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Billede information:
Fugleart: Hvid Vipstjert - (Motacilla alba) - White Wagtail
Fugleart (IOC): Hvid Vipstjert (Motacilla alba) White Wagtail - species factsheet
Stemme: Stemmer findes her (eksternt link).
Titel / info: 'ino'
Lokalitet: Pori, Finland
Dato: ? ? 2008
Billede opsætning: Canon 1DMkIII, EF500mm+1.4x
Fotograf: Harry J Lehto, Finland
Del af temaet: Farvemutationer m.m.
Uploadet den: 15. juli 2008
Hits: Billedet har været vist 2847 gange.
DK List Ranking: Set af 1238 ud af totalt 1510 personer!


Anni og Peter Nielsen skriver tirsdag 15. juli 2008 kl. 09.14
Klik på linket under billedet af hættemågen, så kommer Knud Flensteds fortræffelige artikel frem:


Harry J Lehto skriver onsdag 16. juli 2008 kl. 08.04
thanks for reminding of that article. Maybe I should point out that the original and longer English version was published in Dutch Birding, 28(2), 78-89, 2006 and written by Hein van Grouw. Reading it carefully I noticed that I should also reread the paper carefully and update the types of the color forms on my color web page ;-)

After years of searching for albinos, I have now seen 4 birds which I consider albinos. They were all white and had red eyes. (Domestic pigeon in Reykjavik, Common Buzzard at Gevninge and these two Finnish birds - wagtail and robin).

Seeing the red eye in the wagtail and robin was an interesting experience. It appeared black from many directions, but from a suitable direction the eye flashed bright orangish red. Something I have never seen in "normally colored" birds. The apparently bad eye sight of the albinos could explain why these birds appear so tame - the wagtail was "tame" when alone, but very wary when in a flock. The robin, which was alone, was on a gravel road, and hopped directly towards me down to a distance of about 4 meters without apparently seeing me. Note that both these birds are clearly juveniles, which is sort of expected.


Peter Sunesen skriver fredag 15. januar 2010 kl. 17.57
Hi Harry,

Continuing your line of thinking I find it unlikely that the adult very white Common Buzzard seen at Gevninge during several years was/is an albino.
Much more likely a leucistic bird.
Have you seen photos where the eye is undoubtedly red ?


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