Mandag 26. maj 2003 |
| Lammegrib (Gypaetus barbatus) |
1 |
2-3cy, Torup Klitplantage and Skagen, Danmark. migr. towards Sweden 16.40. Unknown origin. (kilde: DOFcall) (MBH) |
| Ringnæbbet Måge (Larus delawarensis) |
1 |
Norderhamn, Gotland, Sverige. (kilde: Club300 via Pierre Unge) (MBH) |
| Prærieterne (Sterna forsteri) |
1 |
Zwin - Knokke (België), Belgien. 1st record for Belgium if same individual as the one seen 18-19.05?. (MBH) |
| Ellekrage (Coracias garrulus) |
1 |
Frenois, prov. Luxemburg, Belgien. (kilde: (KRN) |
| Klippesvale (Ptyonoprogne rupestris) |
1 |
Lemland Lågskär bird observatory (SW-Finland), Finland. 2nd Finnish record if accepted. (kilde: (MBH) |
| Rødstrubet Sanger (Sylvia cantillans) |
1 |
Helgoland, Tyskland. (kilde: Helgoland Web) (MBH) |
| Rosenbrystet Tornskade (Lanius minor) |
1 |
Varvsbukten, Gotland, Sverige. (kilde: Club300 via Pierre Unge) (MBH) |
| Hvidkronet Spurv (Zonotrichia leucophrys) |
1 |
Dursey Sound, Co. Cork, Irland. Present since 20/5-2003. 1st Irish record!!. (kilde: http://Birdguides) (MBH) |
| Hvidkindet Værling (Emberiza leucocephalos) |
1 |
male, Villers-sur-Lesse, Belgien. (SeK) |
Søndag 25. maj 2003 |
| Amerikansk Rørdrum (Botaurus lentiginosus) |
1 |
heard booming from 22.04 PM, Bygholm Vejle, Vejlerne, Nordjylland, Danmark. (kilde: DOFcall) (MBH) |
| Tophejre (Ardeola ralloides) |
1 |
La Sauge VD, Schweiz. (set/hørt af: M.Schweizer) (kilde: (MBH) |
| Rødvinget Braksvale (Glareola pratincola) |
1 |
Niedersachsen, Tyskland. present since 24.05. (MBH) |
| Brun Løvsanger (Phylloscopus fuscatus) |
1 |
singing, Nagli Fish Ponds (E Latvia), Letland. Spring records of this species are extremely rare in WP!. (SeK) |
| Rødhovedet Tornskade (Lanius senator) |
1 |
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Tyskland. (kilde: (MBH) (opdateret: 26/5 17:57 MBH) |
Lørdag 24. maj 2003 |
| Tophejre (Ardeola ralloides) |
1 |
Witzwil BE, Schweiz. (kilde: (MBH) |
| Stribet Ryle (Calidris melanotos) |
1 |
Schleswig-Holstein, Tyskland. (foto: ) present since 18.05. (kilde: (MBH) |
| Tyndnæbbet Måge (Chroicocephalus genei) |
2 |
CdC VD, Schweiz. (foto: ) 2 Ind.; ad.; 1 Ind. grün farbberingt FKD, wohl aus Camargue; bis 18.00 Uhr.. (kilde: (MBH) |
| Palmedue (Spilopelia senegalensis) |
1 |
Decembocadura del Guadalhorce, Malaga, Spanien. Present since 16/5-2003 and a strong indication of true vagrancy to Europe!. (SeK) |
| Vestlig Middelhavsstenpikker (Oenanthe hispanica) |
1 |
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Tyskland. (foto: ) (kilde: (MBH) |
| Hvidkronet Spurv (Zonotrichia leucophrys) |
1 |
Dursey Sound, Co. Cork, Irland. Present since 20/5-2003. 1st Irish record!!. (kilde: http://Birdguides) (MBH) (opdateret: 24/5 20:59 TF) |
Fredag 23. maj 2003 |
| Dværghornugle (Otus scops) |
1 |
Unst, Shetland, Storbritannien. (SeK) |
Torsdag 22. maj 2003 |
| Amerikansk Rørdrum (Botaurus lentiginosus) |
1 |
heard booming 2.18 AM, Bygholm Vejle, Vejlerne, Nordjylland, Danmark. (kilde: DOFcall) (MBH) |
| Dværghejre (Ixobrychus minutus) |
1 |
2cy male, St. Agnes, Scilly, England. (SeK) |
| Tophejre (Ardeola ralloides) |
1 |
Ruovesi (Central-Finland), Finland. This is only the fifth record for Finland if accepted and first since 1990. (kilde: (MBH) (opdateret: 26/5 18:10 MBH) |
| Islandsk Hvinand (Bucephala islandica) |
1 |
male, Laksjøen, vestenden (Nord-Trøndelag, Lierne), Norge. Status until 2001: 1 record. (kilde: (MBH) |
| Kejserørn (Aquila heliaca) |
1 |
2-3 cy bird migrating E, Virolahti (SE-Finland), Finland. Seen from at least three different places before the bird moved to Russia. Sixth record for Finland if accepted. (kilde: (MBH) |
