Mainly in flocks of Horned Larks (27-30 November), Probota, Iasi, Rumænien. (foto: ) Rare species in Romania and its wintering grounds are insufficiently known. . (kilde:
Cabu Peñes, N Asturias, Spanien. (foto: ) Up to 11 birds in Asturias and Cantabria today, with 8 in a single flock at Cabu Peñes. 16 accepted records by the Spanish RC up to 2006. (set/hørt af: C. Álvarez, R. Fernández, M. T. Reigada García, X. Cortés)(kilde: Reservoirbirds)(CDRC)
Heimaey, S, Island. (foto: ) By far a record flock, very unusual !!. (set/hørt af: Ingvar A. Sigurðsson)(kilde: Birding Iceland)(YK)(opdateret: 1/9 11:53 YK)