adult male, Plopul, Tulcea, Rumænien. (foto: ) Found by Holmgren Tommy in a Red-footed Falcon colony. Present between 27-29 May. (set/hørt af: Holmgren Tommy)(kilde: 9/7 18:12 SJD)
female, Tórshavn, Færøerne. (foto: ) Belated news. Seen on June 24th. First for the Faroes if accepted.. (set/hørt af: Selma Mc Intosh)(SiO)(opdateret: 10/7 18:36 MBH)
2cy male, Tophill Low, East Yorkshire, England. (foto: ) present for its 32nd day on 15/10/08; no news/no sign since - identified from photographs despite being seen by many observers during its stay. (kilde: RBA)(RB)
ad. male, Kläckeberga, Småland, Sverige. (foto: ) At least 300 birders was waiting for the bird to show up this morning. The French record of a bird taken into care seems to develop. After release, the bird was seen in England and later found dead in Scotland!. (kilde: DOFcall via Pierre Unge)(MBH)(opdateret: 1/7 11:24 MBH)
ad. male, Kläckeberga, Småland, Sverige. Following recent records from Italy and a male taken into care in the 80's in France. The latter just recently re-identified from photos. (kilde: DOFcall via Pierre Unge)(MBH)(opdateret: 1/7 00:48 MBH)
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