Dear Carsten,
Untill recently consiered to be conspecific with Oriolus oriolus. Seperated in "Birds of South Asia" by Rasmussen and Anderton (2005. Oriolus kundoo has among other distinguishing characteristics a longer lighter red bill, and more black behiend the eye. Vocalizations also differ.
I enjoyed Indian kundoo in the spring in
gardens and vicinity :
Enjoyable voice much like European.
NOT shy in gardens (3 m above my desk).
More agile/acrobatic - sliding and climbing
in canopy - than I've seen 'Europeans'.
ps: RASMUSSEN is hardly one of our
prime politicians, but a compatriot?
Tak, PAUL, for seneste om 'Indisk pirol'.
D. Indiske kan synes mere adræt i trækronerne
(glider ned gn. hængende løv) end vores egen.
ps: Spørgsmål om RASMUSSENs ID, re Sydasiens
fugle, 2005.
Jeg haaavde jo så småt forventet, at det
var vores ORIENTsejler-finder og -connaisseur,
¤¤¤ STIG R. ¤¤¤¤, der stod bag...
Ja, Pamela, har et fornemt CV og arbejder i
Michigan, der under den store transatlantiske
(e- & im)migration tiltrak mange danske.
Thx, MICHAEL. The family name of Asia-expert
PAMELA, in Michigan, may originate in the
former influx and nesting of Danish agrarians
in this N.amr. region.
Smil(e) ............ C.
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