Onsdag 15. september 2004 |
| Prærieløber (Calidris subruficollis) |
1 |
Playa Ladeira, Baiona, Pontevedra, Spanien. 800 meters from the Nigrán bird!. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (MBH) (opdateret: 16/9 21:34 MBH) |
Søndag 12. september 2004 |
| Bairdsryle (Calidris bairdii) |
1 |
laguna de Xuño, Porto do Son, A Coruña, Spanien. (foto: ) Also a Buff-breasted Sandpiper present at the same location. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (JEt) |
| Prærieløber (Calidris subruficollis) |
1 |
Laguna de Xuño, Porto do Son, A Coruña, Spanien. (foto: ) Also a Baird's Sandpiper present at the same location. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (JEt) |
Lørdag 11. september 2004 |
| Prærieløber (Calidris subruficollis) |
1 |
Playa Arealoura of Nigrán, Pontevedra, Spanien. (foto: ) (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (JEt) |
Onsdag 8. september 2004 |
| Lille Gulbug (Iduna caligata) |
1 |
Cau de Llastres, Colunga, Asturies, Spanien. A potential first for Spain. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (JEt) |
Torsdag 26. august 2004 |
| Wilsons Stormsvale (Oceanites oceanicus) |
3 |
8 miles off Oriñon, Cantabria, Gorka Ocio, Spanien. (kilde: rarebirdspain) (KRN) |
Tirsdag 24. august 2004 |
| Stribet Ryle (Calidris melanotos) |
1 |
1 cy, Racó de l'Olla, Albufera de València, Bosco Dies, Spanien. (kilde: rarebirdspain) (KRN) |
1 |
1 cy, balsa mayor de la Degollada, Calahorra, La Rioja, Spanien. (kilde: rarebirdspain) (KRN) |
Mandag 23. august 2004 |
| Stribet Ryle (Calidris melanotos) |
1 |
1 cy, Racó de l'Olla, Albufera de València, Bosco Dies, Spanien. (kilde: rarebirdspain) (KRN) (opdateret: 30/8 12:17 KRN) |
Søndag 22. august 2004 |
| Tyknæbbet Dværgryle (Calidris pusilla) |
1 |
Itsmo de la Lanzada, O Grove, Pontevedra, Spanien. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (MBH) |
| Vandsanger (Acrocephalus paludicola) |
5 |
banded, Villastrigo del Páramo, Spanien. (kilde: rarebirdspain) (KRN) |
Lørdag 21. august 2004 |
| Wilsons Stormsvale (Oceanites oceanicus) |
4 |
(4-5 birds), Estaca de Bares, A Coruña, Spanien. (kilde: rarebirdspain) (KRN) |
Fredag 20. august 2004 |
| Vandsanger (Acrocephalus paludicola) |
1 |
ad. banded, Villastrigo del Páramo, Spanien. (foto: ) (kilde: rarebirdspain) (KRN) |
Torsdag 19. august 2004 |
| Bengalterne (Thalasseus bengalensis) |
1 |
Racó de l'Olla, PN l'Albufera de València, Spanien. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (MBH) |
Onsdag 18. august 2004 |
| Bengalterne (Thalasseus bengalensis) |
1 |
La Rogera lagoon, PN Aiguamolls de l'Empordà, Spanien. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (MBH) |
Tirsdag 17. august 2004 |
| Amerikansk Dværgryle (Calidris minutilla) |
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Sils, Girona, Spanien. (foto: ) the 4th record for Spain. (kilde: rarebirdspain) (KRN) |
| Aztekerterne (Thalasseus elegans) |
1 |
PN Delta de l'Ebre, Spanien. Orange-billed tern showing characters of Elegant Tern carrying a metal ring (the French bird?). (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (MBH) |
Mandag 16. august 2004 |
| Stribet Ryle (Calidris melanotos) |
1 |
ad, El Goleró area, PN Delta de l'Ebre, Tarragona, Spanien. (kilde: rarebirdspain) (KRN) |
Søndag 15. august 2004 |
| Hættegrib (Necrosyrtes monachus) |
