ría de la Villa (Villaviciosa), Asturias, Spanien. (foto: )
Still there. Only 3 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Juan Sagardía Pradera. ) (kilde: Reservoir Birds) (CDRC)
Fredag 4. september 2009
 Kap Verde-petrel (Pterodroma feae)
  1 (P. feae-type), Estaca de Bares cape, Mañón, N Galicia, Spanien.
Bird flying W at 17:15 GTM. 8th record for Galicia (3 of them in Aug-Set 2008). No accepted records by the Spanish RC yet.
(set/hørt af: Ricardo Hevia, Antonio Sandoval) (kilde: Iberian Seagroup phorum (foroGIAM)) (CDRC)
 Wilsons Stormsvale (Oceanites oceanicus)
  1 migrating W, Punta La Vaca, Gozón, Asturias, Spanien.
Also 12,000 Manx Shearwater, 12 Long-tailed Skuas, 1 Roseate Tern, 6 Sabine's Gulls and 1 White-winged Tern.
(set/hørt af: Daniel L. Velasco, Marco García, Elías García, Pedro J. Menendez, Nacho Vega, Manolo Pajuelo, Jorge Valella) (kilde: Rarebirdpain phorum) (CDRC)
 Prærieløber (Calidris subruficollis)
  1 juv., Alday marshes, Camargo, Cantabria, Spanien. (foto: )
Still there. 36 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Máximo Sánchez, María J. Valencia, Xurxo Piñeiro, Ignacio Olaso, María Bengoechea, Óscar Llama) (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain phorum) (CDRC)
 Lille Kjove (Stercorarius longicaudus)
  151 (80% ad.), Estaca de Bares cape, Mañón, N Galicia, Spanien.
Stunning seabird passage in Galicia, incluing 300+ S. longicaudus observed migrating W from Estaca from 27-8 to 4-9-2009. Only 31 records of 39 individuals accepted by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Ricardo Hevia) (kilde: Rarebirdspain phorum + ForoGIAM phorum) (CDRC)
Torsdag 3. september 2009
 Prærieløber (Calidris subruficollis)
  1 juv., Alday marshes, Camargo, Cantabria, Spanien. (foto: )
Still there. 36 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Yves Borremans, César Bermejo, José A. Maroña, Carlos Sánchez) (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain phorum) (CDRC)
 Småspove (Numenius phaeopus)
  1 (Hudsonian Whimbrel, N. p. hudsonicus), Baldaio wetland, Carballo, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Still there. 1st for Spain (cat. A).
(set/hørt af: Amadeo A. Pombo) (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain phorum) (CDRC) (opdateret: 4/9 22:44 CDRC)
 Lille Kjove (Stercorarius longicaudus)
  29 (mostly ad.) migrating, Punta La Vaca, Gozón, Asturias, Spanien.
Great S. longicaudus passage off N and NW Spain. Only 31 records of 39 individuals accepted by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Dani L. Velasco, Marco García, Nacho Vega, Pedro J. Menendez ) (kilde: Rarebirdpain phorum) (CDRC)
 Rosenterne (Sterna dougallii)
  2 (1cy + 2cy), Salina de la Tapa, Puerto de St. María (Cádiz), Spanien.
(set/hørt af: Rafael García) (kilde: Reservoir Birds) (FLS) (opdateret: 4/9 16:41 FLS)
 Citronvipstjert (Motacilla citreola)
  1 1cy, Llobregat Delta, Barcelona, Spanien.
(set/hørt af: Ferran López) (kilde: (FLS)
Onsdag 2. september 2009
 Slagfalk (Falco cherrug)
  1 Palencia province, Castilla y León, Spanien. (foto: )
Relocated! Satellite tracked female named "Piros", a 1cy bird from W Hungary. More info clicking in the photo icons. 1st for Spain (cat. A).
(set/hørt af: Juan Sagardia, Antonio Ceballos) (kilde: Rarebirdspain phorum) (CDRC)
 Tejst (Cepphus grylle)
  1 2cy, Ría de la Villa (Villaviciosa), Asturias, Spanien. (foto: )
Still there. Only 3 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Adolfo Villaverde) (kilde: Coaciosforu) (CDRC) (opdateret: 6/9 01:51 CDRC)
 Citronvipstjert (Motacilla citreola)
  1 1cy, Llobregat Delta, Barcelona, Spanien.
still present.
(set/hørt af: Ferran López) (kilde: (FLS)
Tirsdag 1. september 2009
 Stribet Ryle (Calidris melanotos)
  1 Ebro's Delta, Tarragona, Spanien.
(set/hørt af: David Bigas / CAR-Montsià) (kilde: (FLS)
 Tejst (Cepphus grylle)
  1 2cy, El Puntal, ría de la Villa (Villaviciosa), Asturias, Spanien. (foto: )
Still there. Only 3 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Adolfo Villaverde) (kilde: Coaciosforu + photos by Juanín Zaldívar and Pablo Galiano) (CDRC) (opdateret: 6/9 01:51 CDRC)
 Citronvipstjert (Motacilla citreola)
  1 NP Albufera de Valencia, Valencia, Spanien.
ad. female.
