Fugleart: |
Buskrørsanger - (Acrocephalus dumetorum) - Blyth's Reed Warbler |
Fugleart (IOC): |
Buskrørsanger (Acrocephalus dumetorum) Blyth's Reed Warbler - species factsheet |
Stemme: |
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Titel / info: |
Migrant - southern Kazakhstan |
Lokalitet: |
Konchengel village, Kasakhstan (udenfor VP) |
Dato: |
16. maj 2013 |
Billede info: |
Blyth's Reed-warbler from Konchengel village in SE Kazakhstan. Common migrant medio May - primo June. Doesnt breed in South Kazakhstan neither in Kyrgyzstan - however we think few might breed; and for sure we keep an eye for its odd cousin, the Large-billed Reed-warbler (there is one record from southern Kazakhstan)!
Common migrant but usually shy - hiding in bushes or trees, rarely seen well. This speciemen were however less shy - probably it had been busy interacting in the trees above with 4-5 other Blyth's - now it was resting and feeding, and gave excellent views.
At present Im able to hear 2 singing Blyth's in the trees outside my apartment, its 22:43 and they have been singing all evening. probably they are gone tomorrow, but new birds occur I assume.
I remember "problematic" singing birds many years ago at Øland, Sweden - at that time singing birds were rarely heard and often confused the observers. However, during my years in central Asia I rarely have problems identifying singing Blyth's sooner or later... the characteristic three-toned melodic "tri-ly-laa/loow" occurs in the song. Maybe in variants, and maybe difficult to hear, but I still have to hear an singing Blyth's not uttering the "t-l-l."
the song in generel is not difficult to seperate from other Acroccephalus-species, but at occasions the Blyth's really tries to fool the observer - or rather the "t-l-t" can be difficult to hear... especially migrants subsinging. For minutes one can stand and wait... it's a Blyth's BUT why doesnt I hear the three-noted sequence? Maybe one speciemen finally fooled me? THEN seconds later, a low but so-typically-Blyth's "t-l-l" is heard. BIG smile :)
Billede opsætning: |
Canon 500mm |
Fotograf: |
Michael Westerbjerg Andersen, Kirgisien www.miksture.com |
Uploadet den: |
1. juni 2013 |
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