postet: 22. marts 2013 kl. 17:48 emne: Travellingbirders afløser er landet.
Efter lang tids venten,er der endelig dukket en afløser op for det hedengangne travellingbirder. Cloudbirders er navnet, og i forhold til travellingbirder er der langt flere søgefunktioner.
Der er allerede et kæmpe bibliotek, så skal sommerferien planlægges nærmere, er der nu godt med hjælp at hente.
postet: 23. marts 2013 kl. 17:58 emne: Re: Travellingbirders afløser er landet.
Alletiders - travellingbirder har jeg savnet længe, så det er fint med Har været inde og tjekke lidt idag og kan konstatere, at flere af Netfugls rapporter også er med på Cloudbirders.
Tak for tipset - læser selv rapportbasen igennem lige så meget som Netfugl.
postet: 24. marts 2013 kl. 12:27 emne: Re: Travellingbirders afløser er landet.
Der er lidt mere info om bagmændene og tankerne bag websitet på denne tråd fra birdforum, hvor det også nævnes at alt fra netfugl, club300se mm kan findes gennem cloudbirders.
postet: 5. april 2013 kl. 23:11 emne: Re: Travellingbirders afløser er landet.
Hi everyone,
a few weeks ago, a new website for world birders (CloudBirders) was launched to the public.
For many of you, this is probably old news because the word has spread quite rapidly through Facebook.
Nevertheless we thought it would be worthwhile to make a more or less formal announcement on this mailinglist - to make sure that we reach as many people as possible, and to explain how you can help to make the site better.
CloudBirders provides a large and growing database of birding trip reports, complemented with extensive search, rating and statistical features. We currently have over 9000 trip reports in the database, and we have an active team of volunteers who continue to add data into the repository. The purpose of the site is to provide a helpful resource to world birders when researching and preparing upcoming birding trips.
We've tried our best to make the site easy to use and fit for purpose.
But it is important to understand that the world birder community (you!) can really help to make the site better.
First of all, if you write a new trip report, or if you come across a trip report that isn't featured on CloudBirders yet, please do let us know, via the Submit feature on the site, via our Facebook page, or via e-mail. We do try to keep up with trip reports that are being published on the usual websites, but we appreciate it a lot if we get a direct notification when a new report pops up.
And secondly, if you're using the CloudBirders site to look for information, please use the Rating feature to give points to individual reports. This will ensure that the best reports stand out, and it should speed up the process of finding exactly what you are looking for.