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Billede information:
Fugleart: Audouinsmåge - (Ichthyaetus audouinii) - Audouin's Gull
Fugleart (IOC): Audouinsmåge (Ichthyaetus audouinii) Audouin's Gull - species factsheet
Stemme: Stemmer findes her (eksternt link).
Lokalitet: Helsingør Havn, Sjælland, Danmark
Dato: 9. juni 2006
Billede opsætning: Canon 20D, EF500mm 1:4L IS + 1.4x extender
Fotograf: Harry J Lehto, Finland
Del af temaet: Førstegangsfund for Danmark
Uploadet den: 9. juni 2006
Hits: Billedet har været vist 5763 gange.
DK List Ranking: Set af 282 ud af totalt 1510 personer!
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Harry J Lehto skriver fredag 9. juni 2006 kl. 21.00
The bird species is obvious, but what is the fish? It is not an eel. The head looks almost like that of a sea horse! Could it be some kind of a needlefish nålefisk, possibly store naedsnog (Nerophis ophidion)?

Silas Kristian Krag Olofson skriver fredag 9. juni 2006 kl. 21.48
The fish is probably a snake pipefish, which seems to have been seriously increasing for the last years. This causes a great threat to puffins, artic terne and other fish-eating birds. The fish contains very little energy and a lot of chichs are getting chewed in there long fish! Though keep the parent birds bringing this pipefish (there are serveral different species) to their chicks, because they are easily caught and common too!

You can read an article about this here:


Michael Køie Poulsen skriver fredag 9. juni 2006 kl. 22.06
I do not believe this is Nerophis ophidion or Entelurus aequoreus (Snake Pibefish) as we clearly can see the tail fin. I think it is a Syngnathus species. Probably Syngnathus acus (Greather Pipefish, Stor Tangnål). Pipefish belong to the same family as Seahorses.

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