| Lille Gulben (Tringa flavipes) |
1 |
Ranarpsstrand, Skaane, Sverige. (kilde: Club300 via Pierre Unge) (MBH) |
| Bonapartemåge (Chroicocephalus philadelphia) |
1 |
Douglas Estuary near Cork City, Irland. (kilde: Irish Birding) (MBH) (opdateret: 26/5 18:28 MBH) |
| Kalanderlærke (Melanocorypha calandra) |
1 |
Sirbma (Finnmark, Tana), Norge. Status until 2001: 9 records. (set/hørt af: Petteri Polojärvi) (kilde: (MBH) |
| Buskrørsanger (Acrocephalus dumetorum) |
1 |
Smygedungen, Skaane, Sverige. (kilde: Club300 via Pierre Unge) (MBH) |
| Hvidstrubet Spurv (Zonotrichia albicollis) |
1 |
Stapleton Woods, Cheshire, England. (kilde: http://Birdguides) (MBH) |
Onsdag 21. maj 2003 |
| Dværgørn (Hieraaetus pennatus) |
1 |
light morph, Hamina (SE-Finland), Finland. Fourth record for Finland if accepted and first since 1993. Same as the one 18.05?. (kilde: (MBH) |
| Iberisk Gransanger (Phylloscopus ibericus) |
1 |
Dart Valley, Devon, England. (SeK) |
| Hvidkronet Spurv (Zonotrichia leucophrys) |
1 |
Dursey Sound, Co. Cork, Irland. Present since 20/5-2003. 1st Irish record!!. (SeK) (opdateret: 22/5 10:53 SeK) |
Tirsdag 20. maj 2003 |
| Tophejre (Ardeola ralloides) |
1 |
Westervoort, Gelderland, Holland. (SeK) |
| Eleonorafalk (Falco eleonorae) |
3 |
migr., Fitou, Aude, Frankrig. (SeK) |
| Dværgrørvagtel (Porzana pusilla) |
1 |
Singing male, Parikkala, Siikalahti (E-Finland), Finland. 11th record for Finland. (kilde: (MBH) |
| Bonapartemåge (Chroicocephalus philadelphia) |
2 |
Douglas estuary, Co. Cork, Irland. Multiple sightings are extremely rare in WP!. (SeK) |
| Prærieterne (Sterna forsteri) |
1 |
2cy resting in the tern colony, Lady's Island, Co. Wexford, Irland. (SeK) |
| Vestlig Middelhavsstenpikker (Oenanthe hispanica) |
1 |
ad. male, Småland - Ljungby, Sverige. (set/hørt af: Roger Karlsson) (kilde: (TF) |
Mandag 19. maj 2003 |
| Ådselgrib (Neophron percnopterus) |
1 |
Hortobagy, Ungarn. 9th record for Hungary!. (SeK) |
| Ørnevåge (Buteo rufinus) |
1 |
dark morph bird, Virolahti (SE-Finland), Finland. Seen by at least seven observers from different spots. Fifth or sixth record for Finland if accepted.. (kilde: (MBH) |
| Lille Gulben (Tringa flavipes) |
1 |
ad, Schleswig-Holstein, Tyskland. (foto: ) Present since 15/5-2003. (kilde: (SeK) (opdateret: 22/5 16:31 MBH) |
| Prærieterne (Sterna forsteri) |
1 |
Voorhaven, Zebrugge, Belgien. Present since 18/5-2003. 1st record for Belgium!. (SeK) |
| Alpesejler (Tachymarptis melba) |
1 |
Pukkila, Kantele (S-Finland), Finland. Seen by a single observer. The bird was unfortunately present only for a couple of minutes. There are only two earlier records from Finland, October 1980 and May 1989 (2 ind).. (kilde: (MBH) |
Søndag 18. maj 2003 |
| Dværgørn (Hieraaetus pennatus) |
1 |
light morph Migr. E, Hamina (SE-Finland), Finland. Fourth record for Finland if accepted and first since 1993.. (kilde: (MBH) (opdateret: 26/5 18:27 MBH) |
| Lille Tårnfalk (Falco naumanni) |
1 |
2cy male, Siikajoki (NW-Finland), Finland. Second record for Finland if accepted. The first was in Siuntio (S-Finland) in 1989.. (kilde: (MBH) (opdateret: 26/5 18:27 MBH) |
Lørdag 17. maj 2003 |
| Dværghejre (Ixobrychus minutus) |
1 |
ad male, Dungeness RSPB, Kent, England. (foto: ) (kilde: Birdguides) (MBH) |
| Rødrygget Svale (Cecropis daurica) |
1 |
Korshage, Rørvig, Sjælland, Danmark. (kilde: DOFcall) (MBH) |
| Tyknæbbet Drosselrørsanger (Arundinax aedon) |
1 |
Vaadal, Shetland, England. (foto: ) (kilde: Birdguides) (MBH) (opdateret: 17/5 13:23 TF) |