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Opdateres af: Rafael Armada (RA), Aurélien Audevard (AA), Joachim Bertrands (JoB), Magnus Christofer Bladh (MCB), Gábor Bodor (GB), Edward Bonavia (EB), Richard Bonser (RB), Brynjúlfur Brynjólfsson (BB), Bosse Carlsson (BS), Simon Sigaard Christiansen (SSC), Markus Craig (MC), Szilard J. Daroczi (SJD), Gerald Driessens (GD), Richard Ek (RE), Janus Ethelberg (JEt), Frode Falkenberg (FF), Tommy Frandsen (TF), Michael Fricke (MF), Didier Godreau (DG), Zbigniew Kajzer (ZK), Jens Søgaard Hansen (JSH), Morten Bentzon Hansen (MBH), Yann Kolbeinsson (YK), Alexandre Hespanhol Leitão (AL), Pawel Malczyk (PM), Rune Sø Neergaard (RSN), Kenneth Rude Nielsen (KRN), Benoit Paepegaey (BP), Yoav Perlman (YP), Cosme Damián Romai-Cousido (CDRC), Louis Sallé (LS), Markku Santamaa (MS), Ferran López Sanz (FLS), Rasmus Strack (RS), Anders Søgaard (ANS), Pieter van Veelen (PV), Steven Wytema (SW).

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[<<- forrige 50] | 1 | ... | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | ... | 41 | [næste 50 ->>]

Seneste VP observationer
Søndag 28. september 2008
 Amerikansk Svømmesneppe (Phalaropus tricolor)
  1 Salinas de Janubio, Lanzarote, Spanien.
(kilde: (FLS)
 Nordsanger (Phylloscopus borealis)
  1 Laguna de Medina, Cádiz, Spanien.
(kilde: Rarebirdspain forum) (FLS)
Lørdag 27. september 2008
 Blåvinget And (Spatula discors)
  1 Llobregat Delta, Barcelona, Spanien.
(kilde: (FLS)
Torsdag 25. september 2008
 Blåvinget And (Spatula discors)
  1 Llobregat Delta, Barcelona, Spanien.
(kilde: (FLS)
Onsdag 24. september 2008
 Blåvinget And (Spatula discors)
  1 Llobregat Delta, Barcelona, Spanien.
Mandag 15. september 2008
 Tyknæbbet Dværgryle (Calidris pusilla)
  1 juv., Espasa river mouth, Caravia, Asturias, Spanien.
Found 13-9-2008. Nine records accepted by the Spanish RC till 2006. Some observations 2007-2008.
(set/hørt af: Xuán Cortés, Adolfo Villaverde, Daniel López) (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain phorum) (CDRC)
Søndag 14. september 2008
 Tyknæbbet Dværgryle (Calidris pusilla)
  1 juv., Espasa river mouth, Caravia, Asturias, Spanien.
Found yesterday. Nine records accepted by the Spanish RC till 2006. Some observations 2007-2008.
(set/hørt af: Gonzalo Gil Madrera; Xuán Cortés) (kilde: Asturian bird phorum/Rare Birds in Spain phorum) (CDRC) (opdateret: 15/9 17:25 CDRC)
 Stribet Ryle (Calidris melanotos)
  1 juv., A Limia gravel pits, Ourense, Galicia, Spanien.
This is the 25th record in Spain this summer (1st July-14th September), totalizing 37 individuals (!). 149 records (163 individuals) accepted by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: José R. Gómez) (kilde: Galician bird phorum/Rare Birds in Spain blog) (CDRC) (opdateret: 15/9 12:53 CDRC)
Lørdag 13. september 2008
 Tyknæbbet Dværgryle (Calidris pusilla)
  1 juv., Espasa river mouth, Caravia, Asturias, Spanien.
Nine records accepted by the Spanish RC till 2006. Some observations 2007-2008.
(set/hørt af: Gonzalo Gil Madrera) (kilde: Asturian bird phorum/Rare Birds in Spain phorum) (CDRC)
 Broget Krage (Corvus albus)
  1 ad., Laxe de Rons, O Grove, Galicia, Spanien.
Also a Pectoral Sandpiper in the area. Pied Crow was located on 04/07/2006 (!). D category (perhaps ship-assisted).
(set/hørt af: Cosme D. Romai) (CDRC)
Lørdag 30. august 2008
 Broget Krage (Corvus albus)
  1 ad., Laxe de Rons and Porto dos Padroneses, O Grove, Galicia, Spanien.
Long-staying bird (since 04/07/2006!). D category (perhaps ship-assisted).
