Jørgen Munck skriver onsdag 2. april 2008 kl. 16.26
Its not a Garganey, but?
Uffe Jensen skriver onsdag 2. april 2008 kl. 19.22
A hybrid - Garganey and pintail???? The head markings look like those of garganey, but it's much too big and longish.
There is also Pacific black duck Anas superciliosus, that looks remotely like it: http://photogallery.canberrabirds.org.au/images/Duck_Pacific_Black_Harris.jpg
I don't think this is a hybrid.
I think it as a domestic Mallard.
The greenish gloss on the birds back as well as the long tail may at first glance indicate influence from Muscovy Duck, but both features are actually quite common in domestic Mallards.
Captive-held Mallards come in all shapes and sizes and although they may look absolutely ludicrous they are rarely a product of hybridisation between different species.
I agree with Lars that this bird is most likely a hybrid between Mallard and Muscovy Duck. I fact I am quite sure on this.
And as Lars notes: This hybrid is very common in captivity, especially in France, Central and Eastern Europe.
When many captive held 'Mallard-ducks' have the mentioned greenish gloss on the back and shoulders, it is exactly because of the very wide distribution of this hybrid in captivity.
Most meatducks sold as berbery ducks (berberiænder) are such hybrids.
One of us has smoked something we shouldn't have smoked!
(and I don't think it's me this time!?)
Hybrids are birds with parents of different species.
Surely Barbaryducks aren't all hybrids between Mallards x Muscovy Ducks!?
That would mean that a whole industry was dependent on Muscovy Ducks and Mallards continuously interbreeding. Not very likely, right?
The green gloss on the backs of domestic ducks (Mallards) may possibly originate from some ancient crossbreeding between the two species (in my world it would actually seem logic). It is however very difficult to say for sure as Domestic Mallards truly come in all shapes and sizes as well as different colours. To call these variations "hybrids" surely must be wrong, as it is very unlikely that these birds have parents of different species.
That's exactly the same link, Lars Michael mentioned above.
None of the birds look like the Turkey-bird.
I still favour a domestic Mallard and I wonder why you and Lars Michael are so convinced the bird is a hybrid?
There is a lot of manipulating going on when it comes to domestic poultry. Doves, chickens and ducks have been manipulated for many generations and some of them look really silly - but that doesn't make them hybrids....
Hybriden Gråand x Moskusand (med alle forældrearternes forskelligartede og bizare fangensskabsformer) er formentlig den mest variable andehybrid der findes.
Prøv evt. også at google 'canard mulard' eller 'mule duck'.
What do you know - there is an industry based on hybridisation between Muscovy Duck and Mallard (the smoker was apparently me...).
"Canard Mulard" is apparently the name for this type of hybrid.
I have now "googled" pretty much all the "Canard Mulards" on the internet. None of them looked anything like the bird from Turkey.
I got to ask you guys again. Do you base your ID on any kind of experience (personal or internet-based?) or do you just cling to the theory that Muscovy duck must be one of the parents in order to produce a Domestic Mallard with greenish gloss?
By the way - hybrids between Mallard and Muscovy Ducks normally show a more massive head and a shorter and thicker Muscovy-like neck. Red skin around the bill and eye are also common features (though not always present)
as well as a more powerfull body.
The Turkey-birds slender neck and elongated body does not indicate influence from Muscovy Duck. Further more the internet does not seem to have any photos of hybrids with such a pale eyestripe. In fact hybrids rarely show paler eyestripes.
Halepartiet og vingelængden set i forhold til halen kan også tages som indikation på Moskusand, der netop har langt haleparti i forhold til korte vinger. Hvordan en hybrid mellem to så forskelligartede og variable arter som Gråand og Moskuand falder ud er meget uforudsigeligt. Det gælder også spørgsmålet om øjenstriben.
Især kunne det dog være rart at vide noget om fuglens størrelse: Større eller mindre end Gråand?
Da der åbenbart er tvivl om bestemmelsen, er den foreløbig flyttet til dette tema i stedet for 'hybrider', da den ikke kan stå under to temaer.