Fugleart: |
Sydlig Nattergal - (Luscinia megarhynchos) - Common Nightingale |
Fugleart (IOC): |
Sydlig Nattergal (Luscinia megarhynchos) Common Nightingale - species factsheet |
Stemme: |
Stemmer findes her (eksternt link). |
Titel / info: |
ssp. golzii/hafizi |
Lokalitet: |
Kochengel village, Kasakhstan (udenfor VP) |
Dato: |
16. maj 2013 |
Billede info: |
Again of the tricky Central Asian subspecies that challenge the birders here (golzii or hafizi) and in addition an expected split in (nearest) future.
Meanwhile we enjoy it's presence in spring (breeding-migrant) and it's song. The latter is incredible loud... up to 5 kHz (as our Thrush Nightingale). It's skulky but usually occuring in less dense vegetation than T.N. hence it's song is louder heard i.m.o; with the bird placed 5 meters from the bedroom window it's quite a challenge 04:00 in the morning.
Fotograf: |
Michael Westerbjerg Andersen, Kirgisien www.miksture.com |
Uploadet den: |
5. september 2013 |
Hits: |
Billedet har været vist 1913 gange. |
DK List Ranking: |
Set af 541 ud af totalt 1510 personer! |
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