(set/hørt af: Cosme D. Romai) (CDRC)
Torsdag 28. august 2008
 Rüppells Grib (Gyps rueppelli)
  1 Tarifa, Spanien.
(set/hørt af: Tobias Epple) (kilde: Tobias Epple) (MBH)
 Krokodillevogter (Pluvianus aegyptius)
  1 ad., Cartagena harbour, Murcia, Spanien.
Apparently the same bird seen May-July in Alicante and near Cartagena. D category.
(set/hørt af: Jacinto Martínez Ródenas) (kilde: Rare Bird Spain Phorum) (CDRC) (opdateret: 2/9 14:06 CDRC)
Onsdag 27. august 2008
 Madeirastormsvale (Oceanodroma castro)
  1 attracted to chum, 195-215 miles W of Vigo, Galicia, Spanien.
Perhaps regular off Galicia (dozens observed in 2006 and 4 in 2007). Just 4 records accepted by the Spanish RC till 2006 (regular in Canary Is).
(set/hørt af: RRS James Cook observers) (kilde: Seawatch Southwest) (CDRC) (opdateret: 5/9 11:30 CDRC)
 Bairdsryle (Calidris bairdii)
  1 ad., El Ràfol fields (Sueca), Comunitat Valenciana, Spanien. (foto: )
Still there. Just 10 records accepted by the Spanish RC till 2005.
(set/hørt af: Ferran López, José L. Copete & Rafa Armada) (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain phorum) (CDRC)
Søndag 24. august 2008
 Lille Sultanhøne (Porphyrio alleni)
  1 1cy, PN Aiguamolls de l'Empordà, Spanien. (foto: )
1st for Catalonia.
(kilde: Rafael Armada via email) (RB)
 Bairdsryle (Calidris bairdii)
  1 ad., El Ràfol fields (Sueca), Comunitat Valenciana, Spanien. (foto: )
Still there. Just 10 records accepted by the Spanish RC till 2005.
(set/hørt af: Toni Alcocer; Pepe Ruiz) (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain phorum) (CDRC)
 Amerikansk Svømmesneppe (Phalaropus tricolor)
  1 La Mata lagoon, Alicante/Alacant, Comunitat Valenciana, Spanien.
With a Red-necked Phalarope. One month in wetlands of SE Spain. 12 records accepted by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Xurxo Piñeiro) (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain phorum) (CDRC)
Tirsdag 19. august 2008
 Kap Verde-petrel (Pterodroma feae)
  1 (P. feae/madeira) near the cape, with Puffinus puffinus, towards W, Estaca de Bares point, northernmost Galicia, Spanien.
Fifth record for Galicia, last one 02-08-08 at the same place! No accepted records by the Spanish RC yet.
(set/hørt af: Gonzalo Lage, José Miguel Devesa, Ricardo Hevia.) (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain phorum) (CDRC)
 Bairdsryle (Calidris bairdii)
  1 ad., El Ràfol fields (Sueca), Comunitat Valenciana, Spanien. (foto: )
In the Mediterranean coast! In Spain, just 10 records accepted by the Spanish RC till 2005.
(set/hørt af: Bosco Dies) (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain phorum / Birding Albufera) (CDRC)
Søndag 17. august 2008
 Lille Sultanhøne (Porphyrio alleni)
  1 1cy, PN Aiguamolls de l'Empordà, Catalonia, Spanien. (foto: )
1st for Catalonia. Visible from Senillosa tower hide.
(set/hørt af: Jordi Martí-Aledo, Àlex Ollé, Albert Roca) (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (CDRC) (opdateret: 18/8 00:01 CDRC)
 Tyknæbbet Dværgryle (Calidris pusilla)
  1 ad. summ. plum., A Comboa (Ladeira), P. Nat. de Corrubedo, Ribeira, Galicia, Spanien.
Great relocation! Last seen at Valdoviño beach, 29-07-2008, about 136 km away (!). Nine accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Samuel Paz; Juan Cabeza) (CDRC)
 Broget Krage (Corvus albus)
  1 ad., Laxe de Rons and Porto dos Padroneses, O Grove, Galicia, Spanien.
Long-staying bird (since 04/07/2006!). D category (perhaps ship-assisted).
(set/hørt af: Cosme D. Romai) (CDRC)
Lørdag 16. august 2008
 Tyknæbbet Lappedykker (Podilymbus podiceps)
  1 ad. summ. plum. (elusive), Riocaldo-Pedroso gravel pits, Begonte, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Still there! Long-staying bird (in this area since Aug 2007). 4 records, 4 birds accepted by the Spanish RC till 2005.
