drake, Valbjófsstadarbakkar/Núpasveit, NE Iceland, Island. of the (sub)species Melanitta (f.) deglandi. 5th or 6th record for Iceland. (kilde: Birding Iceland web)(PU)
2cy female, Koylio, Finland. Longstaying individual! Present since at least January. Both this and the latter Black-throated Thrush have been present in Finland throughout the winter!. (SeK)(opdateret: 7/4 16:35 SeK)
Värmland - Ruds centrum N Karlstadsområdet, Sverige. (kilde: club 300)(TF)
resting with Bean and Whitefronted Geese, Jelgava, Letland. The first Lesser Spotted Eagle of the spring was present at the same site.. (SeK)(opdateret: 7/4 16:18 SeK)
2cy male, on a small lake in Queen Mary's Rose Gardens, Regent's Park, London, England. The bird has been seen feeding on bread and might therefore be an escape?. (SeK)(opdateret: 5/4 22:36 SeK)
2cy trying to steal prey from a Lammegeier, in the eastern part of the Pyrenees between Alta Ribagorca and Pallars Jussa Counties, Lleida, Catalonia, Spanien. A remarkable record far away from the species normal range!. (SeK)(opdateret: 13/4 22:21 SeK)
2cy, Cloverhill Lough, Co. Sligo, Irland. An unconfirmed report of a bird claimed to be of this species apparently present since 31st March!. (SeK)(opdateret: 3/4 13:41 SeK)
Regent's Park, London, England. Apparently the bird willingly feeds on bread and might therefore be an escaped cagebird!?. (kilde: http://www.birdguides.com/birdnews/daily.asp)(KRN)(opdateret: 3/4 10:21 SeK)
male (of the American race/species "americana") Resting with Common Scoters., Blåvands Huk, Jylland, Danmark. (foto: ) 1st Danish record of this American (sub)species if accepted! Present since 26/3-2003.. (SeK)(opdateret: 30/3 13:08 SeK)
male, La Massona-Llaunes area, PN Aiguamolls de l'Emporda, Girona, Spanien. Furthermore at least 10 Little Crakes have been seen at PN Aiguamolls in March. This consolidates the sites status as stronghold number 1 for the species in Spain!. (SeK)
male Seen several times during the day at Sennen Church, Sennen, Cornwall, Storbritannien. (SeK)
male (of the American race/species) seen from 7.20-, Blåvands Huk, Jylland, Danmark. (foto: ) 1st Danish record of this American (sub)species if accepted! 4th day.. (set/hørt af: MBH + 50)(MBH)(opdateret: 29/3 19:15 MBH)