Thanks, DAVID, for a Spectacular VEGA moult,
possibly unique among GULLS:
¤ Dark-Grey mantle/saddle + much White wings
¤ PURE White body Front- and Hind parts,
tipped by black/dark brown.
+ Heavy body, steady flight...
+ A stain of eye mascara
Vega i Smuk dragt m/kontraster og symmetri,
- vel unik blandt Måger.
KR / VH og TAK ............ C.
David Erterius skriver tirsdag 11. januar 2011 kl. 16.23
Thanks Carsten for your comments.
Well, I wouldn't personally say that the moult is unique. The moult pattern is quite normal for a 2nd summer large gull, but the striking, contrasting general appearance is due to the relatively worn remiges and wing coverts from the first complete moult last summer. The wear can probably be explained by the fact that this species winters quite far away to the south, where sun-bleaching etc. has quite a strong impact on the feathers.
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