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Ciudad Real province, Spanien. Escape. 2nd record for Spain in recent times. Another was reported from Gibraltar last spring but since it was carrying a chain from one of the legs, it was thought to be an escape. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (MBH) (opdateret: 25/8 22:46 MBH) |
Onsdag 11. august 2004 |
| Vandsanger (Acrocephalus paludicola) |
1 |
La Nava, Palencia, Spanien. (kilde: rarebirdspain) (KRN) |
Mandag 9. august 2004 |
| Bengalterne (Thalasseus bengalensis) |
1 |
Racó de l'Olla, PN l'Albufera de València, Spanien. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (MBH) |
| Aztekerterne (Thalasseus elegans) |
1 |
PN Delta de l'Ebre, Spanien. (orange-billed tern showing characters of Elegant Tern) carrying a metal ring (the French bird).. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (MBH) (opdateret: 16/8 07:39 TF) |
Lørdag 7. august 2004 |
| Vandsanger (Acrocephalus paludicola) |
4 |
banded, La Nava, Palencia, Spanien. (kilde: rarebirdspain) (KRN) |
Torsdag 5. august 2004 |
| Aztekerterne (Thalasseus elegans) |
1 |
PN Delta de l'Ebre, Tarragona, Spanien. (orange-billed tern showing characters of Elegant Tern) carrying a metal ring (the French bird). (kilde: Rare birds in Spain) (TF) |
Onsdag 4. august 2004 |
| Aztekerterne (Thalasseus elegans) |
1 |
PN Delta de l'Ebre, Spanien. (orange-billed tern showing characters of Elegant Tern) carrying a metal ring (the French bird).. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (MBH) (opdateret: 16/8 07:39 TF) |
Mandag 26. juli 2004 |
| Aztekerterne (Thalasseus elegans) |
1 |
PN Delta de l'Ebre, Tarragona, Spanien. 2ND FOR SPAIN. An adult of this species which was seen carrying a metal ring (the French bird)? it was paired to a Sandwich Tern during this season and by mid July it had a hybrid chick. Can be twitched ?. (kilde: Rare birds in Spain) (TF) (opdateret: 27/7 00:19 TF) |
Tirsdag 15. juni 2004 |
| Broget Krage (Corvus albus) |
2 |
Gran Canaria island at Las Crucitas, Spanien. (foto: ) origin remains controversial but arrival thanks to fishing boats cannot be discarded. (kilde: http://www.rarebirdspain.net/arbsr000.htm) (TF) (opdateret: 17/6 08:08 TF) |
Torsdag 20. maj 2004 |
| Stribet Ryle (Calidris melanotos) |
2 |
Valdoviño lagoon, A Coruña, Galicia, Spanien. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (MBH) |
Onsdag 19. maj 2004 |
| Bonapartemåge (Chroicocephalus philadelphia) |
1 |
2cy, Valdoviño lagoon, A Coruña, Galicia, Spanien. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (MBH) |
Lørdag 8. maj 2004 |
| Præriemåge (Leucophaeus pipixcan) |
1 |
Desembocadura del río Vélez, Vélez-Málaga, Málaga, Spanien. (foto: ) (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (MBH) |
Onsdag 5. maj 2004 |
| Lattermåge (Leucophaeus atricilla) |
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1st summ., Europa Point, Gibraltar, Spanien. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (MBH) |
Mandag 26. april 2004 |
| Lille Gulben (Tringa flavipes) |
1 |
Clot de la Unilla, Lleida, Spanien. Since 28/2. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (MBH) |
| Hvidkindet Værling (Emberiza leucocephalos) |
1 |
male singing male, Albufera, near the road Can Picafort-Muro (a few hundret meters north), Mallorca, Spanien. (kilde: EuroTwitch) (MBH) |
| Indigofinke (Passerina cyanea) |
1 |
