2cy+, 5 nm off Minho river mouth, SW Galicia, Spanien. (foto: ) 3rd/4th record for Galicia, 9th/10th for Spain . (set/hørt af: Marcel Gil / Cory's SCCL)(kilde: Cory's twitter)(CDRC)
light morph flying W, Estaca de Bares point, N Galicia, Spanien. Previous records there: two possible on 2010 (reservoirbirds.com/Articles/RBAR_000001.pdf), one confirmed and one possible on 2011 (seawatchingestaca.com/other-birds--rarities.html) and one on 2012, all August-September. (set/hørt af: Antonio Sandoval)(kilde: Seawatching Estaca / Reservoir Birds)(CDRC)(opdateret: 1/10 09:03 CDRC)
ad., Cádiz gulf, off SW Andalucia, Spanien. Previous records in Spain in Galicia and Canary Is. (set/hørt af: Carlos Gutiérrez and others)(kilde: GIAM forum)(CDRC)
Banco de la Concepción, 65 nautic miles from Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spanien. Great photos comming soon at Reservoir Birds webpage. (set/hørt af: Dani López, Juan Sagardía, et al.)(kilde: Reservoir Birds)(FLS)
Estaca de Bares point, N Galicia, Spanien. (foto: ) 1st confirmed record for Spain! Possible individuals recorded off Estaca on 12-8-2010, 5-9-2010 (http://birdscatalonia.brinkster.net/ReservoirBirds/Articles/RBAR_000001.pdf) and 13-8-2011. (set/hørt af: D. McAdams, A. Sandoval, R. Hevia, M. Alonso, J. Gómez, T. Salazar)(kilde: Reservoir Birds)(CDRC)(opdateret: 12/9 13:26 CDRC)
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