(set/hørt af: José Otero, Eva Villares, Toño Salazar) (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (CDRC)
 Tyknæbbet Dværgryle (Calidris pusilla)
  1 ad. summ. plum., A Comboa (Ladeira), P. Nat. de Corrubedo, Ribeira, Galicia, Spanien.
Great relocation! Last seen at Valdoviño beach, 29-07-2008, about 136 km away (!). Nine accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Juan Cabeza) (CDRC) (opdateret: 17/8 22:35 CDRC)
Torsdag 14. august 2008
 Lille Sultanhøne (Porphyrio alleni)
  1 1cy, PN Aiguamolls de l'Empordà, Spanien. (foto: )
1st for Catalonia.
(set/hørt af: Julien Piette) (kilde: wp Ranking on netfugl) (TF)
 Broget Krage (Corvus albus)
  1 ad., Laxe de Rons and Porto dos Padroneses, O Grove, Galicia, Spanien.
Long-staying bird (since 04/07/2006!). D category (perhaps ship-assisted).
(set/hørt af: Cosme D. Romai) (CDRC)
Onsdag 13. august 2008
 Lille Sultanhøne (Porphyrio alleni)
  1 1cy, PN Aiguamolls de l'Empordà, Spanien. (foto: )
1st for Catalonia.
(kilde: SMS per Rafael Armada) (RB) (opdateret: 13/8 10:37 RB)
Tirsdag 12. august 2008
 Lille Sultanhøne (Porphyrio alleni)
  1 PN Aiguamolls de l'Empordà, Spanien. (foto: )
EURING 3, 1st for Catalonia at PN Aiguamolls de l'Empordà on 12.8.2008 afternoon..
(kilde: Rare birds in Spain) (TF) (opdateret: 12/8 23:28 TF)
Mandag 11. august 2008
 Tyknæbbet Lappedykker (Podilymbus podiceps)
  1 ad. summ. plum. (elusive), Riocaldo-Pedroso gravel pits, Begonte, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Still there! Long-staying bird (in this area since Aug 2007). 4 records, 4 birds accepted by the Spanish RC till 2005.
(set/hørt af: David Calleja) (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain phorum) (CDRC)
Søndag 10. august 2008
 Tyknæbbet Lappedykker (Podilymbus podiceps)
  1 ad. summ. plum. (elusive), Riocaldo-Pedroso gravel pits, Begonte, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Still there! Long-staying bird (in this area since Aug 2007). 4 records, 4 birds accepted by the Spanish RC till 2005.
(set/hørt af: José Otero) (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain phorum) (CDRC)
Fredag 8. august 2008
 Broget Krage (Corvus albus)
  1 ad., Laxe de Rons, O Grove, Galicia, Spanien.
Long-staying bird (since 04/07/2006!). D category (perhaps ship-assisted).
(set/hørt af: José L. Viñas) (CDRC)
Tirsdag 5. august 2008
 Amerikansk Svømmesneppe (Phalaropus tricolor)
  1 ad. type, San Pedro del Pinatar saltpans, Murcia, Spanien. (foto: )
Still there! Found on 24/07/08. 12 records accepted by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Ángel Sallent, Tomás García, José Antonio Barba.) (kilde: GIAM phorum) (CDRC)
Søndag 3. august 2008
 Broget Krage (Corvus albus)
  1 ad., Laxe de Rons, O Grove, Galicia, Spanien.
Long-staying bird (since 04/07/2006!). D category (perhaps ship-assisted).
(set/hørt af: Juan Carlos Cabrero) (CDRC)
Lørdag 2. august 2008
 Kap Verde-petrel (Pterodroma feae)
  1 (P. feae/madeira) near the cape during 4-5 min, with other seabirds, Estaca de Bares point, northernmost Galicia, Spanien.
Fourth record for Galicia. No accepted records by the Spanish RC yet.
(set/hørt af: Ricardo Hevia) (kilde: Galician bird phorum) (CDRC)
 Blåvinget And (Spatula discors)
  1 female/imm., Quartell wetland, Valencia, Comunitat Valenciana, Spanien.
(set/hørt af: Antonio Alcocer Cordellat) (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (CDRC)
Torsdag 31. juli 2008
 Broget Krage (Corvus albus)
  1 ad., Laxe de Rons, O Grove, Galicia, Spanien.
Long-staying bird (since 04/07/2006!). D category (perhaps ship-assisted).
