THANKS for the extraordinary Beautiful
colours on the wings of this bird!
I.e a DRAB Fulvus embellished by Aurora
/ early-morning light?
I am baffled by the HEAP of twigs
(Danish: KVASBUNKE!) in its bill.
Since schooldays, I believed that
birds of prey transported nest material
in their talons, as opposed to passerines
and other birds
- also learnt that vultures had relatively
weak feet...
But at least Bearded/Gypaetus is known to
elevate and drop bones (presumably grabbed
by the FEET?) to let them crash against
cliffs and make marrow accessible.
So an additional logistic VULTURINE
Is nest material (if at all needed)
commonly transported by bill ?
I saw the vultures bring twigs on several occasions, always carrying in the beak. As they have chicks in there large nests, I believe the twigs are merely for cleaning the nest.
billedet er ikke taget fra borgruinen, men fra P-pladsen foran Peñafalcon (Salto del Gitano). Begge steder gav iøvrigt rig lejlighed til at se gribbene i øjenhøjde.