(P. feae-type), Cariño, N Galicia, Spanien. (foto: ) One seen 12:15 GTM and another 13:25 GTM, near the boat. 9th and 10th record for Galicia (3 of them in Aug-Set 2008 and 4 -so far- in Aug-Set 2009). No accepted records by the Spanish RC yet. (set/hørt af: 'Aula do Mar' pelagic trip: José M. Alonso + 20 observers. Photos by Gorka Ocio)(kilde: Iberian Seagroup (foroGIAM) + Galiciaves phorum + Rare Birds in Spain web)(CDRC)(opdateret: 7/9 06:56 CDRC)
Cariño, N Galicia, Spanien. Great pelagic just 10 miles offshore. Also 2 Pterodroma 'feae-type' and 8 Sabine's Gulls seen. (set/hørt af: 'Aula do Mar' pelagic trip: José M. Alonso + 20 observers)(kilde: Iberian Seagroup phorum (foroGIAM) + Galiciaves phorum)(CDRC)
2cy, Ría de la Villa (Villaviciosa), Asturias, Spanien. (foto: ) Still there. Only 3 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006. (set/hørt af: Juan Sagardía Pradera. )(kilde: Reservoir Birds)(CDRC)
(P. feae-type), Estaca de Bares cape, Mañón, N Galicia, Spanien. Bird flying W at 17:15 GTM. 8th record for Galicia (3 of them in Aug-Set 2008). No accepted records by the Spanish RC yet. (set/hørt af: Ricardo Hevia, Antonio Sandoval)(kilde: Iberian Seagroup phorum (foroGIAM))(CDRC)
juv., Alday marshes, Camargo, Cantabria, Spanien. (foto: ) Still there. 36 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006. (set/hørt af: Máximo Sánchez, María J. Valencia, Xurxo Piñeiro, Ignacio Olaso, María Bengoechea, Óscar Llama)(kilde: Rare Birds in Spain phorum)(CDRC)
(80% ad.), Estaca de Bares cape, Mañón, N Galicia, Spanien. Stunning seabird passage in Galicia, incluing 300+ S. longicaudus observed migrating W from Estaca from 27-8 to 4-9-2009. Only 31 records of 39 individuals accepted by the Spanish RC till 2006. (set/hørt af: Ricardo Hevia)(kilde: Rarebirdspain phorum + ForoGIAM phorum)(CDRC)
juv., Alday marshes, Camargo, Cantabria, Spanien. (foto: ) Still there. 36 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006. (set/hørt af: Yves Borremans, César Bermejo, José A. Maroña, Carlos Sánchez)(kilde: Rare Birds in Spain phorum)(CDRC)
(mostly ad.) migrating, Punta La Vaca, Gozón, Asturias, Spanien. Great S. longicaudus passage off N and NW Spain. Only 31 records of 39 individuals accepted by the Spanish RC till 2006. (set/hørt af: Dani L. Velasco, Marco García, Nacho Vega, Pedro J. Menendez )(kilde: Rarebirdpain phorum)(CDRC)
(1cy + 2cy), Salina de la Tapa, Puerto de St. María (Cádiz), Spanien. (set/hørt af: Rafael García)(kilde: Reservoir Birds)(FLS)(opdateret: 4/9 16:41 FLS)
Palencia province, Castilla y León, Spanien. (foto: ) Relocated! Satellite tracked female named "Piros", a 1cy bird from W Hungary. More info clicking in the photo icons. 1st for Spain (cat. A). (set/hørt af: Juan Sagardia, Antonio Ceballos)(kilde: Rarebirdspain phorum)(CDRC)
2cy, Ría de la Villa (Villaviciosa), Asturias, Spanien. (foto: ) Still there. Only 3 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006. (set/hørt af: Adolfo Villaverde)(kilde: Coaciosforu)(CDRC)(opdateret: 6/9 01:51 CDRC)
2cy, El Puntal, ría de la Villa (Villaviciosa), Asturias, Spanien. (foto: ) Still there. Only 3 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006. (set/hørt af: Adolfo Villaverde)(kilde: Coaciosforu + photos by Juanín Zaldívar and Pablo Galiano)(CDRC)(opdateret: 6/9 01:51 CDRC)
juv., A Comboa, Corrubedo NP, Ribeira, W Galicia, Spanien. (foto: ) Still there. 2nd for Galicia. 18 accepted records by the Spanish RC in Spain till 2006. (set/hørt af: Alexandre Justo)(kilde: comm. pers. (photo published in Reservoir Birds))(CDRC)
juv., El Puntal, ría de la Villa (Villaviciosa), Asturias, Spanien. Stunning record. Only 3 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006. (set/hørt af: Adolfo Villaverde, Juanín Zaldívar)(kilde: Coaciosforu + Rarebirdspain phorum)(CDRC)
juv., A Comboa, Corrubedo NP, Ribeira, W Galicia, Spanien. 2nd for Galicia. 18 accepted records by the Spanish RC in Spain till 2006. (set/hørt af: Alexandre Justo, Francisco Espinosa)(kilde: Galiciaves phorum)(CDRC)(opdateret: 4/9 22:47 CDRC)
Alday marshes, Camargo, Cantabria, Spanien. Still there. 36 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006. (set/hørt af: Guillermo Rodríguez, Ángel Ruiz Elizalde.)(kilde: Reservoir Birds)(CDRC)
Ría de la Villa (Villaviciosa), Asturias, Spanien. 10 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006. (set/hørt af: Adolfo Villaverde)(kilde: Rarebirdspain phorum)(CDRC)
