According to "Birds of Ethiopia and Eritrea" and "Field guide to the birds of the Horn of Africa" this species is only found up to 2000 m asl.
I have seen a pair regularly at Solulta Plains (2500 m asl) in the past 3 years. They tried to breed in 2010 without success.
In late 2011 they had better luck and from January 2012 I saw them often with 2 juveniles.
They are very shy and I waited until February before taking pictures of them.
In danish:
En ungfugl fra det lokale ynglepar paa Solulta Plains. Ungerne var flyvefaerdige i januar og i februar tillod jeg mig at snige mig taet paa disse sky fugle.
Det er iovrigt ikke pga mig at fuglen her flyver.