postet: 9. maj 2010 kl. 20:54 emne: Efterlyses: Billeder af fugle fra Malaysia til 1. fuglebog på malayernes eget sprog.
Hej alle I dygtige fotografer, hvis billeder vi andre glæder os over her på Netfugl.
Jeg mødte tdligere i år i Malaysia en forlægger, som arbejder på at udgive en bog (senere flere) om fuglene i Malaysia - i første omgang højlandet, især Frasers Hill.
Bogen er den første på det lokale sprog, og er et forsøg på at stimulere en spirende interesse og forståelse for betydningen af at beskytte naturen.
Bogen skrives af Mike Chong og udgives af Riz Nordin -
Riz kan kontaktes på
Her følger deres egen beskrivelse af projektet samt hvilke arter de mangler billeder af:
"The bird book is part of a series of bird books we intend to publish for the next few years. This first series focuses on the mountain birds, specifically Fraser's Hill, Malaysia. The book is a milestone in Malaysia because it is a first of its kind- that it is a local production and written in the local Malay language and targeted to the local tourists, birders, nature lovers and general public.
The bird book is an introductory for general readers with many colour pixes, covering 70 main species to be found in the hills. We are looking for some pixes of the birds to include in the book which we do not have or have limited quality and angle. Anyone kind enough to contribute an image or two would be very welcome and highly appreciated. In return, we will acknowledge the contributor or photographer in the published book. The other benefit we can offer is that the contributor will be part of history as the book, as mentioned earlier, is a milestone book project in Malaysia and one of the first of its kind."
Here's the list (A & B):
A. Bird pixes unavailable and (one or several) required:
1. Helang Hitam / Asian Black Eagle / Ictinaetus malayensis
2. Sewah oriental / Oriental Cuckoo / Cuculus saturatus