The 'NEW wave' (nouvelle vague) in bird photography
combines Action and Detail in the individual's
expression - during a pico-second.
I.e. like Best SPORTs photos!
TOMAS' shot is a fine example :
Semi-open bill, eye a bit closed, speedway-
low body while catching up his right leg...
Of course the tiny fellow, above -
C. alexandrinus - wasn't named after a heroINE,
like ELEONORA's Falcon,
but indirectly... after no less than Alexander
the Great.
In 332 b.C., Alex. founded the city Alexandria.
Then, 1758, LINNÉ had some Kentish Plovers on
his table. They were sailed to Sweden from EGYPT,
near Alexandria...
DANSK - re Hvidbrystet Præstekrave
Fuglefotografi nærmer sig hastigt de bedste
sportsfotografers: Action, ansigtsudtryk m.m.
i et picosekund!
Den lille fyr ovenfor er naturligvis IKKE
opkaldt efter en heltinde, som ELEONORAfalk,
men selveste Alexander den Store... dvs efter
HANS by: Alexandria.
De Hvidbrystede, der lå på LINNÈs bord i 1758,
kom, per sejlskib, fra Ægypten, nær Alexandria.
Smiley and big Thx to TOMAS
........... C. |