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Billede information:
Fugleart: Gulddrossel - (Zoothera aurea) - White's Thrush
Fugleart (IOC): Nordlig Gulddrossel (Zoothera aurea) White's Thrush - species factsheet
Stemme: Stemmer findes her (eksternt link).
Lokalitet: Heuksan Do Island, Korea (Syd)
Dato: 22. april 2008
Billede opsætning: Swarovski ATS80 HD + 30 SW + CP P5000 + home rings
Fotograf: Aurélien Audevard, Frankrig
Uploadet den: 11. juni 2008
Hits: Billedet har været vist 3167 gange.
DK List Ranking: Set af 115 ud af totalt 1510 personer!
En oversigt over forekomsten af denne art i Danmark findes her: [fund oversigt].


Klaus Malling Olsen skriver onsdag 11. juni 2008 kl. 22.03
Wauw - what an amazing photo, Aurelien!
I wonder if you can write a little about the advantages and disadvantages concerning Heuksan Do and Happy Island! What size is Heuksan Do, and what possibilities are at the site for accomodation.

AUDEVARD aurélien skriver torsdag 12. juni 2008 kl. 00.10
Hi Klaus and all,

Thanks a lot for your compliment.

The island of Heuksan Do is very well situated in the South West of South Korea (you can find it on Google Earth lat : 34°40'56.68"N, long : 125°26'4.90"E). The island is at 2 hours of boat from the city of Mokpo (17,5 euros for a ticket). The island have the advantages to receive birds from Siberia, Japan, China etc.

Heuksan is a big Island (8 kilometres long by 4 kilometres wide)slightly mountainous with a town near the port (restaurants, supermarket etc.) and small villages. The small village near the Heuksan Beach Hotel : great hotel with Double room at 31 euros/per night with Refrigerator, Air conditioning etc.) is the most interesting place with a beach, Cultivated zones, gardens, small Reed bed with fresh water etc.

There is also another reed bed with a ringing station near this village.

I don't know Happy Island, but like in China if you have a bad weather in the night, you will have lot of birds in the next morning (ex : 150 little buntings in the same small cultivated field the 29/04, 17 species of waders on the beach the 27/04/2008 etc.)

People on the Island are very friendly and generous. You have to say hello to them. Ornithologist and photographers are rather rare and prefer Eocheong Island, or Gaggeo Island where the birds are more tired.

Have a good night

best regards


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