We do see quite a lot of these 3. winter birds where both the greater primary coverts and the primaries (typically p10-p8) have a brownish wash.
Are you sure this is not age-related rather than indicating ss. kumlieni? The reason for my doubt is that the greater primary coverts do not have any colour on adult Kumlien's Gulls. When they haven't got the right colour on 3.winter birds can we then expect that it's not the same thing - moult and age - that produce the colour on the primaries?
Furthermore it looks like this brownish wash is present on at least p10-p5 which is way beyond the pattern of an adult Kumlien's Gull which has dark markings on p10 to p6 at most.
Mikael Nord skriver søndag 22. januar 2012 kl. 17.24
Thank´s for the comments Silas! first of all, I commend your photos from The Faroe Islands! Fantastic learning experience!
I've posted several pictures on my own website on this bird on http://www.praktejder.se Please check out the website, which is perhaps more characters than this picture shows?
Jan Jörgensen skriver søndag 22. januar 2012 kl. 18.07