1st summ. male, Gibraltar, Spanien. (foto: ) Trapped but not ringed. Of unknown origin. The bird was lacking its tail. A first for Iberia if accepted.. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (MBH) |
Søndag 25. april 2004 |
| Rüppells Grib (Gyps rueppelli) |
2 |
Tarifa, Spanien. (kilde: http://Rare birds in Spain) (TF) |
Lørdag 17. april 2004 |
| Grøn Biæder (Merops persicus) |
1 |
Archipielago de Cabrera, Balearic Islands, Spanien. Present from 11/4 - 17/7 and was photographed. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (DN) |
Søndag 11. april 2004 |
| Lille Gulben (Tringa flavipes) |
1 |
Clot de la Unilla, Lleida, Spanien. Since 28/2. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (DN) |
Onsdag 7. april 2004 |
| Lille Sejler (Apus affinis) |
1 |
Torremolinos, Málaga, Spanien. Over the City with 200 Common Swifts at 19.50. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (DN) |
Søndag 4. april 2004 |
| Halsbåndstroldand (Aythya collaris) |
1 |
Female, Balsa de Riego de Villamañán, Villacé, León, Spanien. Since 17.1. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (DN) |
Fredag 2. april 2004 |
| Aztekerterne (Thalasseus elegans) |
1 |
Las Salinas des Carmen, Fuerteventura, Canaries, Spanien. (foto: ) First identified as a Lesser Crested but looks more like an Elegant though the ID is not finally clinched yet!. (set/hørt af: Stefan Tewinkel) (kilde: Euro Birdnet) (DN) |
Lørdag 27. marts 2004 |
| Broget Krage (Corvus albus) |
1 |
The Habour, Gran Canaria, Spanien. According to Eurobirding there is one previous record of the species on the Canaries, also on Gran Canaria in Dec. 2002. Furthermore there is one record from Libia from april ?? (Beaman & Madge, 1998). (set/hørt af: Tommy Holmgren) (kilde: Greg McIvor on EuroTwitch) (DN) (opdateret: 27/3 18:27 DN) |
Søndag 21. marts 2004 |
| Lille Sejler (Apus affinis) |
1 |
Bolonia, Spanien. Seen with a White-rumped Swift. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (DN) |
Lørdag 20. marts 2004 |
| Lille Gulben (Tringa flavipes) |
1 |
Clot de la Unilla, Lleida, Spanien. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (DN) |
Onsdag 17. marts 2004 |
| Steppevibe (Vanellus gregarius) |
1 |
Laguna Herrera, Aldealafuente, Sória, Spanien. seen here 14/3-17/3. (kilde: Rare birds in Spain) (DN) |
Søndag 14. marts 2004 |
| Lille Gulben (Tringa flavipes) |
1 |
Clot de la Unilla, Lleida, Spanien. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (MBH) |
Fredag 5. marts 2004 |
| Segland (Mareca falcata) |
1 |
male, Ricarda lagoon, Llobregat delta, Barcelona, Spanien. 3rd record for Spain if accepted. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (MBH) |
Torsdag 4. marts 2004 |
| Ørkenstenpikker (Oenanthe deserti) |
1 |
male, Estuario do Anllóns, Ponteceso, Spanien. present since 08.02.2004. Trapped on the 4th. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (MBH) |
Onsdag 3. marts 2004 |
| Lille Gulben (Tringa flavipes) |
1 |
Clot de la Unilla, Lleida, Spanien. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (DN) |
Tirsdag 2. marts 2004 |
| Bonapartemåge (Chroicocephalus philadelphia) |
1 |
adult, Bueu, Pontevedra, Spanien. (foto: ) Also seen here in january. Two birds now present in Spain. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (DN) (opdateret: 4/3 12:11 DN) |
1 |
Adult, A Guarda, Pontevedra, Spanien. One of two birds present in this area. (kilde: Rare Birds in Spain) (DN) |