| Hi Jan
If this bird was seen i New foundland or Canada it would problable be identyfied as a pale Kumlien´s Gull, but since it is see on the Faroe Island, this is just another not spot on Island Gull, and that raise the question about these gulls we are seeing on the Faroe Island at the moment, a lot of the 2cy, 3cy and 4cy gulls layes in betveen Island Gulls and Kumlien´s Gulls.
After seen over a 1000 of these in betveen gulls at the Faroe Island, i do belive that most of these "so kalled" Kumlien´s Gulls see in Europe at the moment, could in fact just be misidentyfied dark Island Gulls.
The exelent book Gulls by Klaus Malling Olsen and Hans Larsson, states that Island Gulls have a pale yellow iris, and that they have invariably pail iris at this stage compared with Kumliens Gulls. This does not fith with several of the adult birds i have observed this january.
In David Sibley´s North American Bird Guide it says that Island Guls have a pale yellow to brownish iris, (averages paler than in Thayer´s).
So where do these birds come from ?
Do these gulls come from New Foundland and Canada, but are in fact not regesterd as Kumlien´s Gulls over there because they have a difrent wiev at the matter ?