Den hun præstekrave bør kunne bestemmes til Malaysian Plover ud fra at rygfjerene er gråbrune med brede, lyse rande. I flugten forekom den imidlertid meget lys, og vi antog en overgang af dette var en hun af - den hidtil ubeskrevne - White Faced Plover, der dog skulle have lysere og mere ensartede rygfjer. Det ret brede hvide vingebånd og de brede hvide spidser på armsvingfjerene er nævnt som karakter for White-faced Plover, men jeg har kun fundet referencer til bestemmelsen White-faced Plover/Hvidbrystet Præstekrave.
This female Malaysian Plover shows the - probably - diacnostig greyish-brown mantle feathers with pale edges compared to Kentisk and "White-faced" Plover. However, in flight the bird appeared very pale with broader white wing-bars and conspicious white trailing edge to the secondaries - characters mentioned as pro White-faced Plover towards Kentish Plover. however, in the internet I only managed to find refenerces to ID between White-faced and Kentish Plover. Can anyone out there assist with comments on identification of such pale birds from the - previous "undescribed" White-faced Plover?
Pratade med David Bakewell om din bild och han lämnade följabde kommentar, kanske inte så uttömmande men ändå.
Hilsen Jan.
Hi Jan
This is, as Klaus suggests, a female Malaysian Plover - a superb photo! White-faced can be ruled out by the length of the lateral breast patches - very short on White-faced and typically long on Malaysian, and by the two-toned crown - orange at the front, sandy at rear (White-faced is evenly coloured). Also by the toes extending beyond the tail tip.
As I don't read Dutch, I wasn't sure how to reply to Klaus' request. I'd be happy for you to forward these comments to him.
A forthcoming paper in Birding Asia will deal with the differences between White-faced and Malaysian - this is just a sneak preview!