(set/hørt af: Bosco Díes & Toni Alcocer) (kilde: (FLS)
 Rosenstær (Pastor roseus)
  1 juv., A Comboa, Corrubedo NP, Ribeira, W Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Still there. 2nd for Galicia. 18 accepted records by the Spanish RC in Spain till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Alexandre Justo) (kilde: comm. pers. (photo published in Reservoir Birds)) (CDRC)
Mandag 31. august 2009
 Tejst (Cepphus grylle)
  1 juv., El Puntal, ría de la Villa (Villaviciosa), Asturias, Spanien.
Stunning record. Only 3 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Adolfo Villaverde, Juanín Zaldívar) (kilde: Coaciosforu + Rarebirdspain phorum) (CDRC)
 Citronvipstjert (Motacilla citreola)
  2 (1cy), Llobregat Delta, Barcelona, Spanien.
(set/hørt af: Ferran López) (kilde: (FLS)
 Rosenstær (Pastor roseus)
  1 juv., A Comboa, Corrubedo NP, Ribeira, W Galicia, Spanien.
2nd for Galicia. 18 accepted records by the Spanish RC in Spain till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Alexandre Justo, Francisco Espinosa) (kilde: Galiciaves phorum) (CDRC) (opdateret: 4/9 22:47 CDRC)
Søndag 30. august 2009
 Prærieløber (Calidris subruficollis)
  1 Alday marshes, Camargo, Cantabria, Spanien.
Still there. 36 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Guillermo Rodríguez, Ángel Ruiz Elizalde.) (kilde: Reservoir Birds) (CDRC)
Lørdag 29. august 2009
 Sortbrun And (Anas rubripes)
  1 Ría de la Villa (Villaviciosa), Asturias, Spanien.
10 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Adolfo Villaverde) (kilde: Rarebirdspain phorum) (CDRC)
 Prærieløber (Calidris subruficollis)
  1 Alday marshes, Camargo, Cantabria, Spanien.
36 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Yves Borremans) (kilde: Rarebirdspain phorum) (CDRC) (opdateret: 30/8 15:52 CDRC)
 Plettet Mudderklire (Actitis macularius)
  1 juv., Sartaña beach (Covas), Ferrol, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Still there. Only 2 Actitis at the beach! 17 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006. Few records since.
(set/hørt af: Antonio Ceballos) (kilde: Rarebirdspain phorum) (CDRC)
Fredag 28. august 2009
 Lille Kjove (Stercorarius longicaudus)
  120 (97% ad.), Estaca de Bares cape, Mañón, N Galicia, Spanien.
150+ S. longicaudus were observed migrating W from Estaca this week! Record number for Spain (only 31 records of 39 individuals accepted by the Spanish RC till 2006).
(set/hørt af: 14 observers) (kilde: Galiciaves phorum) (CDRC) (opdateret: 29/8 02:39 CDRC)
 Rosenterne (Sterna dougallii)
  1 juv. found dead, San Pedro de Muro, Porto do Son, W Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
(set/hørt af: Amadeo A. Pombo) (kilde: Galiciaves phorum) (CDRC)
 Citronvipstjert (Motacilla citreola)
  1 1cy, Llobregat Delta, Barcelona, Spanien.
(set/hørt af: Ferran López & Sergi Bosch) (kilde: (FLS)
Torsdag 27. august 2009
 Kap Verde-petrel (Pterodroma feae)
  1 (P. feae-type), Estaca de Bares cape, Mañón, N Galicia, Spanien.
Bird flying W at 18:15 GTM. 7th record for Galicia (3 of them in Aug-Set 2008). No accepted records by the Spanish RC yet.
(set/hørt af: 12 observers (including Ricardo Hevia & Dani L. Velasco)) (kilde: Rarebirdspain phorum) (CDRC)
 Broget Krage (Corvus albus)
  1 Laxe de Rons, O Grove, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Present in the area since July 2006. Category D, as perhaps ship-assisted.
(set/hørt af: Juan C. Cabrero) (CDRC)
Mandag 24. august 2009
 Slagfalk (Falco cherrug)
  1 Valladolid province, Castilla y León, Spanien. (foto: )
Satellite tracked female named "Piros", a 1cy bird from W Hungary. More info clicking in the photo icons. 1st for Spain (cat. A).
(set/hørt af: Juan Sagardia) (kilde: Rarebirdspain phorum / Reservoir Birds) (CDRC) (opdateret: 25/8 22:46 CDRC)
 Stor Gulben (Tringa melanoleuca)
  1 juv, San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Las Palmas, Spanien.
still present.
(set/hørt af: Eugenio Hernández) (kilde: (FLS)
Søndag 23. august 2009
 Stor Gulben (Tringa melanoleuca)
  1 juv, San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Gran Canaria, Spanien.
still present.
