win., Porumbacu de jos, Rumænien. (foto: ) The bird was found yesterday by a local hungarian birder, today present. This is the 3rd record for WP, 1st for Romania, if accapted.. (kilde: 22/12 21:48 GB)
The Exe Estuary, Devon, England. reportedly present again this afternoon off Exmouth fishquay though this report may be erroneous.. (kilde: RBA)(RB)(opdateret: 18/11 00:33 RB)
Dawlish Warren, Devon, England. (foto: ) present til dusk for at least its 5th day - first record for Britain (pending acceptance). (kilde: Birdguides)(SW)(opdateret: 11/11 20:20 RB)
Dawlish Warren, Devon, England. (foto: ) seen on the 7th November, identified from photos today. 1st record for Britain (pending acceptance). (kilde: RBA)(RB)
migr. south, Skogsøy, Øygarden, Western Norway, Norge. the bird was either a Marbled Murrelet Brachyramphus marmaratus or Long-billed Murrelet Brachyramphus perdix. These two species were split from each other in 1996. (kilde: EBN/Eddie Chapman)(TF)
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