(set/hørt af: MG via SMS) (CDRC) (opdateret: 31/7 12:15 CDRC)
Tirsdag 29. juli 2008
 Tyknæbbet Dværgryle (Calidris pusilla)
  1 ad. summ. plum., A Frouxeira, Valdoviño, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Discovered on 26/07/08. Perhaps the same bird observed 24-25/07/08 in Baldaio (distance: 56 km). Nine accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Antonio Salazar; José Miguel Alonso.) (kilde: Galician bird phorum) (CDRC) (opdateret: 29/7 18:28 CDRC)
 Broget Krage (Corvus albus)
  1 ad., Laxe de Rons, O Grove, Galicia, Spanien.
Long-staying bird (since 04/07/2006!). D category (perhaps ship-assisted)..
(set/hørt af: Juan Carlos Cabrero Figueiro) (CDRC)
Mandag 28. juli 2008
 Tyknæbbet Dværgryle (Calidris pusilla)
  1 ad. summ. plum., A Frouxeira, Valdoviño, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Discovered on 26/07/08. Perhaps the same bird observed 24-25/07/08 in Baldaio (distance: 56 km). Nine accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Luis José Salaverri) (kilde: Antonio Gutiérrez's bird blog) (CDRC) (opdateret: 29/7 18:28 CDRC)
Søndag 27. juli 2008
 Tyknæbbet Dværgryle (Calidris pusilla)
  1 ad. summ. plum., A Frouxeira, Valdoviño, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Perhaps the same bird observed 24-25/07/08 in Baldaio (distance: 56 km). Nine accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Pablo Gutiérrez, Antonio Gutiérrez, Marcos Otero.) (kilde: Galician bird phorum) (CDRC) (opdateret: 29/7 18:28 CDRC)
Lørdag 26. juli 2008
 Tyknæbbet Dværgryle (Calidris pusilla)
  1 ad. summ. plum., A Frouxeira, Valdoviño, Galicia, Spanien. (foto: )
Perhaps the same bird observed 24-25/07/08 in Baldaio (distance: 56 km). Nine accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Pablo Gutiérrez) (kilde: Galician bird phorum) (CDRC) (opdateret: 29/7 18:28 CDRC)
 Amerikansk Svømmesneppe (Phalaropus tricolor)
  1 ad. type, San Pedro del Pinatar saltpans, Murcia, Spanien. (foto: )
Found on 24/07/08. 12 records accepted by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Ana Íñigo; Diego Zamora) (kilde: Aves Fórum / Anuario Ornitológico de la Región de Murcia) (CDRC)
Fredag 25. juli 2008
 Tyknæbbet Dværgryle (Calidris pusilla)
  1 ad. summ. plum., Baldaio wetland, Carballo, Galicia, Spanien.
Discovered yesterday by Amadeo Pombo. Detailed observation including palmations. Nine accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Amadeo Pombo Eirín; Xabier Varela Varela.) (kilde: Galician bird phorum) (CDRC) (opdateret: 29/7 18:29 CDRC)
 Terekklire (Xenus cinereus)
  1 ad., Baldaio wetland, Carballo, Galicia, Spanien.
First record for Galicia! Also a Semipalmated Sandpiper present in the same area. 44 accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Xabier Varela Varela.) (CDRC)
Torsdag 24. juli 2008
 Tyknæbbet Dværgryle (Calidris pusilla)
  1 ad. summ. plum., Baldaio wetland, Carballo, Galicia, Spanien.
With Dunlins. Detailed observation including palmations. Nine accepted records by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Amadeo Pombo Eirín) (kilde: Galician bird phorum) (CDRC) (opdateret: 29/7 18:29 CDRC)
 Amerikansk Svømmesneppe (Phalaropus tricolor)
  1 ad. type, San Pedro del Pinatar saltpans, Murcia, Spanien. (foto: )
12 records accepted by the Spanish RC till 2006.
(set/hørt af: Richard sp.; Diego Zamora) (kilde: Anuario Ornitológico de la Región de Murcia) (CDRC)
Onsdag 9. juli 2008
 Rødhalset Ryle (Calidris ruficollis)
  1 adult summer, Albufera, Valencia, Spanien. (foto: )
(kilde: Andy Paterson via WestPalBirds) (RB)
Fredag 4. juli 2008
 Louisianahejre (Egretta tricolor)
  1 Los Cristianos harbour, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spanien. (foto: )
(set/hørt af: JiC +4526287043) (ANS)
Torsdag 3. juli 2008
 Brun Sule (Sula leucogaster)
  1 subadult, Roquetas de Mar, Almería, Spanien.
flew west.
(kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (RB)

[<<- forrige 50] | 1 | ... | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | ... | 41 | [næste 50 ->>]

Gråmåge, Gråmåge og en Middelhavssølvmåge i aftenlyset, Danmark 19. november 2006 Foto: Ole Zoltan Göller
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