Blå Kærhøg 1K. Ligner lidt Steppehøg, men hånden er for bred med 5 synlige håndsvingfjer, armen har lyst gennemgående bånd (armsvingfjer virker helt mørke hos Steppehøg - som mørkt rektangel), Steppehøg har langt tydeligere, næsten sort/hvide hovedtegninger med massivt mørkt "halstørklæde" bagved gennemgående lys halskrave der typisk er lysere end resten af undersiden. Brystet er let stribet, og burde hos Steppehøg være stort set ensartet og kraftigere orangetonet.
Peter Sunesen skriver søndag 4. september 2011 kl. 20.27
Det postuleres fra finland, at vingeformlen ikke passer og skulle ligge imellem Steppehøg og Blå Kærhøg. Dette tror jeg er svært at afgøre med sikkerher, da fuglen er fotograferet fra siden. Det påståes at undersiden er for svagt stribet til blå Kærhøg, og ligger tættere på Steppehøg. Jeg har set lignende svag stribning på en del skind af især unge hanner af Blå Kærhøg.
There are good arguments for a pure Hen. The wing formula is hard to judge in a side-vies photo, and the streaking in underbody is not too weak to fit Hen; certain males are that weakly streaked. More comments, however, are welcome - best here on the site, not on some foreign webside.
Dick Forsman skriver mandag 12. september 2011 kl. 08.45
To me this is a typical hybrid Hen x Pallid. In the huge wave of Pallids this autumn, I am aware of at least 6 well documented hybrid-type birds from Finland and Sweden, and now this one from Denmark.
These hybrids can be quite variable, and one needs to be extremely well familiarised with both Hen as well as Pallid in order to spot a hybrid. The important features to look for are the wing-formula, which is the most reliable and differs in all three, the head and neck pattern and the underwing banding.
This bird shows a nicely intermediate wing-formula, a largely Pallid-like underwing pattern(primaries as well as secondaries), while the head and breast are both intermediate. Look up pictures of juvenile Pallids and juvenile Hen, and compare the emarginations and notches on p6 and p7 (the 4th and 5th finger counting inwards) and you will see that there is a huge difference between Pallid and Hen, and that this bird fits nicely just in the middle!
Unfortunately the wing-formula cannot be readily seen in the field, but luckily so many birders walk around with cameras these days. Otherwise most of these hybrids would go undetected and be put down as just Hen or Pallid Harriers.
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