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Billede information:
Fugleart: Tyknæbbet Dværgryle - (Calidris pusilla) - Semipalmated Sandpiper
Fugleart (IOC): Tyknæbbet Dværgryle (Calidris pusilla) Semipalmated Sandpiper - species factsheet
Stemme: Stemmer findes her (eksternt link).
Titel / info: adult
Lokalitet: Vestsø, Bygholm Vejle, Danmark
Dato: 16. august 2010
Billede info: Kommentarer til bestemmelsen modtages gerne.
Fotograf: Martin Lund, Danmark
Uploadet den: 16. august 2010
Hits: Billedet har været vist 4409 gange.
DK List Ranking: Set af 157 ud af totalt 1510 personer!
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Daniel Pettersson skriver tirsdag 17. august 2010 kl. 06.51
Spontaneously, this looks a lot like the Western sandpipers I am seeing right now in California.
At first sight, the long bill and rufous on the back gives me that impression. But I might be wrong.

Jørgen Peter Kjeldsen skriver tirsdag 17. august 2010 kl. 11.29
It might not be obvious in the photos, but in life the proportions of the bird were very ROUND, SHORT-NECKED and somewhat LARGE-HEADED, and also the jizz reminded some of the observers of a Broad-billed Sandpiper.
To me, that would rule out Western Sandpiper, which has more Dunlin-like jizz and proportions.
I didn't notice any rufous on the back and suspect it might be an artifact of the digiscoping technique (on a rather long distance).
However, it was not the best light conditions, so I cannot be sure (of the finer colour details).
To my best judgement, the initial identification is correct, although the bill seems a bit longish for the species. But it lies within the accepted variation, see e.g. this bird.

Ronny Malm skriver tirsdag 17. august 2010 kl. 16.53
Förutom bröstbandet, drar den lite mot denna individ som jag fotograferade 2009 vid stavstensudden.. Sen känns det som den har småsnäppans band på ryggen! Men svårt o se på bildena pga av kvalitén.

Erik Bogh Nielsen skriver tirsdag 17. august 2010 kl. 22.16
I agree with Jørgen - the shape looks good for a Semi. I even think that the bill looks fairly standard for an adult bird. Here is one that I photographed last week-end with even more of a "honker".

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