juv., Sartaña beach (Covas), Ferrol, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: ) Still there. Only 2 Actitis at the beach! 17 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006. Few records since. (set/hørt af: Antonio Ceballos)(kilde: Rarebirdspain phorum)(CDRC)
(97% ad.), Estaca de Bares cape, Mañón, N Galicia, Spanien. 150+ S. longicaudus were observed migrating W from Estaca this week! Record number for Spain (only 31 records of 39 individuals accepted by the Spanish RC till 2006). (set/hørt af: 14 observers)(kilde: Galiciaves phorum)(CDRC)(opdateret: 29/8 02:39 CDRC)
(P. feae-type), Estaca de Bares cape, Mañón, N Galicia, Spanien. Bird flying W at 18:15 GTM. 7th record for Galicia (3 of them in Aug-Set 2008). No accepted records by the Spanish RC yet. (set/hørt af: 12 observers (including Ricardo Hevia & Dani L. Velasco))(kilde: Rarebirdspain phorum)(CDRC)
Laxe de Rons, O Grove, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: ) Present in the area since July 2006. Category D, as perhaps ship-assisted. (set/hørt af: Juan C. Cabrero)(CDRC)
Valladolid province, Castilla y León, Spanien. (foto: ) Satellite tracked female named "Piros", a 1cy bird from W Hungary. More info clicking in the photo icons. 1st for Spain (cat. A). (set/hørt af: Juan Sagardia)(kilde: Rarebirdspain phorum / Reservoir Birds)(CDRC)(opdateret: 25/8 22:46 CDRC)
2cy, Salina de la Tapa, Puerto de St. María (Cádiz), Spanien. Ringed. (set/hørt af: Rafael García, Alberto Alvarez, Antonio Ceballos, et al.)(kilde: http://www.reservoirbirds.com)(FLS)
juv., Sartaña beach (Covas), Ferrol, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: ) Still there. 17 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006. Few records since. (set/hørt af: Raimundo Martín)(kilde: Fernando Pereiras in Travelling Birds´ blog)(CDRC)
ad. summ. plum. elusive, Riocaldo-Pedroso gravel pits, Begonte, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: ) Long-staying bird (in the area since 26-7-2007). 4 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006. (set/hørt af: Fernando del Valle)(kilde: Galiciaves phorum)(CDRC)
(Hudsonian Whimbrel, N. p. hudsonicus), Baldaio wetland, Carballo, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: ) Still there. Seen in the same location Jan-Apr 09. 1st for Spain (cat. A). (set/hørt af: Xabier Varela Varela)(kilde: Galiciaves phorum)(CDRC)
juv., Sartaña beach (Covas), Ferrol, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: ) Still there. 17 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006. Few records since. (set/hørt af: Fernando del Valle)(kilde: Galiciaves phorum)(CDRC)
(Hudsonian Whimbrel, N. p. hudsonicus), Baldaio wetland, Carballo, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: ) Still there. Seen in the same location Jan-Apr 09. 1st for Spain (cat. A). (set/hørt af: Clemente Alvarez Usategui)(kilde: Reservoir Birds)(CDRC)
off Cariño, N Galicia, Spanien. "Aula do Mar" pelagic trip. One Long-tailed Skua and several Sabine's Gulls and Great Shearwaters were also observed. (set/hørt af: Ricardo Hevia + other 20 observers)(kilde: Galiciaves phorum)(CDRC)(opdateret: 16/8 22:55 CDRC)
(Hudsonian Whimbrel, N. p. hudsonicus), Baldaio wetland, Carballo, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: ) Still there. Seen in the same location Jan-Apr 09. 1st for Spain (cat. A). (set/hørt af: Xabier Varela and other observers)(kilde: Rare Birds in Spain phorum)(CDRC)
2cy, Salina de la Tapa, Puerto de St. María (Cádiz), Spanien. Ringed at night!. (set/hørt af: Rafael García, Alberto Alvarez, JMª Zapata, Salvador Márquez & Francisco Hortas)(kilde: http://www.reservoirbirds.com)(FLS)
ad. summ. plum. elusive, Riocaldo-Pedroso gravel pits, Begonte, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: ) Long-staying bird (in the area since 26-7-2007). One Whooper Swan and one Canada Goose also at Begonte. 4 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006. (set/hørt af: Jose Otero)(kilde: Galiciaves phorum)(CDRC)(opdateret: 12/8 11:10 CDRC)
juv., Sartaña beach (Covas), Ferrol, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: ) Still there. 17 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006. Few records since. (set/hørt af: Antonio Gutiérrez)(kilde: Antonio's blog)(CDRC)
ad, Salina de la Tapa, Puerto de St. María, Cádiz, Spanien. still present. (set/hørt af: Rafael García, Paco Chiclana & Fernando Del Valle)(kilde: http://www.reservoirbirds.com)(FLS)