(set/hørt af: Miguel Suares) (kilde: (FLS)
Lørdag 22. august 2009
 Stor Gulben (Tringa melanoleuca)
  1 juv, San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Gran Canaria, Spanien.
(set/hørt af: José García Monzón) (kilde: (FLS)
Fredag 21. august 2009
 Rosenterne (Sterna dougallii)
  1 2cy, Salina de la Tapa, Puerto de St. María (Cádiz), Spanien.
(set/hørt af: Rafael García, Alberto Alvarez, Antonio Ceballos, et al.) (kilde: (FLS)
Torsdag 20. august 2009
 Plettet Mudderklire (Actitis macularius)
  1 juv., Sartaña beach (Covas), Ferrol, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Still there. 17 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006. Few records since.
(set/hørt af: Raimundo Martín) (kilde: Fernando Pereiras in Travelling Birds´ blog) (CDRC)
Onsdag 19. august 2009
 Tyknæbbet Lappedykker (Podilymbus podiceps)
  1 ad. summ. plum. elusive, Riocaldo-Pedroso gravel pits, Begonte, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Long-staying bird (in the area since 26-7-2007). 4 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Fernando del Valle) (kilde: Galiciaves phorum) (CDRC)
 Småspove (Numenius phaeopus)
  1 (Hudsonian Whimbrel, N. p. hudsonicus), Baldaio wetland, Carballo, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Still there. Seen in the same location Jan-Apr 09. 1st for Spain (cat. A).
(set/hørt af: Xabier Varela Varela) (kilde: Galiciaves phorum) (CDRC)
Tirsdag 18. august 2009
 Plettet Mudderklire (Actitis macularius)
  1 juv., Sartaña beach (Covas), Ferrol, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Still there. 17 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006. Few records since.
(set/hørt af: Fernando del Valle) (kilde: Galiciaves phorum) (CDRC)
 Rosenterne (Sterna dougallii)
  1 ad, Salina de la Tapa, Puerto de St. María, Cádiz, Spanien.
still present.
(set/hørt af: Rafael García) (kilde: (FLS)
Mandag 17. august 2009
 Rüppells Grib (Gyps rueppelli)
  1 1 ad, Ojen Valley, NW of Tarifa, Spanien.
Found by Phil Chantler et al..
(set/hørt af: Pieter van Veelen) (PV)
 Småspove (Numenius phaeopus)
  1 (Hudsonian Whimbrel, N. p. hudsonicus), Baldaio wetland, Carballo, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Still there. Seen in the same location Jan-Apr 09. 1st for Spain (cat. A).
(set/hørt af: Clemente Alvarez Usategui) (kilde: Reservoir Birds) (CDRC)
 Rosenterne (Sterna dougallii)
  1 ad, Salina de la Tapa, Puerto de St. María, Cádiz, Spanien.
(set/hørt af: Rafael García) (kilde: (FLS)
Søndag 16. august 2009
 Wilsons Stormsvale (Oceanites oceanicus)
  4 off Cariño, N Galicia, Spanien.
"Aula do Mar" pelagic trip. One Long-tailed Skua and several Sabine's Gulls and Great Shearwaters were also observed.
(set/hørt af: Ricardo Hevia + other 20 observers) (kilde: Galiciaves phorum) (CDRC) (opdateret: 16/8 22:55 CDRC)
Lørdag 15. august 2009
 Småspove (Numenius phaeopus)
  1 (Hudsonian Whimbrel, N. p. hudsonicus), Baldaio wetland, Carballo, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Still there. Seen in the same location Jan-Apr 09. 1st for Spain (cat. A).
(set/hørt af: Xabier Varela and other observers) (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain phorum) (CDRC)
Fredag 14. august 2009
 Bengalterne (Thalasseus bengalensis)
  1 2cy, Salina de la Tapa, Puerto de St. María (Cádiz), Spanien.
Ringed at night!.
(set/hørt af: Rafael García, Alberto Alvarez, JMª Zapata, Salvador Márquez & Francisco Hortas) (kilde: (FLS)
Tirsdag 11. august 2009
 Tyknæbbet Lappedykker (Podilymbus podiceps)
  1 ad. summ. plum. elusive, Riocaldo-Pedroso gravel pits, Begonte, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Long-staying bird (in the area since 26-7-2007). One Whooper Swan and one Canada Goose also at Begonte. 4 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Jose Otero) (kilde: Galiciaves phorum) (CDRC) (opdateret: 12/8 11:10 CDRC)
 Plettet Mudderklire (Actitis macularius)
  1 juv., Sartaña beach (Covas), Ferrol, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Still there. 17 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006. Few records since.
(set/hørt af: Antonio Gutiérrez) (kilde: Antonio's blog) (CDRC)
 Rosenterne (Sterna dougallii)
  1 ad, Salina de la Tapa, Puerto de St. María, Cádiz, Spanien.
still present.
(set/hørt af: Rafael García, Paco Chiclana & Fernando Del Valle) (kilde: (FLS)

[<<- forrige 50] | 1 | ... | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | ... | 41 | [næste 50 ->>]

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