Troels Eske Ortvad Arkonagade 21, 3. tv. 1726 København V Danmark
Mobiltelefon nr.:
E-mail adresse:
teortvad at gmail dot com
Hvem er jeg?
Keen birder since childhood. In the 80s and 90s my focus was on the common and scarce birds in Copenhagen and around Zealand which were presented in the regional yearly report. After primary school I visited several bird observatories in Denmark as well as at Eilat and Falsterbo, and obtained a ringing license.
Since the mid 90s rare birds have played a still bigger role which have taken me birding and twitching across Denmark and southern Sweden. In 2005 I gave up twitching but I still have an ambition to find at least one rare bird pr. year.
Living in downtown Copenhagen I most often visit Klydesøen on Amager and various green patches around town. But, as rare birds are indeed rare near Copenhagen, I gladly go to hotspots in Jutland and to Christiansø.
Lately, I have tried to do predominately "low carbon footprint birding", meaning transportation by way of bicycle and public transport only.
I very much like birding abroad too and I have travelled widely across Europe, The Middle East, Asia, Africa, North America and Oceania. Now a days I am on "flyingless mode" (and so should you), which makes seeing rare birds a lot more interesting all of a sudden.
My most notable self-found birds in Denmark includes four firsts for the country
(plus one more awaiting revision by the rarities committee - Little Swift, 2018):