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Billede information:
Fugleart (IOC): Alfeterne (Sternula nereis) Fairy Tern ssp. nereis - species factsheet
Stemme: Stemmer findes her (eksternt link).
Titel / info: Fairy Tern; Sternula nereis ssp. nereis; juvenile and ringed bird
Lokalitet: Costal cliffs; N. Rottnest Island, WA, Australien
Dato: 6. marts 2019
Billede info: A picture on the distance - in this case the conservation restrictions made it difficult to approach the bird (and I respect that), - still feeded by the parents. To some extent this individual looked a good deal like a juvenile 'Little Tern' (also present in Australia, but not on Rottnest Island, no records ever). The parents were no doubt Fairy Terns. Compared to the scalloping of wing-feathers shown in 'The Australian Bird Guide' it looks like Little Tern - but head-shape (more rounded) gives the ID of Fairy Tern. Not easy... but since the parents with no doubt were Fairy Terns the juvenile bird here is same species as the parents. Warm recommandations to visit this island - birding is good and a lot of different landscapes - and sea/lake birding possibilities. A LOT of tourists at some occations - but still interesting and productive....
Billede opsætning: Canon 5Ds
Fotograf: Jakob Ugelvig Christiansen, Danmark
Uploadet den: 21. august 2020
Hits: Billedet har været vist 590 gange.


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