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Picture search criteria:
Bird species (IOC): Common Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) - species factsheet
Pictures ordered by: Picture date (descending)

Of a total of 76088 pictures in this gallery, the following 150 complied with the search criteria above:

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Picture: Information: Com.: Date: Hits:
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago)
Location:Mandø, Denmark
Photographer:Eva Foss Henriksen, Denmark
- 13-10-2011 1847
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago)
Location:Nørreådalen, Denmark
Photographer:Tonny Ravn Kristiansen, Denmark
- 01-09-2011 1842
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago)
Location:Jerup Strand, Denmark
Photographer:Henrik Pedersen, Denmark
- 03-08-2011 1774
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago)
Title / info:Dobbelt bekkasin i fin stil !
Location:Borreby, Denmark
Photographer:John Pedersen, Denmark
- 09-07-2011 2212
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago)
Location:Vestjylland, Denmark
Photographer:Erik Biering, Denmark
- 08-05-2011 2730
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago)
Title / info:Bekkasiner i flok
Location:Borreby, Denmark
Photographer:John Pedersen, Denmark
- 18-04-2011 2128
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) ssp. faeroeensis
Location:Sørvágur / Vágar, Faeroes Islands
Photographer:Rodmund á Kelduni, Faeroes Islands
- 30-11-2010 2915
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) ssp. faeroeensis
Title / info:Dobbelt- og Enkeltbekkasin i skumringen
Location:Sørvágur / Vágar, Faeroes Islands
Photographer:Rodmund á Kelduni, Faeroes Islands
- 30-11-2010 3060
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) ssp. gallinago
Title / info:med varierende undervinger
Location:Ballum, Denmark
Photographer:Eva Foss Henriksen, Denmark
- 05-09-2010 2463
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) ssp. gallinago
Location:Ballum, Denmark
Photographer:Eva Foss Henriksen, Denmark
- 05-09-2010 1722
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) ssp. gallinago
Title / info:Bekkasin i morgenlys
Location:Ørum Sø, Nordvestjylland, Denmark
Photographer:Hans Henrik Larsen, Denmark
- 05-09-2010 1958
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) ssp. gallinago
Location:Borreby mose, Denmark
Photographer:Lars Rostgaard, Denmark
- 26-07-2010 2053
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) ssp. gallinago
Location:Borreby mose, Denmark
Photographer:Lars Rostgaard, Denmark
- 26-07-2010 1970
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) ssp. gallinago
Title / info:Morgentoilette
Location:Skjern Enge, Denmark
Photographer:Bo Tureby, Denmark
- 17-07-2010 1929
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) ssp. faeroeensis
Title / info:Territoriehævdende i det grå modlys
Location:Søområdet SØ for Saudarkrokur, Iceland
Photographer:Steen E. Jensen, Denmark
- 03-07-2010 2113
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) ssp. faeroeensis
Title / info:Territoriehævdende
Location:Djupalonssander, Iceland
Photographer:Steen E. Jensen, Denmark
- 01-07-2010 1950
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) ssp. faeroeensis
Location:Sandur, Faeroes Islands
Photographer:Silas K.K. Olofson, Faeroes Islands
- 20-06-2010 1710
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) ssp. faeroeensis
Location:Sandur, Faeroes Islands
Photographer:Silas K.K. Olofson, Faeroes Islands
- 20-06-2010 1903
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) ssp. gallinago
Location:Øland, Sweden
Photographer:Erik Biering, Denmark
- 24-05-2010 2337
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) ssp. faeroeensis
Location:Høfn, Iceland
Photographer:John Larsen, Denmark
- 30-04-2010 1688
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago)
Title / info:Der bliver gået dybt med det næb
Location:lago di massaciuccoli, Italy
Photographer:Nicki Sørensen, Denmark
- 28-01-2010 1962
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago)
Title / info:Off piste
Location:Rødby, Denmark
Photographer:Steen E. Jensen, Denmark
- 23-01-2010 2334
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago)
Title / info:Vinterbekkasin
Location:Sønder Harritslev, Nordjylland, Denmark
Photographer:Hans Henrik Larsen, Denmark
- 20-01-2010 1913
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago)
Location:Øland, Sweden
Photographer:Erik Mølgaard, Sweden
- ??-??-2010 1740
Bird species: iocCommon Snipe (Gallinago gallinago)
Location:Sørvágur / Vágar, Faeroes Islands
Photographer:Rodmund á Kelduni, Faeroes Islands
- 25-12-2009 1858

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Please note: that all images are copyrighted and cannot be reproduced in any way without permission from the photographers.

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