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Billede information:
Fugleart (IOC): Sydpetrel (Thalassoica antarctica) Antarctic Petrel - species factsheet
Stemme: Stemmer findes her (eksternt link).
Lokalitet: Southern Ocean - 60°S 01°W, Antarktis
Dato: 8. januar 2009
Billede opsætning: Nikon D700 & 500 mm f/4G ED VR AFS
Fotograf: Antoine Joris, Belgien
Uploadet den: 29. januar 2009
Hits: Billedet har været vist 2583 gange.


Carl Christian Tofte skriver torsdag 29. januar 2009 kl. 21.24
Den distinkt afsatte mørke forkant på vingen, de rent hvide mellem- og store dækfjer på undervingen (både hånd og arm) samt den meget smalle, mørke vingebagkant, får mig til at mene, at detteher ikke er Cape-Petrel, men Antarctic Petrel.

Rune Sø Neergaard skriver lørdag 31. januar 2009 kl. 15.06
Carl Christian suggests that the underwing fits Antarctic Petrel better than Cape Petrel.

Comments directed to pictures taken by foreign photographers should if possible be in english for the sake of the photographer.

Best wishes, Rune

Jon Lehmberg skriver lørdag 31. januar 2009 kl. 18.23
I think Carl Christian might be on to something here. I can’t find a single characteristic pointing specifically towards cape (pintado) petrel anyway.
The relatively narrow and well marked dark tail band in contrast to the completely white undertail-coverts ; the dark brown , rather than blackish , colour of the dark parts ; the uniformly narrow , rather than broadening (towards the tip) , dark terminal band to the primaries ; the total lack of dark markings in the white areas bordering dark patches (for example along the dark forewing , on the undertail-coverts and on the sides of the neck) , all indicate antarctic petrel. I also think that the dark upper part of the neck , making a dark/white diagonal border going between the throat and the forewing indicates antarctic petrel , since cape petrel has a more distinct black head in contrast to the all white sides (with some dark spots) of the neck. Of course , it would be a lot easier if the upper part was visible , but based on this picture alone , I would have to agree that this is more likely an antarctic petrel.


Antoine Joris skriver fredag 3. april 2009 kl. 21.50
Ok for me : this is an Antarctic Petrel. Both species were abundant in these waters and I have not been watchful while captioning the picture. Well done guys.


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